Chapter 117, Feng Shui Turns
"Please get out of here."

Feng Minsheng said it repeatedly.

The villagers are still working.

After all, with so many coppers a day, no one would be ashamed to be lazy. The village chief has already said that those who are lazy will deduct their coppers.

Even if there is gossip and excitement, I don't have the nerve to gather around.

But the eyes look hard to this side.

Already no less than a hundred glances glanced at this side.

Feng Minsheng's blunt appearance made Mr. Feng even more annoyed.

This temper, this posture, really resembles the old young master!
No matter what he said, it was in an orderly tone, and he never smiled at his servants.

If something goes wrong, although he doesn't know how to beat and scold servants, he will frown with a cold face, making people even more uncomfortable.

Old Man Feng clenched his fist unconsciously, staring fixedly at Feng Minsheng.

I want Feng Minsheng to come back even more.

In this way, the people's livelihood can be enslaved in an open and aboveboard manner.

Enslaving this face, which looks exactly like the old young master's, gave him a sense of psychological satisfaction.

In particular, the money earned by Feng Minsheng was used to pay for his son's education, and he felt more at ease.

Feng Shui turns.

In the past, he was a cow and a horse for that person, but now Feng Minsheng must be a cow and a horse for Fengmin City, so as to relieve his hatred!

Mr. Feng even regretted it a little bit, he shouldn't have been expelled from the family tree in the first place.

It's getting a little trickier now.

"Second Brother, Dad is not good at words. He wants you to go back in his heart. He secretly wiped his tears several times when you were not at home. You have not visited us recently. We all miss you very much."

Feng Xiaolian stomped her feet, she could only bite the bullet and say something that no one believed.

Treat Feng Minsheng as a fool, and hope this fool can believe what she says.

"The weather is good today, so don't talk so much, or it will thunder and rain later, which is not auspicious."

Feng Minsheng snorted coldly, he didn't like this sister who was related by blood.

I don't know why my brain was so twitching back then, and I thought about letting my parents give birth to a younger sister.

Thinking about it now, luckily it didn't happen.

His father is not as lucky as him to have such a lovely daughter.

Compared with Feng Xiaolian, Feng Minsheng felt that his daughter was raised by him, at least it was much more pleasing to the eye.

Even being lazy looks so cute.

"Father, hurry up and persuade the second brother!"

Seeing the thick stack of bank notes, Feng Xiaolian was not angry, but tugged at the sleeve of old man Feng.

I want Mr. Feng to say a few more words.

"Come back! I heard that you are about to take the exam. Let your elder brother teach you well. The two brothers support each other and go further in the future."

When Mr. Feng said these words, he thought of the way the young master was studying in the past. He was so good at studying, he never forgot.

Every time you take an exam, you are confident and determined to win.

Therefore, what Mr. Feng hates the most is studying for Feng Minsheng.

When he was young, whenever Feng Minsheng peeked at Feng Mincheng to study, Mrs. Feng would always beat Feng Minsheng for no reason.

Among them is the handwriting of Mr. Feng.

"Oh! I'm afraid that if he tutors me, I'll lose my name."

Feng Minsheng sneered.

From Feng Minsheng's point of view, there is definitely something wrong with Fengmincheng's head, that is, there are not so many technical means now, if it is in modern times, it will definitely be able to diagnose him with brain damage.

Such a simple knowledge, I read it every day, and eat so many delicious foods, and in the end, I am a mere scholar and I have to go to the sky.

If it were him, he would doubt his IQ if he didn't take No. 1 in the exam.

"You! Do you really think you can pass the exam? You just watched it a few times, and you really think you can't forget it? You have only studied for a few days, and you look down on your elder brother! Tell you, it is impossible to pass the exam in this life. superior!"

Seeing Feng Minsheng's expression, Mr. Feng became angry instantly.

Can't take it anymore.

It's fine for him to be reprimanded by the young master in the past.

The current Fengmin City must no longer be looked down upon by Feng Minsheng.

This is his only obsession.

It is also the perverted psychology that has supported his survival for more than 30 years.

Only he himself knows this secret, and only he himself knows what kind of life he used to live in the Lord's house.

It's like a child's play house. Others don't know what you know, and it's easy to satisfy the perverted psychology.

From the bottom of his heart, Mr. Feng couldn't believe that Feng Minsheng could pass the exam.

If Feng Minsheng can shine in the exam this time, it will completely destroy his faith, and once again shroud him in the fear of being dominated by the young master.

In the whole village, no one believed that Feng Minsheng could pass the exam.

Only Mr. Feng resolutely cursed Feng Minsheng for not passing the exam.

"It has nothing to do with you whether I pass the exam or not. Please leave here. You are not breaking into a private house, but this is my place so far. I believe I have the right to report to the government."

Feng Minsheng had already heard from Village Chief Yang that he had announced that he had contracted this place, so that was fine, but suddenly, everyone would become very jealous if he reached the sky in one step.

"Okay, fine, you're fine!"

Mr. Feng's eyes were almost red with anger.

In a daze, I thought that the person standing in front of me was the former young master.

Now, he was even more unwilling to speak softly.


Feng Xiaolian called out to Mr. Feng, for fear that Mr. Feng would lose control and say something bad again.

She still wants to recognize this second brother.

"Leave him alone, we have nothing to do with him in the future!"

Old Man Feng shook off Feng Xiaolian's hand, and strode down the mountain with his hands behind his back.

"His father is waiting for me!"

Mrs. Feng saw that Mr. Feng was gone, and hurriedly chased after him.

She didn't care much about Feng Minsheng's fate.

He only cares about money, but also wants to chase after him and persuade Mr. Feng.

She thought to herself, Feng Minsheng crawled out of her stomach after all, and she was so successful, even if she broke up with her, she shouldn't give any money to the old people at home.

Mrs. Feng had no idea what happened that year.

All he knew was that he fell down suddenly and finally gave birth to Feng Minsheng, and almost died of dystocia.

So I don't like this son very much.

In addition, Mr. Feng didn't like it either, so Mrs. Feng naturally began to squeeze Feng Minsheng.

Parents do not love their mothers, and the primitive aborigines in their 30s lived their miserable lives in such a muddle-headed way.

Mr. Feng didn't stop at all, and he didn't want to go back to the scene when he was young.

The young master ate delicious food and enjoyed the flower moon with the beauties.

And he can only be the one who serves on the sidelines.

Mr. Feng felt a little regretful.

Why keep Feng Minsheng alive, if he dies, I will never see this face again, so I can feel more at ease.

Feng Jin and Feng Minsheng on the mountain had no idea what was going on in Mr. Feng's mind.

What Feng Jin thought was that the excitement was a bit misleading.

Mr. Feng's self-esteem is quite strong, compared with Feng Xiaolian, he is too fragile.

It's quite surprising that he can retreat from adversity with just two or three sentences.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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