Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 113 Let's go watch the excitement

Chapter 113 Let's go watch the excitement
Feng Minsheng cooks breakfast very quickly.

Looks like a seasoned cook.

In a short time, several eggs were spread out, and by the way, vegetables were fried and millet porridge was cooked.

"Go and wake your boss up!"

Feng Minsheng brought the prepared meals to the main room and talked to the red fox.

The red fox licked the soft and cute little paws, and it was like washing the paws.

Hearing Feng Minsheng's words, he nodded obediently, and then rushed towards Fengjin's room.

The light and fluttering body almost flew into the air, and rushed from the yard to Fengjin's room in an instant.

did not stop.

It hit Fengjin directly on the stomach.


Feng Jin, who was dreaming a sweet dream, still had a smile on her lips. In the dream, the sky suddenly collapsed, and a pig fell on her body.

Beat her to death.

The dream is gone, and people have opened their eyes.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw that the red fox had already hit his face.

"Boss, wake up!"

The red fox lowered his voice, afraid that the hidden guards hiding in the dark might hear it.

Feng Jin: ...

In the early morning, I was sent away twice by the red fox.

The first is a physical attack.

The second is a magic attack.

Who the hell doesn't know how terrible the word "boss" is!
"In the future, don't wake me up like that, and don't call me boss, otherwise I will definitely give you a gift that looks exactly like you and is named Felt."

Feng Jin slapped the red fox's head against the quilt, and his hands were already secretly poking at the red fox's fur.

This guy doesn't shed much hair, otherwise it can be collected. Such smooth fur must look good when poked with felt.

"Xiao Jin, what is felt?"

The red fox didn't understand this, and was even a little curious.

"It's just to pluck the hair off your body, poke it bit by bit with a needle, and poke out another you!"

Feng Jin explained lightly, his eyes still on the red fox.

"Oh, I see." The red fox blinked its dark eyes, and said with a trace of innocence in its tone, "Can you use the white tiger's fur? It eats fat and has a lot of fur on its body!"

"Whoever calls me the boss will use whose name."

Feng Jin gave the red fox a warning look.

The red fox looks very well-behaved and behaves really well-behaved.

It's just too rigid, even if it doesn't let it call itself the boss, it still believes that it is the boss in its heart.

Sometimes I yell out inadvertently.

It's better to give a reminder, Fengjin doesn't want to die young.

"Know it!"

The red fox nodded obediently again.

Just hearing Fengjin say to poke the felt with fur makes the red fox feel pain in the flesh.

Without its beautiful fur, it's just a fox body with nothing but strength.

what else?
No hammer!
But it really wants to know what the felt looks like, can it really poke out another one?
Whether to call the boss or not is a question.

Feng Jin threw the quilt on the red fox, got up, washed up briefly, and followed the smell to the main room.

Work hard.

"What are you going to eat for lunch today?"

Feng Minsheng asked Feng Jin.

"Sit down and eat sweet and sour fish."

Feng Jin didn't understand why his father asked this question, so he glanced at Feng Minsheng and added,
"Braised pork is also fine, don't be picky eaters."

Feng Minsheng raised his hand to touch his face, blocking his indescribable expression.

He felt that he never let up on Fengjin. He read story books to her when she was young, and taught her to study and do homework when she grew up.

Don't let go for a moment.

She was not proficient in everything in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, but she was also taught to learn guzheng and painting.

Why does it seem that eating is the only skill now?

Think of Feng Jin, think of the beggars lying on the street, think of the gentlemen in the yamen...

He has cultivated something for so many years!

Feng Minsheng suddenly dropped his chopsticks.

"What are you doing? Do you want to eat your eggs? No, I ate them!"

Feng Jin opened his mouth faintly.


Feng Minsheng ground his teeth, picked up the chopsticks he had just dropped, and continued eating.

"What are you going to give me for lunch?"

Fengjin had sweet and sour fish and braised pork spinning in his mind.

"Go to the mountain at noon and make a big pot of rice. Would you like to eat it?"

Feng Minsheng said angrily.

The thought that if my daughter despises the taste of the big pot of rice is not good, and I have to come back and cook it for her alone, I am even angrier.

"Have you already started? Then I won't go, I will do it at home!"

Feng Jin didn't expect the village chief to be so fast.

From today on, she can be regarded as the heir of a mountain.

Feng Jin is not very familiar with the people in the village, and the original owner is also very introverted.

There is no good scenery to go to the mountains, it is better to stay at home, and you can go to the space to breathe fresh air.

Feng Jin has been thinking of ways to make money recently, which belongs to her own way of making money.

That is to write scripts. In this era, there must not be so many domineering CEOs who fall in love with my scripts.

Write a book or two at random, and test the waters first.

There may be unexpected gains.

"Dogs don't like to eat the food you cook! I'd better come back at noon and make it for you alone!"

Feng Minsheng rolled his eyes, and decided to take two extra steps by himself.

"The rice I cook is okay! It's just a little harder, a little darker, a little mushy, a little astringent, and I can swallow it."

Feng Jin blinked her eyes, made another cut,

"Every time you eat it, don't you always say it's delicious?"

"Then did I add another sentence every time I said it, I did a good job, don't do it next time."

Feng Minsheng smiling face.

Feng Jin rubbed her nose, "Okay, I won't do it for you in the future."

"Why don't you do it for me?"

Feng Minsheng frowned.

Hearing what Feng Jin said, Feng Minsheng felt unhappy again, is the little padded jacket leaking air?
Although cooking is unpalatable, cooking is also a respect for him...

Tangled, contradictory.

"Then I'll make eggs for you tonight, the browned ones!"

Feng Jin sees the wind and makes the rudder.

Seeing that the old man's expression was not right, he changed his mind.

But Feng Minsheng's complexion didn't improve, and when he thought of the eggs at Fengjin stall, his complexion became even darker.

Darker than fried eggs.

"Then I won't do it! It's so hard to serve!"

Feng Jin spread her hands.

"Who is difficult to serve?"

When Feng Minsheng heard Feng Jin say no, he glared and slapped the table with his hands.

"My old father who cannot be named."

Feng Jin said calmly.

Feng Minsheng: ...

The last time this girl was beaten was the last time.

"It's fine if you don't go, I'm afraid there will be another big show today, so I won't accidentally hurt you when the time comes."

Feng Minsheng took a deep breath and decided not to argue with his daughter.

After all, if he hangs up and smokes, he will still have to spend his money on medical treatment in the end, which is not worthwhile.

"What drama?"

When Feng Jin listened to the big play, she instantly regained her spirits.

"It's still that family, they must be thinking of taking advantage again, crying, making trouble, and hanging themselves! Maybe then they want to play a show of fatherly kindness and filial piety with me. In front of so many people, I will definitely be ashamed by then. "

Thinking of this scene, Feng Minsheng's expression turned even worse.

He used to be a handsome young man.

He has been No.1 since he was a child, handsome and unrestrained, and he is someone else's child in everyone's eyes.

There is no mid-life crisis in middle age, and the sideline earns more than being a chemistry teacher.

It's getting more and more embarrassing here.

"That's it! Then I must go to help today!"

Feng Jin said firmly.

Art comes from life. If you look at the ugly face of the old man, maybe you can have a burst of inspiration.

It doesn't matter if you are inspired or not, the important thing is to see what your own mountain looks like.

Absolutely not to see the old man make a fool of himself, absolutely not!
 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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