Chapter 87

The two looked at each other wordlessly.

At this time, more and more people came up to the third floor. Seeing that they were about to walk to the biggest private room in Zuihualou, Kong Qing suddenly stretched out his hand outside the railing——

Li Xuanxuan felt the fluctuation of spiritual power in an instant.

She couldn't help looking over, and saw that the giant hourglass in midair stopped passing in an instant, and the next moment——


The giant hourglass burst open and turned into pieces of petals. They floated up and down in mid-air, but did not fall for a long time.

All around, the voice of discussion gradually rose.

Even the distinguished guests who were originally sitting in the room on the second and third floors couldn't help but come out.

Li Xuanxuan looked back at Kong Qing, and after Kong Qing smiled at her, she rose into the air, and stepped on the railing to reach the mid-air in an instant.


Together with the voices with hidden spiritual power, all the voices on the field were suppressed.

At this time, the two immortal cultivators on each floor of Zuihualou also came to the railing, their faces were serious, and they looked like they were ready for battle.

At this moment, Su Wen on the second floor heard that she also had a truce with Xie San, and turned to the railing on the second floor. She looked up at Kong Qing who was high above, and whispered to herself:
"Is it really her?"

Xie San followed closely behind Su Wen. When he saw this scene, he couldn't help asking: "What's wrong?"

Xie San didn't wait for Su Wen's answer, so he waited for Kong Qing to say:

"In the past, thanks to everyone's love, participation or publicity, this made Zuihualou's fifteen nights every month so lively!"

"My lord, Sai Yaoxian! I am very grateful for this!"

As soon as the word "Sai Yao Xian" appeared, the noisy voices on the field resounded again, and even the distinguished guests on the second and third floors couldn't help talking in a low voice.

But the eyes of these people all went to Kong Qing's face.

They were naturally curious about what the legendary 'Sai Yao Xian', who never showed his true face, looked like?

It's a pity that the other party didn't know what method or what kind of treasure they used to make their face look blurred, so that they couldn't be seen at all.

As for Kong Qing's words, the more he spoke, the louder his voice became, and the aura of his whole body gradually became stronger:


"Sai Yaoxian finally found his destined person!"

"Starting from this month, Zuihualou will no longer hold this flower show, and there will be no quota for monthly consultations."

"From now on, the Zuihualou will be cleared, please leave on your own!"

As soon as Kong Qing said this, like a stone stirring up a thousand waves, everyone's voices became louder and louder, and then someone in the top shouted loudly:
"How do you prove that you are the 'Sai Yao Xian'?!"

Prove yourself that you are yourself, this should be an all-time difficult problem.

But right now, this remark received the response of most people. In the confusion, someone asked loudly: "Who is the 'destined person'? How did he find out? Please explain!"

"Yes, yes, even if we lose, we should understand the loss!"

"That's right! It can't be that there is something shady!"

A few scattered loud voices together instantly aroused everyone's emotions.

After all, the fact is the same, the game is over before they even have time to start, how can they accept it?
"Hand over the predestined person! Explain the truth!"

"Hand over the predestined person! Explain the truth!"

"Hand over the predestined person! Explain the truth!"


In just a few breaths, people shouted and demonstrated everywhere on the first floor, second floor, and third floor.

Most of these people were originally on the first floor, but Li Xuanxuan also saw that those on the second and third floors were also indulging their subordinates to shout.

After slowly looking around, Li Xuanxuan was about to look away, but there was a small sound behind her, even if she didn't turn around, Li Xuanxuan knew who it was.

Xie Shixun looked ahead and asked indifferently, "Are you afraid?"

Li Xuanxuan shook her head.

It's not that I'm afraid, it's just that the development of things is somewhat unexpected.

"Li Xuanxuan, don't be afraid, and don't blame yourself. After all, everyone here is just pawns."

Li Xuanxuan turned to look at Xie Shixun, "What are you talking about?"

Why, she can't understand?
Xie Shixun didn't make another sound, just sat in the wheelchair, and didn't even change the direction of his gaze.

Spiritual power surged again.

Li Xuanxuan turned around to look again, and even leaned on the railing slightly forward, and saw a few people in the crowd who were picked up by Kong Qing by the neck.

Li Xuanxuan knew that Kong Qing was an immortal cultivator, but except for that night, she never saw him attack again.

Goodbye now, but it is completely different from when we first met.

This made her hold her breath a little.

And Kong Qing, who was still in the air, lifted these people up a little bit, then snorted softly: "Qingyuzong, it really only does this kind of secret action."

