Chapter 112, Registration

In the quiet and peaceful village, the sound of gongs and drums sounded after a while.

This gong has been around for some years, and several village chiefs have been sent away. The surface is bumpy and covered with a thick layer of paste.

It also made a dull sound when knocked.

"Early risers come to the ancestral hall, there are important things to discuss!"

Village head Yang didn't say anything first, but just asked everyone to come here first.

This is also a layer of screening.

Hearing the sound of the gong beating, a person who has not woken up is naturally not a diligent person.

People's livelihood is relatively rich now, but the money cannot be regarded as coming from the wind. It can help the villagers and elders, but it must have a bottom line.

Otherwise, it is easy to develop everyone into a lazy character.

The last time everyone was called to discuss matters in the ancestral hall was the last time.

Many people got up and went to the ancestral hall when they heard the yelling.

Some people haven't gotten up yet, such as the Fengjia Laozhai family.

The two girls, Feng Mingying and Yangmei, basically took on all the housework in the Feng family's old house.

The only advantage is that everyone in the family gets up quite late, and no one asks them to get up early, so they can sleep in for a while.

Even though Li Juan hated Fengmin City, she still tried her best to please him on the surface.

It is difficult for a woman to survive without a man to rely on.

Especially in Feng's old house.

"What kind of gong was knocked early in the morning, whose family died?"

Mrs. Feng turned over and cursed, and continued to lie down and sleep.

In the ancestral hall, quite a few people have come, basically all men.

They got up early and were going to work in the fields. Since the village chief called, they should come to the village chief first.

Village head Yang only walked around the village once, and only yelled once.

What they want to hear has already been heard, and no matter how many times they shout, they will not hear what they don't want to hear.

"The village chief, you called us here early in the morning, what's the matter?"

A man was carrying a hoe and talking to the village head carelessly.

It looks simple and honest.

"Minsheng bought the mountain closest to his home and wants to plant some fruit trees. There are too many weeds and shrubs on the mountain. I want everyone to help tidy up the mountain together."

After all, Village Chief Yang still considered the people's livelihood, so he didn't say that he bought it directly, and he didn't say whose name was written.

If some people know that Feng Minsheng directly spent nearly 2000 taels of silver to buy a mountain and more than ten acres of land, they will definitely be jealous.

Feng Jin is also approaching the age of marriage, and with so many lands under her name, it is easy to be envied.

It would be better to say that it was packaged.

"Wrapped the whole mountain?"

"Where did he get so much money?"

"Didn't he still owe a lot of gambling debts?"

"But isn't it! His family is the poorest in our village, why do they suddenly have so much money?"

The people in the village began to discuss in low voices, and the voices became louder and louder.

Some are envious, some are jealous.

"Quiet!" Village Chief Yang made a gesture to make everyone quiet, and said again,

"Minsheng is basically something that we watched or grew up with. Everyone must have known his character very well, and he has definitely not done anything harmful. This time, I asked everyone to do things to let everyone save more money. If you don’t have enough money, you should buy more cotton-padded clothes for the winter.”

"How much penny a day?"

Uncle Zhong, an old bachelor with only one tooth left in his mouth, asked.

Uncle Zhong is already 50 years old, he is very hunchbacked, and his body is thin, as thin as a hemp stick.

The family only has one mu of land, and they can barely support themselves.

Both of his parents died since he was a child, and he grew up stumbling with difficulty, because his family was too poor, so naturally no one called him a wife.

No match was found either.

This is how a person lived most of his life.

He seldom gets dirty, it's not that he doesn't like meat, but he really can't afford it.

He has accumulated a little money over the years, but he also has no wife or children. When he gets old and cannot move, he will live on that little money.

To put it bluntly, how much money he saves now determines how long he can live in the future.

If there is an opportunity to earn copper coins, you will definitely not let it go.

"To work in the mountains, you need to be 15 years old to 40 years old, [-] Wen a day. If you go to help in the field, there is no age limit, [-] Wen a day."

Village head Yang told him about the treatment that Feng Minsheng had given him.


The crowd erupted into discussions again.

This time it was even more exciting than hearing that Feng Minsheng had contracted the land, after all, the money earned this time could be his own.

"Twenty coins a day? At least fifteen coins? Then all six of us will sign up!"

"My eldest son is fifteen years old this year, so let's give him twenty Wen a day!"

"My mother has bad legs and feet, but her hands and feet are quite nimble, can she go?"


The villagers talked in a hurry, for fear that if they spoke one step later than others, there would be no quota.

"This time, 100 people are needed on the mountain and 20 people are needed in the field. Each household can only send up to four people."

This is also the result of the village chief's consideration.

Almost every family in the village has a large population, and there are at least three or four children in the family.

If three or four hundred people from the whole village go, Feng Minsheng will definitely suffer. Every village has people who are idle and like to fish in troubled waters.

Feng Minsheng's heart cannot be chilled.

Village head Yang reported that the number was about the same, allowing every household to earn money reasonably.

And the four people in each household will try their best to pick young and middle-aged people, so that they can earn twenty Wen.

Only those who are really only old and weak are willing to go to the fields to earn fifteen cents.

After hearing the words of the village chief, everyone fell silent.

They are all thinking in their hearts who is suitable to send out to work.

In some discordant big families, the patriarchs in the family are also partial. Although there is no such partial person as Mr. Feng, they are generally similar.

Those who go out to work are always those few people.

"It's confirmed, come to my place to sign up, everyone, today is the first day, we will go to the mountains in a while, and we will clean up the weeds first."

Village Chief Yang said.

The layout and people's livelihood haven't been discussed yet, but the weeds must be cleaned up. It's not good to take 20 Wen a day, and they are all idle.

Hearing the village chief's words, everyone rushed forward in a rush, wanting to sign up quickly.

The ancestral hall is bustling with activity, but Fengjin's house is still a quiet small courtyard.

Feng Minsheng rubbed his face vigorously, drove the sleepy bugs away, and walked into the kitchen naturally.


Fragrant fried eggs filled the kitchen.

A touch of red rushed over, and came directly to Feng Minsheng's feet, looking at Feng Minsheng eagerly.

Those eyes really looked like Feng Jin.

Feng Minsheng almost had the illusion that he was raising two children.

There is no way, probably because I have been raising children for a long time, and I can't always refuse weird things that are very similar to my own children.

The first fried egg was placed on a special plate for the red fox and given to the red fox.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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