Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 119, commensurate with sisters

Chapter 119, commensurate with sisters
in 0.01 seconds.

Wang Wu thought a lot in her mind.

She (he) traveled over from the 21st century, not out of confusion, but real.

Is there such a possibility.

In addition to myself, there are also people who have also traveled from the 21st century.

They also don't have their own body and use someone else's body.

And those people who crossed over, they just happen to know each other.

How big is such a possibility?
He used to be called Wang Wu, but now he is called Wang Wu.

Could this little girl named Fengjin in front of her be the Fengjin she knew?
Wang Wu swallowed nervously and didn't speak for a long time.

This little girl felt very familiar to him, and he was almost sure now that she was her.

"Sister, what's wrong?"

Seeing the shocked expression on Wang Wu's face, Feng Jin didn't know what was going on for a while.

Why are you so surprised to hear your own name?

Did you know each other before?

It shouldn't be, my original body was just a small peasant girl before, even now, I don't know such a luxurious person.

"No, it's nothing, can I take the liberty to ask, what's your father's name?"

Wang Wu secretly glanced at Feng Minsheng.

Feng Minsheng was standing there, and he hadn't spoken to him yet, but his aura was really familiar.

Before Feng Minsheng opened his mouth to speak, he was already feeling sleepy.

They look different, but the feeling that emanates from the bones is too much like his perverted bully teacher.

"Feng Minsheng."

When Feng Jin said these three words, his eyes kept looking at Wang Wu.

She clearly saw that Wang Wu's pupils contracted when he heard these three words.

It seemed that he knew he was going to say this name, but he was still very shocked.

"Oh haha, the name sounds nice."

Wang Wu tightly grasped the edge of the window, suppressed the ecstasy in her heart, and pretended to be calm.

Calm down, be calm.

Even if the two people in front of him are really the two people he knows.

Also, don't reveal your identity.

Otherwise, you will be laughed at to death.

Think of him, a fat man weighing more than 200 kilograms, has turned into such a weak appearance.

It is definitely the most hilarious and unforgettable stalk in the world.

Wang Wu really wanted to confirm the identities of Feng Minsheng and Feng Jin, and even a scumbag, he wanted to spit out two English pairs of codes.

Finally I held back.

"Sister, do you know us?"

Feng Jin asked.

Wang Wu's expression changed too quickly, and he didn't exude any malice, making people unable to help but suspect something.

"No, I don't know each other. It's also my first time here. But you and I hit it off right away, and we chatted very well. From now on, we'll be called...sisters!"

The word "sister" was really gritted out by Wang Wu.

I don't want to talk about my identity, and I want to chat more with people I used to know, that's all I can do.

The depression in Wang Wu's heart can no longer be described in words.

Ten thousand alpacas passed over his head non-stop, and each one spat at him.

Don't mention how aggrieved!

"Okay, sister!"

Feng Jin didn't feel any malice from the beauty in front of her, she just felt that this sister was pleasing to the eye, making it hard to reject what she said.

The most important point is that this sister is not only beautiful, but also looks very rich.

Do not call white do not call.

Wang Wu felt a slight toothache when she heard Fengjin's sweet sister.

In the past, if Feng Jin was angry, he would call himself a fat man.

Well now, call yourself sister.

Wang Wu had ten thousand complaints in her heart, but she couldn't find anyone to confide in.

I can only hold back in my heart silently, complaining to myself.

After calling her sister, Wang Wu was still looking at Fengjin, complaining all the time in her heart, and couldn't care less about talking.

After all, his heart was always talking.

fell into silence.

"Would you like to come and sit at my house?"

Feng Jin broke the silence and asked.

Anyway, the family seems to be empty, and there is nothing to gain, but the elder sister in front of me is really rich.

Feng Jin is really not afraid of being tricked.

It would be even better if she was tricked, she would be able to grab the beautiful sister's money openly and aboveboard.

Just the luxurious carriage in front of him is very enticing.

"Of course, let's go now!"

Wang Wu agreed immediately.

Maybe if you go to Fengjin's house, you can find evidence of their time travel.

After all, so far, she just felt that Feng Jin and Feng Minsheng had traveled through time, without any substantive evidence.

"There's still something to do on the mountain, so we won't go back."

Feng Minsheng pointed to the mountain, not planning to go home with Chen Yu.

Men and women are different.

It's really inappropriate to go back together, not to mention that the people's livelihood is really needed on the mountain.

And Chen Yu is the labor force that Feng Minsheng is currently grasping.

No matter what, let him do some work. If Chen Yu does more work, he will save one more person's wages.

Twenty Wen!

Feng Minsheng said that although he is not short of that little copper, but he is willing to save such a little copper!

Chen Yu pursed his thin lips, and looked at Feng Jin quietly.

He came here just to talk to Feng Jin more.

But pleasing my father-in-law is also the most important task.

Folk people often say that the father-in-law is the most difficult to deal with, and it is true.

If you are tired, just be a little bit tired. After all, he won't lose money.

Seeing that Feng Minsheng would not go back, Wang Wu breathed a sigh of relief.

Since ancient times, students have been unable to let go in front of teachers.

There is always an invisible sense of oppression.

What's more, his teacher is as smart as a monkey, and it's easy to find out what's wrong with him.

If you beat him to death, you can't admit that your name is originally Wang Wu!

Wang Wu tightly covered her little vest, afraid that they would not know, and also afraid that they would know.

Very confused.

Even if he becomes a wretched beggar, or a corrupt official who is about to be imprisoned, she dares to recognize her teacher and Xiao Jin.

It's a bit shameful to be ashamed, at least it's a man...

How embarrassing to become the beautiful only daughter of the richest man like him!

Feng Jin sat in this luxurious carriage and ate several small and exquisite snacks.

Because he ate Haisai for breakfast just now, Feng Jin only ate a few pieces of dim sum and couldn't eat any more.

"Eat another two yuan!"

Wang Wu put a bunch of exquisite snacks in front of Fengjin.

As a best friend, he clearly knows Fengjin's appetite.

This is not enough to get between the teeth!
"Thank you sister, I'm full."

What Feng Jin said was the truth.

"It's okay, you can eat some more."

Wang Wu didn't believe that Feng Jin would be full after eating a few snacks, at least he had to eat a few elbows to be full!

Feng Jin blinked her eyes, and stuffed a few more snacks.

Wang Wu squinted her eyes, resting her cheeks on Fengjin who was eating, and hesitated to speak from time to time.

Xiao Jin didn't inherit the mind of his respected chemistry teacher at all, and now she should be able to confirm some things by talking to her.

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(End of this chapter)

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