Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 114, Look at the scenery, look at the brocade

Chapter 114, Look at the scenery, look at the brocade
"Xiao Jin, I want to ask you a very serious question now, please answer me honestly."

Feng Minsheng sat upright with a serious expression on his face.


Feng Jin is not afraid of Feng Minsheng like this. At this time, when he calls himself by his name, he does not use his full name, which proves that it is still very safe.

"When did you become so gossip, wretched!"

Feng Minsheng's serious face suddenly rolled his eyes again, and his painting style changed suddenly.

The girl in his impression was soft and cute since she was a child, and she is still cute on the outside when she grows up, but she looks a little...

Feng Minsheng never admits that this is his own problem, and his education is definitely one of the best.

It is certainly not his fault that he raised the child in a wrong way.

"My teacher taught it!"

Feng Jin blinked and said these five words very honestly.

It didn't say who the teacher was, but everyone knew who it was.

"Wipe the bowls and pots, or you won't be allowed to go out!"

Feng Minsheng left a word and strode outside.

I have to go to the mountain to see everyone's progress, and he needs to direct the layout and the like.

It is also necessary to organize a road that twists and turns up the mountain and can travel all over the mountain.

While Feng Minsheng was walking, he had already drawn a sketch of the whole mountain in his mind.

This mountain originally had a name, Qinglong Mountain, but Feng Minsheng took a new name - Huaguo Mountain.

People in this world will never get this stalk, but they understand the purpose of this mountain from the literal meaning.

In short, the difference is not bad.

Feng Jin stuffed the rest of the meal into his stomach, and before he left his house, he heard the sound of bustling people coming from the mountain not far away.

Everyone has already started working.

Feng Jin tidied up the table very quickly, brushing all the bowls and pots clean.

He also went to pick a cucumber in the vegetable garden at home, and then trotted out of the house.

Just as he was about to close the door, the red fox rushed out of the yard and ran directly into Fengjin's arms.

Feng Jin closed the gate and walked towards the mountain that belonged to her family.

The straight-line distance is only 500 meters away, and people can be seen faintly moving on the mountain from the gate of our house.

The village is quiet, there are no gossiping people, and basically everyone has gone to the mountains.

"Xiao Jin."

A magnetic male voice came from behind, Feng Jin looked back, and saw a handsome man in white walking towards him slowly.

There was a smile on Chen Yu's face, he obviously had peach blossom eyes, but when he smiled, he fell in love with Feng Jin's eyes.

Feng Jin subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and touched the corner of her mouth to confirm that no saliva came out, then waved her hand to greet Chen Yu.

"How did you come?"

Feng Jin didn't know what to say, but felt that this person was too beautiful today, looking pleasing to the eye, and always wanted to say something.

If it were born in modern times, it would definitely be the dream of millions of young girls.

"The weather is fine, let me take a look."

The corners of Chen Yu's mouth curled up slightly, and after looking at the two words, he didn't bring anything.

But what he meant was obvious, he came to see the brocade, not the scenery.

"My family bought a new mountain, do you want to go over and have a look?"

The handsome man's smile made Fengjin a little overwhelmed, and he grabbed the red fox in his arms.

A few smooth and soft fox furs were torn off abruptly.

"it is good."

Chen Yu responded, and his eyes involuntarily fell on Feng Jin's cramped hands and slightly red ears.

She is, shy?
Chen Yu raised his eyebrows slightly, and felt that his skin was useful for the first time.

At least it can make Fengjin feel a little special.

Chen Yu smiled softly again, with a trace of lightness in his voice, completely gone from his previous cold appearance.

Under the sun, he looked like an immortal with a little more fireworks.

Less cold, more warm sunshine.

When he smiled, even the bright sun seemed to dim a lot, and the sky and the earth paled.


Seeing Chen Yu like this, Feng Jin couldn't help but click his tongue no matter how reserved he was.

Does this guy know that he is a monster?

"what happened?"

Chen Yu was very curious about Feng Jin's thoughts at the moment.

Do you feel a little regretful thinking that you are too young to get married?

Anyway, that's what he thought.

"You look so good-looking, if you were born in Qingfenglou, you would be a pillar there!"

Probably recently I have met with Chen Yu often, and the relationship has improved a lot.

There is no scruples at all when speaking.

After all, apart from seeing Chen Yu with a cold face that night, Feng Jin looked a little cold at other times, but when talking to her, his voice was always gentle.

Naturally not afraid of him.

Qingfenglou is a brothel in the county.

When Chen Yu heard Feng Jin's words, his face stiffened slightly.

In the next second, it occurred to Feng Jin that she must be praising herself!

Why doesn't she praise others like this?
Obviously, this is beauty in the eye of the beholder.

"Thank you."

Chen Yu coughed uncomfortably, and while saying thank you, he also glanced around.

It looked like he and Fengjin were the only two, but in fact there were a bunch of hidden guards.

With a little embarrassment on the face.

In broad daylight, talking about love, Qingqing my mine...

But this is something that can't be helped, who told those hidden guards not to please the girls!
Unlike him, Xiaojin likes it, likes it very much, likes it very much.

Feng Jin grinned when she heard Chen Yu's answer.

This man is quite interesting.

Sometimes it's cold, sometimes it's rigorous, sometimes it's sunny, and sometimes it's funny.

With such a handsome person, I don't know which girl will be cheaper in the future!

It took the two of them a quarter of an hour to cover the distance of 500 meters, which was really slow.

From a distance, the working villagers saw Chen Yu and Feng Jin walking towards them.

All of a sudden, the eldest girl, the younger daughter-in-law, and even the rough guy were stunned.

This is the first time to see such a beautiful man, as if walking out of a painting.

She was so noble that she didn't dare to look him in the eyes at all.

At first glance, it is not an ordinary peasant family.

"I'm afraid this is the nobleman of Minsheng's family?"

"It must be, otherwise how can we afford to contract this mountain?"

"I must have even paid off my gambling debts. It's a step up to the sky!"

The villagers discussed a few words in a low voice, but they didn't dare to speak too much.

One is that Chen Yu has already come to their side, for fear of conflicting with the nobleman.

Second, they came here to work for Feng Minsheng, and if they offended Feng Minsheng, they would lose their jobs.

Twenty Wen a day's work, no matter what, I dare not lose it.

"Xiao Jin is really looking better and better. Minsheng is halfway up the mountain. If you are looking for him, you should walk towards this road."

A middle-aged woman talked cheerfully to Fengjin, and enthusiastically pointed to the way up the mountain.

"Well, you're right."

Feng Jin nodded her head vigorously, she also felt that she was pretty good-looking.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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