Chapter 123 This is for you
"Miss, why do you still..."

Xiaoling didn't say the following words, the meaning was already obvious.

Since we all know that Xiao Jin's friends are neither good nor bad, why do we still want to be friends with Xiao Jin?

It's better to go back to the capital and be friends with those great ladies, it's not considered a loss of status.

"Because we share similar tastes!"

Wang Wu raised her eyebrows, and her delicate eyebrows looked a little off on her beautiful face.

The beauty raised her eyebrows, and the pictures were picturesque, but the words she spoke were not so beautiful.

It even feels a little bit broken.

Xiaoling: ...

The old lady was so gentle and tough, but the current lady's style of painting is indeed a bit biased, and she is gradually becoming a little unscrupulous, and has become more and more dubious.

It is precisely because of this that she wants the eldest lady to associate more with the ladies.

Anyway, it can make Master Wang feel more at ease.

Otherwise, Mr. Wang would get a headache whenever he saw the eldest lady, and it would be fine if the girl's family was not good or bad.

It made Master Wang start exercising.

I just want to have another child while I am young, and inherit this ten thousand family fortune.

Otherwise, with Wang Wu's virtue, sooner or later, he will become the first loser in the imperial city from the first richest man in the imperial city!

Xiaoling opened her mouth and wanted to persuade her again.

It's okay to be a fool around, at least wait until after Master Wang does that, after he inherits the family business!

At that time, no one cares!

Now, is it a little indulgent?
"Okay, okay, don't talk anymore, I know it well."

Wang Wu stopped Xiaoling from talking, and her beautiful eyes rolled slightly.

Picking up the pink and expensive Luo Qun, seeing Magistrate Lin cooking, no one paid attention to him, and moved towards the main room bit by bit.

The door of the main room was still open, and he hid outside the door, secretly revealing a small and exquisite head, with a long neck to look inside vigorously.

In the main room, although Wang Tong was still wearing tattered clothes, his hands and face were clean.

The masculinity on his body is not so strong.

"this is for you."

Wang Tong seemingly unintentionally took out a wooden box from his tattered treasure bag. The surface of the wooden box was clean without a trace of dust.

It is a wooden box for jewelry.

"what is this?"

Feng Jin caught the wooden box suspiciously, opened it without thinking too much.

Inside lay a white jade hairpin quietly, with the tail in the shape of a gardenia flower.

Feng Jin immediately thought of the jade pendant given by Chen Yu, which was also in the shape of gardenia.

The gardenia at the end of the hairpin is more three-dimensional and looks more realistic. Just looking at the hairpin seems to smell the fragrance of gardenia.

"The hairpin I got from begging for food was given to you. If you don't like it, I'll ask for another one."

Wang Tong coughed lightly, and his hands were slightly tightened, as if he was a little nervous.

"Can you still get this by begging?"

Feng Jin didn't believe it.

"I can get it, as long as I put my heart into it, I can get it!"

Wang Tong stuck his neck and insisted that he got it.

Feng Jin looked at the hairpin, then at Wang Tong who was a little nervous and even had red ears, and suddenly said,
"Are you going to chase..."

The word "I" has not had time to say it.

Wang Tong began to shake his head frantically.

"No, no, you think too much, I treat you as a buddy! This thing is too much for me, so I will give it to you!"

Feng Jin blinked, and when Wang Tong immediately shook his head to refute without even hesitating for a second, he felt that he might be being self-indulgent.

"Then I can't take this thing anymore, you'd better keep it for others!"

Feng Jin put the wooden box back into Wang Tong's treasure bag.

Hairpins were probably something that should not be taken carelessly in ancient times, and even modern people cannot accept such expensive gifts.

Wang Tong looked down at his treasure bag, and didn't have the courage to take it out a second time.

"Forget it if you don't want to, I'll find a pawnshop to pawn, and I'll treat you to a big meal!"

Wang Tong looked indifferent.

The eyes dimmed slightly.

He thought he was a shameless person, heartless.

Deciding that a person will definitely be a stalker, crying, making trouble, and hanging himself can also be used.

After all, this world is different from the previous world.

If his identity is really a beggar, it's okay, he will embrace Feng Minsheng's thigh without any scruples, begging for support, and begging to be a door-to-door son-in-law.

However, he is not a real beggar after all, and all the courage he mustered up before entering the door today was nothing more than taking the wooden box out of the treasure bag.

“A must eat meal!”

Feng Jin didn't notice Wang Tong's expression, but happened to see Wang Wu who was peeking at the door.

It's kind of funny to watch her sneaky.

"Why doesn't sister come in?"

Wang Wu touched her nose in embarrassment, stood up and wanted to run, but suddenly remembered that she was a pretty girl.

If it was Wang Wu who eavesdropped, Wang Tong would definitely screw his head off and kick it as a ball.

But if it's a girl, it shouldn't kill him.

"I'm just here to take a look. I'm a little curious about the decoration of your main room."

Wang Wu made up a random reason.

Fengjin's house is the poorest yard in the village. The benches and chairs in the house are all patinaed with age, and you can see the stars when you look up.

There is no such thing as a decoration, it would be nice to have a few chairs to sit on.

This reason is really a bit of a mouthful.

"You can't see it anywhere. It's better to be more reserved if you're a guest."

Wang Tong put away the carefree talk with Feng Jin, and his expression became a little more serious.

Wang Wu's target was the Crown Princess, so he had to be cautious, and even felt that Wang Wu was observing Feng Jin and regarded Feng Jin as a stumbling block.

The bigger the family in the capital, the more they will not let anyone stand in the way, even if they are killed by mistake, they will not let go.

Wang Tongxin sank all of a sudden, when will he kill this guy so that no one will notice, and Xiaojin won't be implicated.

"Got it, got it!"

Wang Wu nodded again and again, after all, she was wrong.

But he felt a little gloating in his heart, when did Wang Tong become so thin-skinned?
Should not be!

He thought there would be a scene of a wretched man hugging his thigh and begging to be his son-in-law!
"The king crab should be almost ready, let's go and eat it!"

Feng Jin didn't understand why Wang Tong was so serious all of a sudden, it seemed that he was targeting the beautiful sister.

Of course, this situation requires a hero to save the beauty!
Feng Jin quickly diverted Wang Tong's attention, took Wang Tong with one hand, and Wang Wu with the other and walked towards the kitchen.

The king crab has been steamed, and it will be ready soon. County magistrate Lin has prepared the sauce, and it can be eaten directly with dipping.

Taking advantage of the free time, I also prepared a few cold dishes.


Before Fengjin dragged the two of them to the kitchen, there was a violent knock at the gate.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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