Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 109, A Good Official Who Loves the People Like His Son

Chapter 109, A Good Official Who Loves the People Like His Son
"Following the heavens, the emperor ordered--"

As soon as Rongfeng read the eight characters, the common people knelt on the ground and applauded.

He kept shouting, "Long live my emperor, long live, long live, long live."

Super Plus enjoy.

I'm happy to see it.


The corner of Rongfeng's mouth twitched slightly, and he could only utter one word, motioning everyone to be quiet.

The common people were still in awe of Rongfeng who came by the emperor's side, and soon became quiet.

But still whispered and unconsciously shouted long live.

The emperor is really a good emperor who is sympathetic to the people.

Although he has not made any great achievements in the past few decades, he managed to keep the dynasty from collapsing.

But his decree made the people believe that this is a good emperor who will be passed down through the ages.

Rong Feng's eyes fell on Chen Yu unconsciously.

He firmly supports the royal family and is the emperor's confidant. The emperor thinks highly of the prince, which means he must listen to the prince.

Even if what the royal family does is wrong, he must firmly support it.

The executioner doesn't care whether the dead soul under the knife will have grievances or not. Beheading is his job, and redressing grievances is also someone else's business.

Rongfeng knew very well that County Magistrate Lin was definitely a corrupt official, and the imperial decree in his hand also clearly stated that the Jiu Clan was punished.

But the prince let him live, so he must live well.

"Magistrate Lin is a clean and honest official who loves the people like a son. He is a rare good official..."

Rongfeng opened his eyes and spoke nonsense.

Looking at the imperial decree with his eyes, what he read was his own nonsense.

Standard false edict.

The kind that can be ransacked and exterminated.

When Rongfeng said it, his legs were shaking.

But he had no choice.

If he directly punished the Nine Clans, he would be regarded as disobeying the imperial decree.

Because the emperor said that what the prince meant was what he meant.

When there is a conflict between the two, it is right to listen to the prince!

Rongfeng just "read" the contents of the imperial decree.

Not only the common people were stunned, but even the Jin Yiwei and officers and soldiers around them were stunned.

Although they haven't seen the imperial decree with their own eyes, they clearly know the purpose of this visit.

The Nine Clans who were running for County Magistrate Lin came here, so they ran to many places with great effort and captured his Nine Clans.

Just wait to be put in prison, beheaded and eat.

How did it become an imperial decree to praise magistrate Lin!
So, to bring the Nine Clans of County Magistrate Lin over, is it because County Magistrate Lin was praised and rewarded with gold, silver and jewels?

This is too weird!

All the dogs lying on the side of the road knew that County Magistrate Lin was definitely a corrupt official, so why did he suddenly become a good official who loved the people like a son?
Who is crazy?
"Congratulations, Mr. Lin, accept the order!"

After "reading" the imperial decree, Rongfeng silently rolled up the imperial decree, and then respectfully handed the imperial decree to County Magistrate Lin.

This is normal process.

"Thank... Your Majesty."

County magistrate Lin couldn't believe what he heard.

Not to mention that the people don't believe it, he himself doesn't believe that he is a good official!

The surrounding area was eerily quiet.

County magistrate Lin took the imperial edict, quickly opened it a little, and saw a few large characters at a glance.

Linked to nine clans.

My heart skipped a beat.

Immediately closing the imperial decree, cold sweat ran down his back.

God horse situation?

"My lord, this time I have a nobleman to help me, my lord must be cautious in my words and deeds in the future."

Rong Feng nodded in Chen Yu's direction, reminding County Magistrate Lin not to reveal the content of the imperial decree.

The content of the imperial decree is only known to the prince and the emperor and a few confidantes, and he will explain it to the emperor after he returns.

Everything can still come round.

If it was disseminated, Rongfeng's charge of falsely preaching the imperial decree might be confirmed.

The Nine Clans clicked and disappeared.

He doesn't know if magistrate Lin will die by then, but he will definitely die!
"Yes Yes Yes!"

County magistrate Lin noticed Rongfeng's movements, and that direction was where Fengjin and the others were.

County magistrate Lin's first reaction was that his buddy Wang Tong was credited. He kept telling himself that he had failed, but in fact he wanted to see himself embarrassed.

Here you are waiting for yourself!
County magistrate Lin breathed a sigh of relief.

Or, he can live insanely with his friends in this damn feudal superstition dynasty again!
so good!
The voices of the people talking in low voices sounded, buzzing.

They all felt that they were too happy, so they misheard the imperial decree.

But the conclusion is that no one got it wrong.

In the eyes of the emperor, magistrate Lin is really a good official who loves the people like a son.

The corrupt official who looked at money but not grievances was praised severely like this, and the nine clans were arrested, but it was just to listen to the imperial edict together...

The common people were filled with anger, but they still felt timid when they saw the officers and soldiers with knives and the Jin Yiwei.

After being squeezed for so long, they deeply understood that they must never fight the official.

Can't beat them.

The county magistrate Lin is the heaven of Fengyang County.

The people's eyes were like wolves, but they stood still and looked at County Magistrate Lin fiercely.

Corrupt officials escaped unharmed, who can come to save them?
Some people have already started crying in a low voice, lamenting the injustice of fate.

Most of them were more or less robbed of money and wool by the magistrate Lin.

woo woo woo

If you can't beat it, then use crying to express your sadness!
The people began to cry.

Crying bitterly.

The sound is getting louder.

Sounds like Devil May Cry.

This is a great injustice.

However, magistrate Lin is still alive and well.

The crying made the county magistrate Lin's nine tribes feel a little embarrassed, they covered their faces silently, and left quietly.

Oh shame!
It's more embarrassing than beheading!

"Ahem, everyone, don't be so happy to cry when you see me being praised so much."

County magistrate Lin cleared up the fat man, held the imperial decree, and made a low-key gesture.

The people cried louder.

How did they get such a county magistrate and such an emperor!


County Magistrate Lin straightened his back, the frivolous expression on his face had disappeared, and he became a little more serious.

"Starting tomorrow, everyone will continue to beat the big drum at the gate of the yamen. If you have any grievances, you can tell the official. From today, the official will definitely resolve every lawsuit with heart."

When County Magistrate Lin said this, it was sonorous and forceful.

He is not the former county magistrate Lin, but Lin Chengjie.

Although he only has three academic qualifications, he believes that he can be a good official.

Isn't he the little county magistrate?
However, the common people's fear of County Magistrate Lin was too deep, and they didn't believe too much when they heard County Magistrate Lin's words.

It is believed that County Magistrate Lin is still the former County Magistrate Lin.

County magistrate Lin is not in a hurry, anyway, everyone will know that they are really different from before.

"Let's go quickly! Don't go there, or you may be beaten to death by the people."

Feng Jin glanced at Magistrate Lin and said.


Wang Tong immediately turned around and left.

Indeed, there is such a little embarrassment!
Feng Minsheng covered his face with one hand, and quickly left the crying crowd.

Don't let others know that county magistrate Lin is his student.

Otherwise, he will be punished!
"Father, why are you crying?"

An extremely cute girl asked County Magistrate Lin curiously.

"Your father was praised by the emperor, they were so excited that they cried, they were all happy for him!"

County magistrate Lin picked up a girl and said cheerfully.

"Daddy is the best daddy and the best official!"

The little girl yelled inarticulately, proud of it.

The cry faltered, then grew louder.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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