Chapter 108, ... also right

Lin Chengjie's heart was broken.

I fell asleep, and after waking up again, I am nearly 20 years old. Let’s not talk about it for the time being.

I haven't lived a chic life yet.

The nine clans were implicated!
He knelt on the ground and glanced at the bright yellow imperial decree in his father-in-law's hand.

He understood that this time it was probably doomed.

He sighed helplessly, and looked at the seven beautiful wives kneeling beside him.

County Magistrate Lin is indeed a womanizer. The seven wives and concubines were all beautiful. Even if they had children, they were still beautiful.

They looked shivering, but the expressions on their faces were clearly not frightened.

"Xiao Shuang, it's already this time, why aren't you afraid?"

Lin Chengjie asked the woman next to him, this should be Wufang Xiaoshuang.

"My lord, this is already expected." The woman looked up at County Magistrate Lin, and added, "I am not Xiao Shuang, but Xiao Xiao."

County Magistrate Lin: ...

County magistrate Lin's aesthetics are quite uniform, and all beauties look about the same.

Even with memory, it is still impossible to tell who is who directly and quickly.

Looking at the silent magistrate Lin, Xiao Xiao frowned slightly.

Everyone knows that County Magistrate Lin is insidious and cunning, greedy for money and lustful, and it is only a matter of time before his downfall.

None of the seven wives and concubines were the daughters of decent families who were willing to marry him.

Recently, they discovered that adults have changed.

But it is indeed a bit late to make up for it after the dead. The family is too extravagant, and there will definitely be problems.

It's just that the adults seem to have some problems in their brains, and they don't dislike the seven daughters anymore, and they don't abuse the seven wives and concubines anymore.

Sometimes when I meet the family members of seven wives and concubines, I will speak in a good voice, without the arrogant look of the past.

But it's too late.

The decree has come.

Now, not only the county magistrate is unlucky, but also the brothers and sisters in the family.

After a while, she saw the sisters' parents and relatives, including her own.

Sadness comes from it, but there is nothing to do.

"I'm sorry this time!"

County magistrate Lin spoke suddenly, with endless remorse in his voice.

If I knew it earlier, I would try my best to find a relationship, work hard, live, and live with my family.

All the wives and concubines glanced at the remorseful Magistrate Lin in surprise. This was the first time they heard Magistrate Lin say sorry.

But now it is no longer something that can be forgiven.

Parents and relatives at home will die because of him, wishing to eat your flesh and blood.

No one responded to County Magistrate Lin anymore, and all looked at the ground angrily.

Awaiting the final verdict.

County magistrate Lin sighed heavily, and hearing the cheers of the people, an indescribable sadness welled up in his heart.

Magistrate Lin knew that the former Magistrate Lin probably regretted everything he had done before.

But it was too late.

'Burn more paper for me! '

When County Magistrate Lin turned his head, he finally saw Feng Jin and the others standing and watching the excitement, and silently said a few words to Feng Jin and Wang Tong.

Then, he saw Feng Jin and Wang Tong nodded vigorously.

His teacher went too far, and applauded like the people around him.

County Magistrate Lin: ...

Very good, I can still see my heart-wrenching buddies before I die.

I hope he can become A Piao after his death, and go to his buddies every now and then to catch up and scare them.

I believe they will be very moved.

Lin Chengjie didn't know what he was thinking in a mess, the closer he was to death, the calmer he became.

He even thought that he should not be executed immediately, at least, he would have to be executed after autumn.

He can also eat some prison food for free. Fortunately, he has improved the environment and food in the cell before.

Otherwise, it's really a crime.


Rongfeng glanced at the little eunuch Xiao Luozi.

Xiao Luozi immediately screamed for silence, and then stood silently half a step behind Rongfeng.

Staggering half of his body, Xiao Luozi tightly grasped Rongfeng's clothes with his hands, supporting Rongfeng, for fear that Rongfeng would fall to the ground on the spot.

Trembling, Rong Feng took out the bright yellow imperial decree, spread it out, and was about to read the imperial decree.


The people knelt down instantly.

"Long live my emperor! Long live!"

The mountain shouted long live, and the sound was deafening.

This is a heartfelt cheer, and the excitement on his face cannot be concealed.

To celebrate the sky in Fengyang County, it will be brighter from now on.

They don't know who the county magistrate behind Fengyang County is and whether they are corrupt officials, but it doesn't matter anymore.

Anyone who comes here will do better than County Magistrate Lin.

No one could be worse than County Magistrate Lin.

Rongfeng's hands were still shaking.

He knew that His Highness the Crown Prince never kneeled down to the emperor.

It can be seen at a glance that, except for His Royal Highness, the other three people standing beside him did not kneel down.

The four stood there, looking very abrupt.

"Kneel down!"

Feng Jin looked at the people who ruined the whole place, and knew that she had to go to the countryside and do as the Romans did.

Others kneel to listen to the imperial decree, but you stand, you will be snapped.

Feng Minsheng and Wang Tong didn't have any special reaction either.

Kneeling is indeed an insult to dignity, but in this world, it cannot be avoided.

So, like Feng Jin, both of them knelt down.

Even kneeling, their state of mind is different from others.

Others are in awe, they are calm, just kneeling.

Now, only Chen Yu was left standing alone.

"Get down on your knees."

Feng Jin tugged at Chen Yu's sleeve, motioning for him to kneel and listen to the imperial decree.

Chen Yu looked into those dark eyes, his mind didn't react at all, he obeyed Feng Jin's words, and knelt down directly.

The body's reaction is almost a conditioned reflex, Feng Jin said, he did it.

When he realized it, he was already kneeling on the ground. This was the first time he had kneeled in his life.

Even when offering sacrifices to heaven and ancestors, it is only a slight bow.

"You don't need to kneel."

Chen Yu felt the touch from the ground and knees, thinking of Feng Jin's thin and small appearance, and put his hand on Feng Jin's arm.

I just wanted to pull Fengjin up.

He doesn't have to kneel down to the emperor, neither does Xiao Jin.

"Let's just kneel down and listen! Everyone is like this!"

Feng Jin pressed Chen Yu's hand backhand, leaned closer to Chen Yu's ear, and said in a voice that only two people could hear,
"Just go to the grave."

Probably because the two had the experience of scolding the royal family together, Feng Jin and Chen Yu didn't shy away from it when they talked.

There is no reverence for the royal family at all.


Chen Yu glanced at the tender white fingers pressing his hand, nodded approvingly, and then knelt back again.

"The decree arrives—"

When Rongfeng yelled these three words, he was somewhat lacking in confidence.

This was the first time he saw His Highness the Crown Prince kneel down.

Also, is the girl who dared to pull Chen Yu to kneel down to be the future princess?

that's nice!

If His Majesty knew about it, he would definitely cry excitedly for three days and three nights.

"Long live my emperor! Long live!"

The people cheered again.

Rongfeng took a deep breath and began to read the imperial decree.

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(End of this chapter)

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