Chapter 101
The treasurer's heart is broken.

Why did the rumored crazy criticizing the prince suddenly become so polite?

It's okay to be polite, why do you salute Feng Minsheng?
That is the prince, the existence above tens of thousands of people.

His Majesty the Emperor himself said that the Crown Prince's status is higher than his.

Just salute a farmer so obediently?
His Royal Highness's madness has been cured?

The shopkeeper's legs were trembling, and it was completely difficult to accept the "serious" appearance of His Highness the Crown Prince.

His heart is broken!

"Why are you here?"

Feng Minsheng didn't know that Chen Yu was the boss here.

Chen Yu paused, "Come here for dinner."

Mr. Feng came to sell the formula, it must be because the family is short of money.

In this case, it is regarded as not knowing, and the formula is recycled at a high price.

It can be regarded as secretly helping.

When it was less than [-] taels, he smashed walnuts with Yuxi to make amends to Xiaojin.

He has so much silver, it is not difficult to give someone a silver note of one hundred and eighty thousand!
After all, he has already made a private decision with Xiao Jin for life.

It doesn't matter how much money you spend on recipes.

The formula was not given to others, nor was the silver.

Fertilizer water does not flow into the field of outsiders!
"Master Feng, are you satisfied with the price just mentioned?"

The shopkeeper was nervous and wiped the sweat that had oozed from his forehead, but he was suddenly relieved.

Fortunately, I didn't directly say that His Royal Highness is the owner.

"Satisfaction is quite satisfactory, but the money given is too much, why not just 2000 taels!"

Feng Minsheng's expression did not change, he was clearly talking to the shopkeeper, but he was looking at Chen Yu's face.

He had already guessed it.

It's better to sell it directly, there is nothing embarrassing about it.

2000 taels is indeed a lot of silver, but it is really worth the price.

After one or two years, the capital will definitely be recovered, and all the rest will be profits.

If he hadn't been in a hurry to spend money, he might not have sold this recipe.

It is also the man's self-esteem that is at work, and he doesn't use the banknote in the girl's space because the banknote was given by Chen Yu.

And now, he sold the formula to Chen Yu, and it was still Chen Yu's silver ticket.

The mood is different.

"I think this recipe is a priceless treasure. 20,000 taels of silver is definitely worth it. Even if we sign a sales agreement, Master Feng can continue to sell thirteen incense sticks in the future."

The shopkeeper's surname is Lin.

Probably the surname Lin is not normal.

For example, the magistrate of this county is surnamed Lin, and now he has no interest in official duties, and he seldom does anything that involves corruption or breaking the law.

I don't know what kind of stimulation I did, and I hang out with beggars on the street every day.

The shopkeeper is also surnamed Lin.

Although his surname is Lin, he can be called contemporary Lao Zhou.

The properties of skinning can be seen at a glance.

Squeeze the rest time of the subordinates, and deduct wages at will.

The most speechless thing is that everyone is asked to come to the store to cook before dawn, and they start to rest in the middle of the night.

And I firmly believe that my thinking is right, and the business is getting better and better under my leadership.

I do almost everything by myself. If the boss is not here and I don't know the relationship between Feng Minsheng and the boss when I buy the formula this time, the money will be very low.

He would be ashamed if he failed to reduce the formula to nothing, and then lowered it to less than 200 taels of silver!

Now, for the first time, I desperately raised the silver.

It's also transgender!

"2000 taels is fine, I only charge that much."

Feng Minsheng believes that his formula is worth 20,000 taels, and can even be called a priceless treasure, which will change thousands of families in the entire feudal dynasty in the future.

They'll find that the seasoning turns dull greens into something delicious.

Life is only for appetite, a good seasoning is enough to lead an era.

The reason why Feng Minsheng only needs 2000 taels is also very simple, it's not because he loves Chen Yu's money.

But if Chen Yu gave too much, when Chen Yu stole the cabbage, he would be too embarrassed to beat someone up!
One size is one size, the formula is a matter of the formula, and beating people is the business of Xiaojin and her handsome father!


Shopkeeper Lin saw that Feng Minsheng was so stubborn, so he didn't dare to talk too much.

This is the existence that can make His Royal Highness salute.

"The 2000 taels silver is a little less, but if you want it, please listen to it! If you have other recipes, you can sell them to this restaurant, no matter what the recipe is."

When Chen Yu spoke gently, he almost gave Feng Minsheng the key to his warehouse.

Not to mention the formula for selling thirteen incense, even a blank piece of paper is worth 2000 taels of silver.

"I only sell this recipe."

Feng Minsheng shook his head, after he bought the mountain, the remaining few hundred taels of silver he had saved could be used as a shop.

You can also gradually increase your income.

In a few years' time, the total assets will definitely exceed that of Prince Dog!

"Xiao Jin, isn't she here?"

Chen Yu moved his fingers slightly, and glanced behind Feng Minsheng for the nth time, but he didn't see the person he wanted to see.

"Come on, let's eat in the kitchen!"

When Feng Minsheng mentioned this, he became angry.

Isn't the food he cooks delicious?

Or is it that her handsome old father is not as good-looking as a cook who weighs a few hundred pounds?
Why do you like eating food cooked by other cooks so much?
Feng Minsheng firmly refused to admit that he was jealous.

And decided to let Fengjin write the periodic table of elements silently after going back, the kind with Chinese characters!

"You talk, I'll come when I go."

Chen Yu cupped his hands at Feng Minsheng again, and before Feng Minsheng could speak, he raised his foot and walked outside.

He came to this restaurant to bring some delicious food to Feng's house.

By the way, stay at Feng's house for one, two, three, four, five or six hours.

As soon as you come here, you can smell the strong smell of thirteen incense in the air.

Recognized the source of this seasoning.

Yesterday, he and his husband grind thirteen incense until midnight and are very sensitive to this smell.

Before he had time to ask clearly, Feng Minsheng came in, somewhat embarrassing.

"Wait a minute, I'll get you a bank note right now!"

Shopkeeper Lin respectfully poured Feng Minsheng a cup of tea, and then ran downstairs with small steps.

Without delay at all, he ran directly to the counter.

The 2000 taels bank note is all of Yulou's savings.

Shopkeeper Lin didn't hesitate at all, grabbed the silver ticket and walked upstairs, directly into the box where Feng Minsheng was.

What shopkeeper Lin didn't notice was that he left in such a hurry, holding the bank notes in his hand, the thick stack was really eye-catching.

A sneaky figure did not line up outside, but secretly looked upstairs in the store.

Especially when he saw shopkeeper Lin walking upstairs with a stack of bank notes, his eyes widened.

"Why did Feng Minsheng come here, and why did this person go up with a bank ticket?"

A hint of doubt flashed in Feng Xiaolian's eyes, but the stack of bank notes was always in her mind.

There are so many bank notes, I don't know what denomination they are, even if they are five taels of silver, there must be hundreds of taels of silver no matter what!
Feng Xiaolian rolled her eyes, she didn't just turn around and leave, instead she stood in an inconspicuous place and kept looking at the box where Feng Minsheng was.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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