Chapter 116, that child

"Want to eat?"

Chen Yu suddenly asked Feng Jin.

If he wanted to, he would easily help Fengjin complete it.

It can be eaten once a day, or once every two days.

There are a lot of people in Feng's old house, enough for Xiaojin to eat several times.

"No need."

Feng Jin waved her hand, only replied with two words, and then slowly followed behind a few people.

Ready to watch the excitement.

Sometimes, it is not necessary to kill them in order to obtain spiritual satisfaction.

When they see that they and their father are getting better and better, only in this way can they achieve the purpose of torturing them.

Of course, the most torturous thing is not this, but when something goes wrong, you can put them in a sack and beat someone up.

Act as a blow bag.

It's not a saint either.

The thinking of modern people is deeply imprinted in their minds. After all, they are a family. Even if their daily behavior is very cruel, they can't make up their minds and kill their family directly.

Killing has never happened.

But it doesn't mean there will be no future.

Feng Jin stroked the red fox's fur lightly with his fingers, and suddenly thought of a serious question.

Chen Yu just talked about the internship problem lightly, treating human life like a weed.

Is it to some extent that he has killed people, and he has killed quite a lot.

In ancient times, murder should also be illegal, right?
"How many people have you killed?"

Feng Jin suddenly approached Chen Yu's ear, her voice was low, and she looked up and down very curiously at Chen Yu.

This guy doesn't look like a cruel person, but the people who lay on the ground in the back mountain last time should be his masterpiece.

There were probably many other assassinations besides that one.

Isn't this guy the legendary Rentu?

"There are not many. I don't like killing people very much, and I don't like violent behavior."

When Chen Yu said this, he didn't even look at Feng Jin's dark eyes.

Every girl should like that kind of gentle boy!

It's just that lying to Fengjin directly made her blush a little.

"is it?"

Feng Jin couldn't believe it, after all, that guy's eyes were scary sometimes.

"Yes, I like to convince people with reasoning, and when I encounter something that doesn't go my way, I will patiently communicate with them until both parties are satisfied."

When Chen Yu talked about convincing people with reason, his ears turned red.

Breathing stopped.

Not to mention looking into Fengjin's eyes.

It's not just Chen Yu who looks like this.

The surrounding guards were silent.

I didn't expect His Highness the Crown Prince to be such a Highness the Crown Prince.

It is obviously inappropriate to use reasoning to put people on His Highness the Crown Prince, otherwise everyone would not think that His Highness the Crown Prince is a crazy critic.

But His Royal Highness said so, everyone must believe so.

Otherwise, people will definitely die.

This is His Highness the Crown Prince's principle of convincing people with reasoning. People are the ones who are persuaded, and corpses are the ones who are not convinced.

"I didn't expect you to be quite refined usually."

Feng Jin glanced up and down at Chen Yu again.

The handsome man is picturesque, elegant and easy-going, pleasing to the eye.

"I've always been that way."

Chen Yu saw the appreciation in Feng Jin's eyes, and quickly opened his mouth to affirm his personality.

Not far away, the dark guard from a certain tree accidentally fell down, and he didn't know what happened.

But the other hidden guards didn't have time to laugh at him, because everyone couldn't hold on to the branches.

This day is so exciting.

I thought His Highness the Crown Prince was a crazy critic, but I didn't expect that not only crazy, but also humorous.

Killing skills are not good.

But the ability to tell lies with eyes open has been steadily increasing.

His Royal Highness' style of painting changed so fast that everyone couldn't react.

"very nice."

Chen Yu's image in Feng Jin's heart is getting better and better.

The main thing is appearance.

Chen Yu touched his nose, and one corner of his mouth was raised, showing the previous madness on his face.

It's just that this expression disappeared in a flash, and what Fengjin saw was warm sunshine.


Feng Xiaolian's cry was very magical, seeing Feng Minsheng didn't say a word, and started crying directly.

If it wasn't for the rough rocks on the ground, she would have thrown herself on the ground to win sympathy.

Feng Minsheng looked at the few people in front of him with a black line on his face, he knew that today would be another embarrassing day.

Back then, he was personable, and he was also an admirable existence when he went to various academic conferences for exchanges.


"Minsheng, your elder brother has always been thinking about you, if you want, you can return to the family tree."

Mr. Feng couldn't say too many warm words, so he just said this bluntly.

To Feng Minsheng, he has always been in a commanding or commanding tone.

Feng Minsheng's face is too similar to a certain person.

This reminded him of the time when he was working in that family's house, which made him always know that he was just a lowly servant.

The eldest lady is arrogant, and the eldest young master is extravagant.

Mr. Feng was very unbalanced in his heart. He had lost his mother since he was a child, and his family was so poor that he couldn't solve the problem.

After his father married his stepmother, he sold him, and traveled all over the place before he finally came to the family.

The male master of that family was good at studying, and he was promoted step by step, first in the county town, then in the provincial capital, and then he planned to move his family to the capital.

But he didn't go with him.

The steward said that these servants are different from the servants in the capital, and they are easy to be laughed at by others.

And he gave them money and sent them away.

In the eyes of others, it is a kind deed. After all, they are all servants of the death contract. It is rare to return the body of freedom, and a lot of money has been returned.

But from Mr. Feng's point of view, this is just looking down on him.

Therefore, when the wife of that family and her daughter-in-law happened to give birth at the same time...

Fast forward 30 years.

That child should have inherited the family business.

Even if they haven't inherited the family business, that family has a big business and has rights, and they must be a part-time official.

Thinking of this, Mr. Feng was very anxious.

It would be even better if Mincheng could win the first prize now, and the whole family could go to the capital and see that child.

At that time, his two sons will be officials, even if others don't know that person is also his son, he will go to that family to have a look.

No matter how arrogant they are and look down on these servants, isn't it just raising his son for him?
It would be even better if he could recognize his ancestors and return to his clan.

He wanted so much to see the expression on that family's face.

"Sorry, this is my place now, you are not welcome, please leave here."

Feng Minsheng directly refused.

He also looked at Mr. Feng who was wandering in wonder, not knowing whether he came to beg for help or to order people.

No soft words at all.

As far as this psychological quality is concerned, if you don't even throw your face into the ground, it's not as good as Fengmin City!
"Second brother, are you still angry? You should be angry, but your parents are already here, so you can't..."

Seeing that Feng Minsheng had no expression on his face, Feng Xiaolian felt a thump in her heart.

Should not be!

Feng Minsheng has always been a filial person, even if he broke up with him, he would definitely not give his parents a look.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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