Chapter 111, envy, jealousy
Before I knew it, it was evening.

Feng Minsheng really made sweet and sour fish.

A total of four were made, one for each person.

Not to mention Wang Tong and Feng Jin, even Chen Yu ate up a fish.

Even the soup on the plate was wiped with steamed buns and eaten into the stomach.

Both Chen Yu and Wang Tong left the door feeling their stomachs.

Both of them had water stains on their bodies, and they were obviously released after helping to clean up the pots and dishes!
After the sky darkened, Mrs. Feng and Feng Xiaolian came to Fengjin's house.

But when you meet a "ghost", you will always hear footsteps, and there are people on their shoulders, but you can't always see people.

The two left tremblingly in fright, not even daring to knock on the door, and planned to come back during the day.

In the evening, Feng Minsheng went to the village chief's house and directly finalized the matter of buying Houshan.

Ask the village chief to go to the Yamen by himself tomorrow with the money, and the title deed will write Fengjin's name.

The village chief agreed dumbfounded, and didn't dare to sleep all night.

The next day, it was still dark.

The village chief took the banknotes, took his own son, and went straight to the yamen.

Until he handed over the land deed to Feng Minsheng, his heart was still beating wildly.

"Minsheng, take a good look at the land deed. In addition to the back mountain, there are also more than ten acres of fertile land nearby. They will all be yours from now on."

Village Chief Yang was so excited that his whole face turned red, as if the back mountain and the fields belonged to him.

This is the first time he has commanded so many banknotes.

Along the way, I was on tenterhooks for fear of being snatched away.

Finally completed the task.

"Uncle, what time did you go?"

Feng Minsheng rubbed his eyes vigorously.

Outside the window, the sun has not fully risen.

"I've been there a long time ago. When I got there, the county magistrate hadn't woken up yet, but after I explained my purpose to the official, the county magistrate came over immediately, knowing that you bought the mountains and land, and gave it back at a discount. A lot of silver."

With that said, Village Chief Yang took out the unused bank notes and put them on the table.

I took a 2000 taels banknote to go, and when I came back, I still had 200 taels left.

Under normal circumstances, the 200 taels silver note is a "favor fee" to Lin County Magistrate.

County Magistrate Lin confiscated it, and Village Chief Yang brought it back.

Speaking of which, he was also quite surprised, why did county magistrate Lin suddenly become a good official?
In the past, you couldn't afford to lose a penny!

"Village Chief, let me put the banknote here first. I have something I want to ask for your help."

Feng Minsheng stuffed the 200 taels silver note back into Village Chief Yang's hand.

"What's the matter?"

Village Chief Yang has already guessed something.

Now that I bought the back mountain, I must tidy it up. There are no one to take care of the various trees on the mountain, and there are many wild grasses and flowers.

If you want to grow fruits and vegetables, you still have to take good care of them.

This is not something that one or two people can accomplish, and it still needs the help of the people in the village.

"I'm going to plant fruit trees in the back mountain. No matter men or women in the village, as long as they are between 15 years old and 40 years old, they can come to help. It costs 20 yuan a day."

Feng Minsheng didn't dare to ask those who were too young or too tall to help on the mountain, because accidents would easily happen on the mountain.

"15 years old?"

Village head Yang didn't understand why Feng Minsheng set his age so high.

In the eyes of everyone in the village, anyone over ten years old is considered an adult.

But I don't know that when Feng Minsheng said that he was 15 years old, he felt that he was Zhou Baopi, and he was still too young in his eyes.

"The young or the old can help clean up the ten acres of land, without having to go to the mountains, it's safer, and it's 15 yuan a day."

Feng Minsheng Road.

Naturally, more than ten mu of land still grows grain, but the grain grown is not grown by ordinary people today, but hybrid grain.

There are too many hungry people.

Feng Minsheng feels that it is not difficult to grow high-yield grain by himself, and if it can be promoted, it is also a good thing.

It is easy for him, but it is too important for people in this world.

If doing a good thing is so easy and costs nothing, why not?
In the future, if you take an official career, you can also add a touch to your own conduct.

"I gave... isn't it a little too much?"

Village Chief Yang asked hesitantly.

Even if you go to the town to carry sacks, it's only ten cents a day.

Feng Minsheng gave too much, I am afraid that the whole village will come to help.

Who can resist such a good thing?
There are 300 people in the whole village. If you work for a few days, the wages alone will be a large expenditure.

"I grew up in the village, and the relationship with the folks in the village is very good. What's more, tidying up the mountains and the land is hard work, so it should be given so much."

Feng Minsheng said with a smile.

He said so in his mouth, but he didn't think so in his heart.

There are not many people in the village who have a good relationship with him.

In the past, I saw honest people who were often bullied by their family members. It is estimated that the village head and Aunt Wang were the only ones who stood up for him.

Paying so much wages is not because of money, but to stop the mouths of the villagers.

The mountain next to Feng Minsheng's home is also quite close to the village. When many people lack firewood, bamboo or wood, they will go to the mountain to cut.

After Feng Minsheng bought it, they naturally couldn't let them go. It was almost impossible for them to collect firewood.

This requires the ability to rely on banknotes.

Everyone took wages, which is equivalent to taking benefits. Even if Feng Minsheng bought a mountain with jealousy in his heart, he would not gossip too much behind his back.

"Good good!"

When Village Chief Yang heard what Feng Minsheng said, he said hello three times in a row.

As the head of the village, he really hoped that everyone in the village would become rich.

With the help of the nobleman, Feng Minsheng has so much money all of a sudden, and even bought a mountain land.

If there is spare energy, if you can help the people in the village, even if it is only a little bit, the village head will be very happy.

This shows that Feng Minsheng has not forgotten his roots, even if he has a future, he is still a good boy!

"Then trouble the village chief, but...anyone else in the village can come, but that family is not allowed."

Feng Minsheng didn't name the family, but Village Chief Yang understood it straight away.

It's about the people from the Feng family's old house.

If they go, maybe they will steal and play tricks, and maybe other troubles will arise.

"Okay, when the time comes, I will ask everyone to register, and I will personally register the list."

Village Chief Yang sighed.

I feel that Mr. Feng is very confused, so it's okay for Mrs. Feng to be like this, she has always been a shrew, and almost never reasoned.

This was not the case when Mr. Feng was young. He worked with a wealthy family, and his conversation was different from that of the people in the village.

He is obviously a person who has seen the world, but when he treats his two sons, he is seriously biased.

To this point today, it's all because of the partiality of the old couple.

It deserves it!

"Thank you, village chief!"

Feng Minsheng bowed slightly respectfully to salute.

Village head Yang is already very old, and he deserves to be respected for getting up so early to help set up fields.

"No trouble, no trouble, I'm going to find someone now, the sun hasn't risen yet, everyone is still at home, after memorizing the names, I can go to tidy up the mountain today!"

Village Chief Yang walked outside as soon as he said that, and he didn't dare to delay for 1 minute.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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