Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 107, Watching the county magistrate being implicated in 9 clans

Chapter 107, Watching the county magistrate being implicated by the nine clans
Feng Jin and the others ran over at a fairly fast speed, but when they reached the gate of the yamen, they could no longer see the gate of the yamen.

The common people blocked this place so tightly that they couldn't see what was going on ahead.

"Please give way! Please give way!"

Wang Tong wanted to make them give way automatically by virtue of his masculinity.

But everyone really wanted to see County Magistrate Lin dismounted, and even more wanted to see what kind of scene it would be if County Magistrate Lin was imprisoned by the nine clans.

Take a second look now, and you'll have more to talk about after dinner.

By the way, I also want to see who is so unlucky to be of the same family as County Magistrate Lin.

No matter how smelly Wang Tong's body was, it couldn't stop their determination to watch.

Can't squeeze through at all.

"Brother, let me go!"

Wang Tong had no choice but to discuss with the other party.

"Why let you pass, I can't squeeze in myself!"

Others were not polite to him at all.

Wang Tong took a deep breath.

The wretched look on his face became serious.

A layer of mist gathered on the eyeballs.

"Actually, my family used to have a lot of money, but the one who was killed by the county magistrate can only be reduced to a beggar. I just want to see how he died today, is that okay?"

This reason is very good.

"No! There are many people in our county who are as miserable as you, and you are nothing!"

No wonder.

Wang Tong: ...

His buddy is quite good at reincarnation, and he became such an excellent corrupt official all of a sudden.

A fluttering bank note suddenly landed in front of him.

At first everyone thought it was paper, but after looking at it clearly, they found that it was all a 100 bank note.

The crowd boiled in an instant. From the crowd at the beginning, wanting to see the adults below be beheaded, it turned into a swarm of bees running in the direction of the bank notes.

Even if the shoes ran away, it didn't matter.

100 taels of silver, in this ordinary small county town, the county magistrate may be more generous.

Chen Yu led Feng Jin and the others and walked towards the empty place with ease, it was not crowded at all.

Chen Yu's sleeves were still shaking slightly, it was hard to imagine that there were bank notes hidden in those sleeves just now, and all of them were thrown out.

Feng Jin was dumbfounded.

But now is not the time to be shocked, the most important thing is the life of her best friend.

Feng Jin and the others finally reached position c, the gate of the yamen.

At this time, there were people kneeling on the ground at the gate of the yamen.

Feng Jin saw County Magistrate Lin, seven beautiful beauties and seven cute little girls.

In addition, there were densely packed people kneeling on the ground, including the old mother of County Magistrate Lin and the nine clans.

Everyone is trembling, they know that the county magistrate is not a clean official.

Jin Yiwei grabbed some people over from time to time, just at the door of the house, and asked them to kneel down.

This behavior, you can tell what's going on at a glance.

This is the rhythm of preparing to kill the nine clans.

Feng Jin's eyes fell on Jin Yiwei and a slightly feminine man.

The feminine man is the father-in-law who read out the imperial edict in the palace, holding a bright yellow imperial edict in his hand.

Just waiting to gather the nine clans of Lin County Magistrate's family together, and then click together.

The gentle father-in-law's eyes fell on the faces of the people who were watching, and he nodded slightly.

It seems that this county magistrate Lin is really not a good person, not only fish and meat people but also murder for money, besides murder for money, he also offended His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

When no one is an emperor, he would like his officials to embezzle and accept bribes.

The emperor himself can be extravagant and lustful, but he absolutely doesn't like others to do the same. He only hopes that his officials are doing what they should do.

The county where County Magistrate Lin is located is really too remote, and County Magistrate Lin is quite powerful, so he wasn't going to be moved at first.

But His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was the last big mountain to kill him, so when Jin Yiwei came this time, he directly hid his whereabouts.

After arriving in Fengyang County and capturing County Magistrate Lin, the news spread.

The feminine father-in-law had a smile on his face, and felt that even though he was an eunuch, he had done something just.

And the return of the great general Kaisheng is even worse than that.

After all, so many people cheered for the imperial decree in his hand.

Suddenly, the feminine father-in-law's face stiffened, and he waited until he realized who he saw.

His body began to tremble uncontrollably.

He saw His Highness the Crown Prince.

Kneel on the ground as soon as your legs are weak.

But Chen Yu's look made him firmly support the people around him, barely standing.

"Master, what's wrong?"

A thin voice sounded.

This is a young eunuch, who was just taken in by the great eunuch Rongfeng, and he was brought up by his side for training, and this time he came out to see the world.

The little eunuch came late, and had never seen Chen Yu, nor did he know the identity of the prince.

Therefore, he stood fairly straight.

"It's nothing, my legs are a little weak, please help me a little bit later, when I read the imperial decree, my mouth may tremble a little, if you can't read it, you can read it for me."

Rongfeng really didn't want to read the imperial decree in front of His Highness the Crown Prince with arrogance and majesty.

Let alone him, even the emperor would not dare.

"it is good."

The little eunuch scratched his head, not understanding what the master meant.

But still choose to nod.

In the palace, only by being obedient can one live well.

What's more, his master promoted him. If it wasn't for his master, he would still be bullied and beaten by some eunuchs who are older than him.

Rong Feng was really afraid that he would offend His Highness the Crown Prince, so after seeing His Highness the Crown Prince, he never looked elsewhere.

I was afraid that I would miss the prince's eyes.

If you offend the emperor, you may die.

If he offends the prince, he will definitely be implicated in the nine clans and die badly.

Sure enough, Rongfeng saw with his own eyes that Chen Yu's thin lips moved slightly.

Silently said a few words.

He has been in the palace for so many years, and he was able to become the chief eunuch because of his ability to observe words and demeanor.

Lips, he will be so a little bit.

So, even at a distance, if you see that person's mouth moving, you can roughly guess what they are talking about.

There are many secrets in the palace, he knows more, therefore, he stands higher.

He saw that His Royal Highness only said four words to him silently - let them live.

Rongfeng understood.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince wanted the county magistrate Lin's family to survive.

However, it seems a bit difficult to end now.

The shining imperial decree, and the nine clans who were captured one after another.

The Jinyi guards are majestic, and the corrupt officials are trembling.

So positive.

If you don't cut hundreds of people, I'm a little sorry for this battle.

I'm sorry for the smiles on people's faces.

However, His Royal Highness said that if they can live, they will definitely live.

Disobeying the imperial decree is a capital offense, and false reading is also a capital offense.

Rongfeng felt that his life had reached its peak.

Next, he will make a decision that goes against the precepts of his ancestors.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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