Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 102, 1 must be very interesting

Chapter 102, it must be very interesting

Less than a quarter of an hour.

Feng Minsheng wrote down the formula of Thirteen Fragrances, and wrote down the production process to shopkeeper Lin in detail, and explained it again.

It doesn't matter if you write or not.

Their boss is very familiar with the production process, and they worked until midnight last night!

Given that the 2000 taels of silver came relatively easily, Feng Minsheng's handwriting was quite neat.

Knowing that Chen Yu was looking for his daughter, he didn't want to stay with the shopkeeper any longer.

Shopkeeper Lin is proficient in interpersonal communication.

But in an instant, he understood that His Royal Highness just went down to find a girl.

And his task is to hold back the old father in front of him.

He used all his strength and even pretended to be stupid.

Pretending not to understand, let Feng Minsheng explain a few more times.

After exhausting all the tricks, it only took a quarter of an hour.

Feng Minsheng put a stack of banknotes in his sleeve.

100 taels of silver, a total of twenty, say thick or not, say thin or not.

Putting it in the sleeves, it barely bulges up a little, which can be seen by others.

"How long does it take to brew the concoction you just mentioned? Is it in water?"

Shopkeeper Lin immediately chased after him, almost dragging Feng Minsheng with his hands, his face still looked a bit confused.

The processing of medicinal materials is not to be soaked in water, but to turn the wet herbs into something that can be stored.

"Soak for ten days and half a month, as long as you are happy."

Feng Minsheng knew that he was delaying time, so he said this on purpose.

The process has already been written out, just find anyone who can read and read it.

"Okay, I'm going to buy herbs now, let's go to the first step, Master Feng together?"

Shopkeeper Lin nodded with his neck stuck, and even ran in front of Feng Minsheng, blocking his way.

Time wasting, he was really serious.

"You go by yourself, the money and the goods are both paid, and there is no debt to each other."

Feng Minsheng waved his hand, spared shopkeeper Lin, and stepped faster.

"Hey, hey, don't go! We haven't had a good chat yet!"

Shopkeeper Lin quickly caught up with Feng Minsheng, if there were not too many people eating in the lobby, he really wanted to hug Feng Minsheng's thigh and not let him go.

Feng Minsheng's face darkened.

Pretending not to hear the shopkeeper's words, she just wanted to hurry up and take care of her little cabbage.

The two quickly passed through the bustling lobby.

I didn't notice at all that there was a woman standing in a corner.

Feng Xiaolian looked at the two men who just walked past with surprise.

One of the men was her former wimpy second brother, who could be bullied by anyone.

She didn't know the other man, but she just saw him go to the counter to get a stack of bank notes and go to the box.

Coupled with the clothes he was wearing, it was obvious that he was the shopkeeper of the store.

Not to mention the relationship between Feng Minsheng and this shopkeeper.

Speaking of Feng Minsheng's slightly puffed up sleeves, he knew that the banknote must have been given to him.

Such a thick stack of banknotes would cost thousands of taels...

Feng Xiaolian's body began to tremble violently.

Thousands of taels of silver bills, never heard of so much silver in this life.

She can wear gold and silver, and drink spicy food.

What flashed through Feng Xiaolian's mind was her extravagant scenes.

This time I came to the town, in fact, I came to find the county magistrate.

Undeterred, she wanted to send some food to the county magistrate, so she said she made it herself.

Hearing that the food here is delicious, she decided to buy some food here with the silver that Mrs. Feng managed to get out of her teeth.

Before I bought it, I saw a thick stack of bank notes floating in front of my eyes.

It obviously fell into Feng Minsheng's sleeve.

Feng Xiaolian became calm from the excitement at the beginning, and after she calmed down, she suddenly smiled again.

Wind people's livelihood, wind people's livelihood.

Even if the relationship is broken, so what?
A person without a family tree cannot get the protection of the family at all.

If her parents agreed that Feng Minsheng would come back, wouldn't the money still belong to their family?

Feng Minsheng has always been a wimp, no matter what others did to him, he would forgive others without a bottom line as if he had no memory.

Not to mention the biological parents.

As long as the father, mother and elder brother lower their posture a little, they will definitely come back like a dog.

Feng Xiaolian rolled her eyes, turned around and ran towards the village, not even buying food, nor giving it to the county magistrate.

She's in a race against time.

If he ran too slowly, Feng Minsheng might spend his money.

If she bought something like new clothes and jewelry for Miss Jin, she could still grab it.

What if all the food and drink you buy will go into the belly of that dead girl, it will be a big loss!
Feng Minsheng didn't see Feng Xiaolian's scheme.

All he saw was a reasonably long pig.

The pig was right next to the cabbage, its eyes popping out, ready to take a bite at any time.

"Teacher Feng..."

Shopkeeper Lin chased after him to the kitchen, wanting to say something more, but his voice stopped abruptly.

I froze in place for an instant, and forgot how to say it when I was connected.

Brain is blank.

Looking at His Highness the Crown Prince, and then at the little girl who was cooking, it took a long time to recover.

What the hell did he see?
He saw that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, who had always been serious (mad) and serious (criticized), was watching the little girl eat, and was smiling idiotically.

what's going on?
Is he dazzled?
Or His Royal Highness is a hidden foodie!
Or His Royal Highness—the heart of spring is rippling.

Obviously, the last one is the most likely.

Shopkeeper Lin's heart was pounding, and he understood that this was a huge opportunity.

If he can please the future crown princess or the future crown prince's side concubine, even if it's just a concubine, he will make him rise to the sky in one step!
Shopkeeper Lin took a deep look at Feng Minsheng, who had a livid face, thinking that he didn't know the real identity of His Royal Highness, that's why he looked unhappy.

I'm really envious and jealous!

He really wanted to know what Feng Minsheng's expression would be when he knew the identity of His Highness the Crown Prince.

Anyway, it definitely doesn't look like the prince owes him money.

It must be very interesting.

"Are you full? It's time to go home when you're full."

Feng Minsheng took a deep breath and tried hard to restrain his emotions.

That's why he didn't pull away Chen Yu who was standing next to Feng Jin and was almost sticking to Feng Jin's face.

I know that this kid is interested in my daughter, but it's not that shameless!

In broad daylight, the heavens and the earth are bright, and they are so close.

Who are you trying to piss off?
"Immediately, the stewed mung bean cake with braised pork that this chef has just researched is very delicious. Do you want to try it?"

Feng Jin raised her head from the bowl, her cheeks puffed up like a little hamster.

He ate everything, and his eyes narrowed in satisfaction.

"Eat it yourself!"

Feng Minsheng glared at Fengjin angrily.

How exactly are the raw materials for blending milk tea made? He is going to make some and feed it to his daughter.

Save yourself eating this kind of mess all day long!
 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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