Chapter 118, Moral Decline
Peace was restored on the mountain.

The sun's rays are getting stronger and stronger.

No one yelled for heat, the strong ones were chopping down trees with axes, while the weak ones were digging pits with shovels to prepare for burying the saplings.

The birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and there are vigorous plants everywhere.

ding ding ding---

The crisp wind chime sounded.

A luxurious carriage slowly walked on the unpretentious alleys of Yangliu Village.

"Miss, what are we doing here? The prince is definitely not here in the wilderness."

Xiaoling opened the curtain and glanced outside, she was very puzzled by the behavior of the eldest lady who wanted to come here.

There are grass and trees everywhere, nothing to see, and no expensive flowers.

Even if there is, with the financial resources of the Wang family, it doesn't take much to buy it for some money.

"Who wants to find that dog prince? The air here is so good, of course I'm here for a picnic!"

When Wang Wu heard the word prince, goosebumps all over his body.

"He" is indeed a girl in this skin now, but he is actually a real man in his heart and soul.

No matter how monstrous that His Highness the Crown Prince looks, if you look at him one more time, he will be considered a loser.

Arranged here by the father to seduce the prince, it is considered a spring outing.

Then go back and say that the prince didn't like her, everything is so perfect.

"What is a picnic?"

Xiaoling is completely immune to Wang Wu's behavior of scolding the dog prince from time to time.

It was scary at first, but the more I heard it, the more I felt normal.

In the worst case, the nine clans will be implicated!

Anyway, she is alone, and she is not afraid of being implicated by the whole family. At that time, the young lady and the whole family of the young lady will have to play together.

In this way, it is not too bad.

Let's die together! !

"You'll know in a while!"

Wang Wu sat by the window with her legs crossed, and opened a crack to look out.

Just happened to see the angry Mr. Feng and the others.

"The folk customs here are really simple, and the old people are quite energetic."

Looking at the angry Mr. Feng, Wang Wu felt a little emotional.

Xiaoling also stretched her neck to look outside, and saw those people, but she didn't feel that they were simple.

They look sarcastic, with calculated expressions on their faces.

Not a good person at first glance.

I don't know how the eldest lady saw their simplicity.

Could it be that seeing them poor makes them simple?
"It's quite lively over there, let's go and have a look."

Wang Wu's tender fingers pointed at the mountain that Fengjin's family had just bought, with a hint of curiosity on Juemei's face.

This world overturned his three views.

Not just the body.

There are also all kinds of weird shit rules in this world.

Once, he had seen in TV dramas that there would be some strange folk customs in remote areas.

For example, jumping to the gods or something.

I don't know if I can see it this time.


When the groom heard the young lady's words, he immediately turned the carriage around and walked towards the mountain.

Arrive at the destination in a short while.

It is a group of people working.

"It's a pity to cut down such a good tree like this."

As a person in the 21st century, Wang Wu feels that nature should be protected.

Those who cut down the trees on the mountain are simply destroying nature!

Those who command to cut down trees are definitely the scum of the scum, only caring about their own interests, regardless of the fate of the world.

It is simply a distortion of human nature and a loss of morality!

Wang Wu suffered from a secondary illness in an instant.

I have to want to educate the owner of this mountain.

Now she can be regarded as the eldest lady of a rich family, and she belongs to the richest family.

Spending money like water is also possible.

He's going to convince people with reasoning, and if he can't, he'll throw money at him!
Definitely be the No.1 in protecting nature in this world!
"Xiao Wang, go and call me the owner of this mountain."

Wang Wu held up her skirt and wanted to get off the carriage.

But suddenly he thought of his terribly beautiful face. There were so many people outside, and it was another storm for others to see his face.

This has been the case since childhood.

Every time I go to a crowded place, that section of the road will be paralyzed, and everyone is admiring her beauty.

Wang Wu scratched her hair vigorously, it's a mistake to be beautiful!

What's even more maddening is, why can't he transmigrate into a handsome man?

"Yes, Miss."

The groom absolutely obeyed Wang Wu's orders.

There were also hidden guards protecting Wang Wu, so the groom got off the car and went up the mountain.

There is no need to worry about the safety of the only daughter of the richest man.

Hearing that someone invited them over, Feng Minsheng and Feng Jin were quite curious about what it was.

Looking at the groom in front of him, he looked fierce, but it was still polite.

Feng Minsheng and Feng Jin also agreed, and Chen Yu was naturally with them.

In a short time, the three of Fengjin arrived at the extremely luxurious carriage.

Chen Yu and Feng Minsheng were men, so naturally they couldn't get on the carriage, so Feng Jin didn't go up either, and the three of them stood at the window.

They all still remembered the carriage in front of them, but they didn't know what the owner of the carriage meant.

With Feng Jin in the stomach, the carriage slowly opened the curtain, revealing that beautiful face.

I have to say, this face is really shockingly beautiful.

Flawless, without any blemishes.

No makeup, but more delicate than flowers.

"Is it you?"

Wang Wu saw Feng Jin at a glance, and immediately thought of the strange trio he saw yesterday.

I didn't expect such a coincidence.

"Is there anything my sister told us to do?"

Feng Jin spoke in a rare gentle way.

The other party was a beauty after all, Feng Jin didn't even dare to speak loudly, for fear of frightening the elder sister in front of her.

Feng Minsheng and Chen Yu were men, so it was not easy to talk to Wang Wu directly, so Feng Jin took a step forward and raised his head to communicate with Wang Wu.

"Oh, it's nothing. I just saw that everyone is very lively, so I came to talk to you."

Wang Wu's righteous words just now disappeared suddenly, and turned into a normal chat.

It's because of the word "sister" in Fengjin's mouth that I feel a little uncomfortable in my heart.

But it's not easy for this little girl to call her brother.

"By the way, what are you cutting down trees for?"

Wang Wu touched her straight nose, still wanting to remind her.

"Planting fruit trees." Feng Jin replied.

I became even more curious in my heart, why did I always feel that the beauty in front of me was a little weird.

I can't tell what's so strange, I always feel that my words and deeds don't look like a lady.

"If you are also planting trees, then there is no difference, they are all trees anyway."

Wang Wu smiled awkwardly.

The little girl's eyes really look to her best friend.

When talking to her, I always want to swear, or do something together that makes the teacher a headache and violates discipline.

Alas, the good life of going to Internet cafes with your buddies is gone forever!
"By the way, little girl, what's your name?"

Wang Wu didn't know why he wanted to make friends with the little girl in front of him, probably because he felt the long-lost familiar atmosphere from him.

"Feng Jin."

Feng Jin said his name.


Wang Wu's eyes widened suddenly, her beautiful face was full of astonishment.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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