Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 103, I've Never Been So Disliked in My Life

Chapter 103, I've Never Been So Disliked in My Life
"Then do you eat?"

Feng Jin looked at Chen Yu beside her, and let him take a look at the stewed mung bean cake with braised pork in a bowl.

Chen Yu originally wanted to talk about food, so that they could get closer.

But looking at the green braised pork, he really couldn't open his mouth.

"I'm not hungry."

Chen Yu swallowed a mouthful of saliva, but did not dare to speak after all.

But his body moved slightly imperceptibly towards Fengjin's side.

The long eyelashes flickered, and the eyes that were always sharp and fierce became much softer.

Feng Jin naturally noticed the handsome face next to him, and his heart beat imperceptibly.

So handsome.

There is the sunshine of the big boy next door, and the softness of the legendary little milk dog.

This guy looks so beautiful, he must look good when he cries!
Feng Jin clicked his tongue twice, and continued to eat meat in suspense.

Chen Yu didn't understand what Feng Jin's clicks meant, but it didn't stop him from continuing to approach Feng Jin.

He didn't know why, every time he saw this little girl, his heart would calm down.

And take it for granted that she is his own responsibility.

Since when?
It was from the first time I saw her eating meat buns.

They were still in the same room, thinking that the moment she would be responsible for herself would start...

Or the moment of every meeting.

At this moment, His Royal Highness, the arrogant and crazy Crown Prince, finally fully recognized himself, and frankly accepted this fact.

Regardless of whether there is any mutual responsibility, he seems to be inseparable from this little girl!

Well, I believe Xiaojin is the same.

Must be.

Otherwise, that night, she wouldn't touch his face while she was asleep.

Chen Yu touched his face unconsciously, wondering if he was a little too hypocritical now?
Xiao Jin was not given a chance at all.

I should experience a few more assassinations and the like, and then be seriously injured and unconscious.

If there is no opportunity, create an opportunity and let Xiaojin touch his face.

He was wrong, and his fault was thin-skinned.

Chen Yu was lost in thought.

Are his stupid imperial brothers so poor?

They can't even afford to hire a few batches of killers!

It's all his fault too.

Every time the killer came, he was wiped out.

As a result, the killer organization's asking price is getting higher and higher, and those stupid guys may not be able to afford such a high fee.

After all——he usually goes to those people's houses to play autumn breeze from time to time.

They would also "smile" and "give" him "a little" silver.

In short, he began to regret it.

At this moment, Chen Yu decided not to search for their assets in the next month, so as to let their wallets bulge!
"Let's go, what are you thinking?"

Feng Jin's white and tender little hands shook in front of Chen Yu.

Chen Yu's eyes froze for a moment.

Subconsciously, he reached out to grab that little hand.

But the little hand had already fallen, and only one old hand was caught, which was Feng Minsheng's hand.

A little nervous, a little panicky.

"Hehe, walk carefully, don't fall down."

Feng Minsheng sneered, and shook off Chen Yu's hand.

Chen Yu: ...

I've never been so disrespected in my life.

Yangliu Village, the village entrance.

Feng Xiaolian dragged Mrs. Feng out of the house in a hurry, out of breath.

"I have to go back and wash your elder brother's clothes, why drag me here if I have nothing to do?"

Seeing Feng Xiaolian running profusely, Mrs. Feng pulled out a piece of cloth from her sleeve, and raised her hand to wipe Feng Xiaolian's sweat.

I don't know how long this piece of cloth has been used, but when she took it out, Feng Xiaolian smelled a bad smell.

"Oh, mother, I'm fine. I'll do it in a while. What I'm telling you now is about the second brother!"

Feng Xiaolian stomped her feet, looked around, and was relieved when she didn't see anyone else.

After a while, she and her mother will both look a little humbled, hoping that no one else will see it.

If there is, she is a little embarrassed, but she will still go all out for money.

"What's your second brother! Just treat your second brother as if he died at birth! This unfilial son should never have given birth to him in the first place!"

"And that lowly girl, if I hadn't raised the unfilial son with shit and piss, how could there be that girl! I can't even talk about marrying her, so why didn't the unfilial son be struck to death by lightning!"

"It's all ungrateful stuff!"

"It's better for our family, Mincheng, to be kind, otherwise, that kid would have died a long time ago!"


As soon as Feng Minsheng was mentioned, the expression on Mrs. Feng's face instantly became ferocious, and all kinds of insults could be heard endlessly.

He was completely different from the kind-hearted person who was going to wipe Xiaolian's sweat and wash clothes for Fengmin City just now.

"Mother, don't say that, the second brother is different now!"

When Feng Xiaolian saw her mother becoming irritable, she quickly covered her mouth, for fear of being heard.

"It's all unfilial, it's nothing different! Back then..."

Mrs. Feng opened her mouth, and wanted to utter a mess of dirty words, but Feng Xiaolian held her mouth tightly.

"Mom, I beg you, please don't swear at others. The second brother has made friends with a noble person. Today I saw with my own eyes that the shopkeeper of the largest restaurant gave the second brother a stack of banknotes!"

Feng Xiaolian lowered her voice and continued,

"I reckon there will be thousands of taels of silver, he will come back soon, we will wait at the entrance of the village, if you speak softly, maybe he will come back again, and the silver will still be ours by then! "

Mrs. Feng's eyes widened, and her breathing almost stopped.

"What you said is true? Is there really thousands of taels of silver? You wouldn't lie to your mother, would you?"

Mrs. Feng couldn't believe it.

It's not that she doesn't believe her ears, it's that she doesn't believe that Feng Minsheng will have such luck.

In her eyes, Fengmincheng is the one with the best luck that all kinds of good things will happen to him.

Feng Minsheng is the embodiment of all kinds of misfortunes, all bad things are related to him.

"Of course it's true. I saw it with my own eyes. Otherwise, can I tell you this? Or can I stand here and have to wait for him to come back, and call him a good second brother?"

Feng Xiaolian didn't even realize that Feng Minsheng had unconsciously been called Second Brother.

The two words, second brother, last for a limited time.

Before Feng Minsheng gave the money to Feng's old house, he would be her good second brother!
"If it's true, it's not impossible to get him back."

Mrs. Feng immediately thought of the fields overgrown with weeds.

Let Feng Mingying work in the field alone, but really can't clean up all the weeds, even the girl Yangmei who brought Li Juan over will be driven to the field.

Farm work is still unfinished.

I even miss the days of working in the folk life.

"So let's just wait here, let's ignore the bitch's dowry, the second brother must have more silver than her!"

Feng Xiaolian raised her chin and looked in the direction of the county from a distance, looking forward to Feng Minsheng's return.

"If you have thousands of taels of silver, no matter what, you have to find another lady from everyone in Mingcheng. What's the matter with a little widow who has lost her beauty as a concubine!"

Mrs. Feng rolled her eyes and added,
"Quick and search, the dowry is not used."

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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