As soon as the words were finished, "Crack!" "Crack!" "Crack!" crisp sounds sounded one after another, followed by several "Bang!", "Bang!", "Bang!"

Those people were thrown away at will after their necks were broken.

When Li Xuanxuan looked down, Kong Qing seemed to be looking this way, and Xie Shixun slowly raised his eyes.

He knew that Kong Qing was looking at him.

The eyes of the two met in mid-air. At that moment, it was like lightning and sparks, but it dissipated in an instant, leaving no traces.

Kong Qing looked away, and Xie Shixun also lowered his eyes.

On the other hand, Kong Qing's gesture of doing something without saying a word scared some people and angered some people.

Those who were frightened were already thinking of retreating, but when they were about to retreat quietly, they found that there was always someone blocking their way unintentionally or intentionally.

Before they got angry, another group of people were already furious, and they pushed forward while cursing...

Now, everyone is pushing towards the middle.

Kong Qing was in mid-air, seeing all of this clearly, his eyes gradually overflowed with a sharp cold light, and the corner of his mouth soon sneered, and he raised his hand, revealing the Kong Qingshi on his wrist. , and speak slowly:
"I gave you a chance, since you don't want to leave, then stay forever."

As soon as the words fell, majestic spiritual power poured out from him centered on himself, and they swept across the entire building violently!

The only few exceptions are where Li Xuanxuan, Su Wen are located, and the staff of Zuihualou.

Xie Shixun and Xie San were naturally ignored because they followed Li Xuanxuan and Su Wen.

Besides these people, those who were originally booked on the second and third floors still had some strength to resist, but most of the others were directly knocked down to the ground.

Even the petals in the air were crushed into powder.

After Kong Qing made this move, he didn't stop, his voice sounded again soon, there was only one simple word, but it was inexplicably frightening!


As soon as these words fell, the power of Zuihualou hidden in the dark also appeared in an instant.

Li Xuanxuan looked around, and only then did she realize that there are so many immortal cultivators here.

And soon, the entire Zuihualou was filled with the sound of drinking and killing, crying, begging for mercy, but more, it was the sound of swords clashing.

Li Xuanxuan couldn't help but look downstairs, it was the place with the most mortals, and they were all unarmed!
Kong Qing even killed them all?

Why? !

Li Xuanxuan couldn't help tightening her hand gripping the railing.

Xie Shixun seemed to see her intention to go down, and said at the right time: "This Zuihualou has already set up an enchantment outside."

Li Xuanxuan looked back at him again: "What do you mean?"

This time, Xie Shixun finally looked Li Xuanxuan squarely: "Tonight, no one can get out here."

Li Xuanxuan opened her eyes slightly: "You knew it from the moment you came in?"

Li Xuanxuan had already seen Xie Shixun's mastery of the magic circle, so she didn't need to wait for Xie Shixun's answer, as she already knew the answer in her heart.


At this moment, she seemed to know the reason why Kong Qing did this.

Maybe it's to protect his true face, maybe it's to protect her, the so-called destined person... But, no matter what, those ordinary people shouldn't be implicated, right?

Without thinking about it, Li Xuanxuan took out the plum blossom fan, put her hand on the railing and walked towards the first floor.

It's just that before she even hit the ground, she was hugged by Kong Qing by the waist.

Unlike the last time by the river, Li Xuanxuan turned the plum blossom fan in her hand this time and walked towards his abdomen!


Kong Qing blocked it easily.

Li Xuanxuan's mind moved, and she wanted to take apart the plum blossom fan and attack, but Kong Qing seemed to have predicted all her actions!

The other end of the plum blossom fan was held tightly by him, and he couldn't pull it out at all.

Li Xuanxuan raised her left hand instead, and directly slashed towards Kong Qing!

At this moment, Li Xuanxuan was focusing all her attention on breaking free from Kong Qing's imprisonment, so she didn't notice that when her left hand struck towards Kong Qing, Kong Qing's expression changed instantly!
From being careless to not daring to underestimate!
After several considerations, Kong Qing finally let go of her right hand that was gripping the plum blossom fan, and raised her hand to block Li Xuanxuan's left hand.

The touching of hands is nothing more than a collision of bodies.

But Li Xuanxuan's plum blossom fan, which was released, hit his abdomen at the same moment.Even Kong Qing's cultivation was higher than Li Xuanxuan's, so she couldn't help but bow down at this moment.

In the process, the two finally fell to the ground.

