Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 115, Why Are You Used to Be Like This?

Chapter 115, Why Are You Used to Be Like This?

Chen Yu looked at Feng Jin's little appearance of nodding, and nodded seriously.

That's right.

"It seems that the excitement hasn't come yet."

Feng Jin looked up towards the mountain and saw that some villagers were cutting down trees and some were pulling weeds.

Haven't gathered together to watch the fun.

Thinking that the old man Feng and his wife hadn't come here yet, they staged a scene of father's kindness and son's filial piety.

"What's the fun?"

Chen Yu was a little unresponsive.

"The family."

Just as Feng Jin was about to speak, he saw the Feng family's old house family coming from a distance.

Not only Mrs. Feng and Feng Xiaolian are here, but even Mr. Feng is here!

Unexpectedly, but also expectedly, Fengmin City did not come.

Feng Xiaolian hurried to this side, rubbing her eyes vigorously with her fingers, and it turned red after a while.

Coupled with the deliberately made expression, it can be seen that there is a bit of sadness on the face.

Mr. Feng was talking to Mrs. Feng in a low voice, but it was too far away to hear clearly, like a teacher's instruction to a child.

It seems that they are determined to win this trip.

"Isn't the excitement here? Don't make a move for a while. There are so many people, so you don't have to leave a talk. We have to convince people with reason."

Feng Jin poked Chen Yu's arm with her elbow, and said in a low voice.

"Convincing people with reason?"

Chen Yu obviously didn't believe it.

It might have been in the past, but the dark guard has stayed in the village for such a long time, and he has never seen Feng Minsheng and Xiaojin convince others with reasoning in the recent period of time.

It's almost as good as convincing people with force.

"It's time to consider the issue of being quick-spoken. You are not very good at talking, so you must learn a little bit, otherwise you won't be able to win by cursing people in our village!"

Feng Jin rubbed her cheeks, it was her momentum.

Chen Yu: ...

Does this despise him?
Born not to curse, only to kill.

He really is useless and needs to work hard to grow into a perfect person.

Chen Yu nodded approvingly, and decided to change himself.

"Xiao Jin, you came to work on the mountain so early, are you tired? If you are tired, tell my aunt, and she will cook some sweet water for you when you go back."

When Feng Xiaolian saw Feng Jin, she was disgusted at the first glance, but became gentle at the second glance.

The voice was soft as hell.

It's like talking to the magistrate.

But in my heart I hated Fengjin very much.

Hearing that the county magistrate has been commended by the imperial decree, he will definitely be promoted to a higher level in the future.

If she could really become his concubine, the wealth of Splashing Heaven would basically be impossible to escape.

In the eyes of the people in the Feng family's old house, Feng Jin's failure to marry Feng Xiaolian as a county magistrate had something to do with it.

Feng Minsheng's father and daughter must have said something bad to the magistrate behind their backs.

I thought so in my heart, but I couldn't say it out, so much money would be a mountain in no time, if I didn't get it quickly, I would get it in my hand.

Maybe it was squandered by their father and daughter!
Bai wasted so much money!
"Who are you? I don't seem to know you, and I don't have a sister-in-law, and my father is the only relative in my family."

Feng Jin spread her hands, not planning to suffer at all.

In the past, it was okay to call them grandpa, grandma or sister-in-law, but they can no longer be called.

Breaking off relatives means that it has nothing to do with it. Dad was beaten half to death, and it is a joke to keep losing.

Although Green Tea didn't clearly stipulate the seniority after breaking up, Feng Jin didn't want to lower her status.

If they are called by the names of their elders again, wouldn't they still be manipulated, and they will be lowered by a generation for no reason.

At this time, even if Feng Jin said that he was of the same generation as Mrs. Feng, there was nothing wrong with it.

After all, they are not relatives.

All considered equal.

"Sister-in-law knows that Xiao Jin is still angry. All this is the fault of my parents and me. It was our fault in the past, and we will definitely correct it in the future."

After Feng Xiaolian finished speaking these few words, she even wiped away two tears.

He is of average appearance, but I hope there is a little bit of cuteness and pitifulness.

However, even though the tears were squeezed out abruptly, the eyes were still moving flexibly.

It landed on Chen Yu who was beside Feng Jin impartially.

Not to mention anything else, just say that this whole body demeanor is not the son of an ordinary family!

Feng Xiaolian rolled her eyes, she already had a goal.

The county magistrate has clearly rejected her in public, and it will be impossible in the future, but she will definitely marry a nobleman in the future.

If it is not the county magistrate, it must be other nobles.

I don't know Chen Yu's identity yet, but I can gain some sympathy.

"Sorry, I don't understand what you're talking about. Are you from Yangliu Village? I don't even know you. If you have nothing to do, please turn around and leave here."

Feng Jin was not polite to them at all.

"Why are you used to being like this?"

At first, Mr. Feng just watched coldly from the sidelines, thinking that he was an elder after all, and Feng Jin should take the initiative to greet him.

Unexpectedly, she didn't even look at herself, let alone greet her.

When speaking, there is no formality at all, and it is sloppy.

A girl is often brought up like this, how can she find someone else in the future?
Mr. Feng frowned. He actually had a lot to say in his heart. Thinking of the purpose of coming this time, he only said this one sentence.

My heart is suffocating.

I feel like I'm speaking too lightly.

"Master, what I look like has nothing to do with you."

When Feng Jin saw that Mr. Feng was serious and acted like a patriarch, he unconsciously felt a little disgusted.

Always feel self-righteous big parents.

Even if the patriarchs of other families are eccentric, they all coexist peacefully on the surface, and they all subsidize their eccentric side in private.

And Mr. Feng, who seemed to be the one who squeezed them the least, was actually the culprit.

Because of his indulgence all the time, Mrs. Feng and the others will take money from Feng Minsheng without any scruples.

When Mr. Feng heard Feng Jin's words, his face was instantly filled with anger.

He is the head of the family, how dare this girl talk to him like that!

She was obviously a submissive little girl before, but now she is showing her teeth and claws!
"Father, Xiao Jin may be exhausted recently, don't be angry with her, we should go to the second brother."

Seeing that Mr. Feng was about to get angry, Feng Xiaolian quickly spoke up.

I am afraid that this operation will fail.

One day's effort covered the mountain, and I don't know what else to pack tomorrow!

Old Man Feng glanced at Feng Jin coldly, but he didn't speak any more after all, but he was extremely aggrieved in his heart.

This girl is really annoying, she is as virtuous as her father!
Mrs. Feng didn't say a word, but just gave Feng Jin a hard look.

When he came, he had already been told, he was not allowed to say a word, for fear that Mrs. Feng would subconsciously swear when she opened her mouth.

"Xiao Jin, we really have something important to do with your father this time. You play here first, and we go to talk about things."

Feng Xiaolian smiled and talked to Feng Jin.

After speaking, he took his parents and walked towards the halfway up the mountain, rubbing his eyes while walking.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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