Li Xuanxuan didn't have time to explore why Kong Qing suddenly let go, she just pushed Kong Qing away quickly, and when she was about to save the non-cultivators on the field——

On the first floor, all mortals have collapsed.

Li Xuanxuan's expression couldn't help but change.

But before she could say anything, a small group of people gathered on the other side, and then a familiar voice sounded:
"If people in this world know the 'Sai Yao Xian' who knows benevolence and benevolence, he is actually a murderous devil. I don't know if he will still flock to you?"

The person who spoke slowly walked out from the crowd.

Li Xuanxuan couldn't help squinting her eyes: "Wen Xian?"

"It's me!" Wen Xian responded generously, "Miss Xuanxuan, long time no see, for the sake of our never having a real enmity, as long as you step aside now, I will spare your life!"

"What? You want to use force to snatch the 'Sai Yao Xian'?" Li Xuanxuan still remembered the poison on their father and son, so she could more or less guess what they wanted to do.


Wen Xian shook his head, "No need."

"Miss Xuanxuan doesn't seem to really understand 'Sai Yao Xian'?" Wen Xian smiled, and at the moment he doesn't mind popularizing it for Li Xuanxuan: "Do you know why 'Sai Yao Xian' is not 'Sai Yi Xian' or 'Sai Yi Xian'?" "Sai Shenxian" but "Sai Yaoxian"?"

"Because ah-"

"The real power of 'Sai Yao Xian' lies in the pills it makes!"

"Even if it is the same prescription, its efficacy can be doubled, tripled, ten times, or even a hundred times in the hands of the 'Sai Yao Xian'!"

"That's why he is called 'Sai Yao Xian'!"

Li Xuanxuan frowned slightly, "So? What do you want to do?"

"Of course he wants all the pills in his hand!"

Wen Xian spoke so shamelessly that Kong Qing couldn't help but stepped forward and scolded: "I don't have much ability, but my tone is quite loud!"

"Oh it's you?"

Wen Xian looked at Kong Qing in surprise, "Unexpectedly, you are the 'Sai Yao Xian'?!"

Li Xuanxuan was a little strange when she heard this, so she turned her head to look at the person next to her, but she could see Kong Qing's facial features clearly at this moment.

For some reason, the uneasiness in her heart became heavier.

Probably because of what Xie Shixun said just now, plus Kong Qing would take the initiative to show others, I am afraid that he is really not going to keep alive.

Seeing Li Xuanxuan's expression, Kong Qing couldn't help laughing, "They're just ants, so it's worth frowning for them?"

After Wen Xian heard this, he couldn't help but return: "Ants can also erode elephants. Don't underestimate the 'Sai Yao Xian'!" After speaking, he immediately shouted: "Sovereign, what are you waiting for?"

Soon, many people jumped down from the second and third floors one after another. As soon as they landed, they spread out, surrounding Kong Qing and Li Xuanxuan in the center.

And the last person who fell from the upstairs landed firmly in front of the two of them. I saw that this person had a long beard. He stroked the beard with one hand and held a string of beads in the other. Looking at Kong Qing, he said:

"'Sai Yaoxian', it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. I am the master of Qingyu Sect, Ding Zheng!"

"Hmph, Qingyu Sect?"

After Kong Qing snorted, she said ferociously: "Why are you called Qingyu?!"

"It's just in time, since you're here, you don't need to go back!"

The members of the Qingyu Sect may be puzzled after hearing this, but Li Xuanxuan immediately thought of Kong Qing's name——

Qing Shenyu!
Isn't it, just because of this, the sect is going to be destroyed?

Kong Qing understood Li Xuanxuan's eyes, and couldn't help but glance at her lightly, "In your heart, is this the kind of person I am?"

Li Xuanxuan: "..."

Maybe not before tonight, but after tonight, it's almost the same.

Probably because he understood Li Xuanxuan's unspoken words, Kong Qing laughed angrily, "Do you know how many people the Qingyu Sect kills every year? How many things are looted?"

Li Xuanxuan was silent.

She knew that Wen Xian, Wen Yi and his son were not good people.

The Qingyu Sect might also have something to do with the Qinghe Chengqin Mansion, but she really didn't know about their other crimes, and at the same time, she didn't want to know.

Kong Qing wanted Li Xuanxuan to know: "I've seen them upset for a long time!"

"It's just right now, and it can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people!"

After Ding Zheng heard this, the beads in his hand spun extremely fast, but he didn't try to be brave, and he didn't try to be the first. Instead, he yelled upstairs:

"Everyone, since we have formed an alliance, please hurry up and fight!"

(End of this chapter)

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