Chapter 124 Who Was Beaten?
Feng Jin looked up.

I saw a handsome man with a livid face, and the gate that was already lying quietly on the ground.

In the middle of the gate, there is a shoe print, penetrating three points.

It can be seen that a certain prince is really in a hurry!

Chen Yu's eyes fell on Feng Jin's hand holding Wang Tong's arm, his eyes were cold.

He followed Feng Minsheng on the mountain as a coolie, trying his best to please his father-in-law.

In less than a quarter of an hour, it was learned from the villagers that two men had come to Fengjin's house with strange things.

Chen Yu couldn't sit still immediately, and came over after saying goodbye to Feng Minsheng.

On the way, he even received a signal from the hidden guard that someone wanted to rob the princess.

Is this okay?

Chen Yu could hardly control his emotions, the door had suffered an indiscriminate disaster.

"Why are you kicking my door for nothing! Are you crazy?"

Feng Jin took a deep breath, and let go of Wang Tong and Wang Wu's hand.

Pointing at Chen Yu with one hand, he walked forward while talking.

A look ready to scold the street.

Chen Yu's face was still livid, his body was chilly, and the wind was overflowing.

Feng Jin's fingers almost poked his face, furious.

This posture is obviously wrong.

The nearby dark guards dared not speak out.

I'm afraid that the prince will kill the princess who was finally found.

This little girl is the first person who dares to point his finger at the face of His Highness the Crown Prince.

I'm afraid it's also the last one, no matter how favored you are, you can't poke your face!

It is estimated to be cool.

Wang Tong quickly ran to Feng Jin's side.

His fingers retracted into his sleeves, and a small dagger reached his palm at some point.

His carefree face became expressionless, and his eyes were piercing.

Be ready for emergencies at any time.

"I, I was wrong."

Chen Yu's face was still ashen, but the words he spit out coldly did not match his temperament a little bit.

He was really impulsive just now, but when he saw Xiao Jin pulling Wang Tong, he was really angry.

I'm afraid that the princess Hongxing will come out of the wall.

Who will be responsible for him then?
Angry is angry, but the fire can't be directed at Xiao Jin, the worst is to kill Wang Tong behind his back.

Although he was saying "I was wrong", he obviously didn't react emotionally, and his tone was blunt.

The dark guard was stunned, and Wang Tong was also stunned.

But Feng Jin was even angrier.

"What's your attitude? You kicked the door of my house for no reason, and you're still so arrogant!"

The attitude and tone of this apology is really a bit bad, even a bit suspected of being condescending.

The door is the face of a family.

It's okay to be kicked by the people from the old house of Feng's family in the past, but he was also kicked by Chen Yu for no reason!

Feng Jin was very angry and moved her fingers closer to Chen Yu's fair and beautiful face.

I don't think I'm rude at all. After all, this guy kicked down the door of his house and even wanted to beat him up.

But it's a little bit hard to do.

This guy looks so good-looking, it would be a pity if his face was disfigured.

"I, I didn't mean to."

Chen Yu glanced at Feng Jin's fingers, and silently passed his face over, allowing Feng Jin's fingers to poke his face precisely.

The soft touch on his face made him calm down a little.

He kicked the gate, Xiaojin still wanted to touch his face, she must have him in her heart.

Xiaojin was embarrassed to reach out to touch it directly, but it didn't matter, he could move over.

Chen Yu felt much more at ease in an instant.

"What are you doing!"

Feng Jin was taken aback by Chen Yu's handsome face that suddenly came over, his heart was beating wildly, and the touch from his hand was very good.

He tried his best to restrain himself, the urge to touch it again, and silently retracted his fingers.

If you flirt with a handsome man in broad daylight, you will be punished, right?

Chen Yu saw Feng Jin's hand retracted, blinked his eyes, and walked over with a cold face.

Is he out of favor, or is he not attractive enough?

Compared with a beggar, where did I lose?

When Chen Yu leaned over again, he was a little anxious, and his strength was a little stronger.

There was even a slight clashing sound between the fingers and the face.


Crisp and sweet.

His majestic Crown Prince was slapped.

You may not believe it when you say it, but His Royal Highness the Prince forced it over.

But, being beaten is being beaten, even if the other party is the princess, she has to be escorted!

Wang Tong silently took out the dagger.

The surrounding guards also silently drew their knives.

The battle is imminent.

"You, you hit me?"

Feng Jin was stunned, covered her hands, and looked at Chen Yu angrily.

Chen Yu has strong kung fu and deep inner strength. Although his face looks like a boy's face, it does make Feng Jin feel pain in his hands.

Feng Jin has reason to suspect that Chen Yu is taking revenge for poking him in the face just now!
Chen Yu swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and didn't know how to explain it for a while.

He is also blind at the moment.

Who was beaten?

Why is your face numb?
Why can't he react?
Chen Yu's face, which was still ashen just now, is a little red now (it's the red on one side that Feng Jin poked just now).

With pretty peach blossom eyes, he quickly sized Feng Jin up, and finally saw Feng Jin's slightly red fingers.

"I... I'm too thick-skinned, I'm sorry!"

Chen Yu stretched out his hand in distress, wanting to pull Fengjin's hand and rub it.

Feng Jin rolled her eyes and took a step back,
"You install the door first, and then sweep the yard!"

Chen Yu came to Feng Jin's house a little too often, and they got along fairly well, and Feng Jin was not polite to him.

He directly stated his "punishment".


Chen Yu responded, glanced at Wang Tong, and touched his swollen face.

This "hmm" is a little bit of grievance.

"Don't be idle, isn't it time to eat? Take the bowl!"

Feng Jin elbowed Wang Tong who was standing beside him.

Commander is addicted to command.

"Oh, alright."

Wang Tong quickly stuffed the dagger in his hand into his sleeve, turned around and went into the kitchen.

Lightweight when walking.

I was also surprised by Chen Yu's crazy attitude, has he changed to the pathetic route now?
There was a wry smile on the corner of Wang Tong's mouth, it seemed that whoever met Xiao Jin was obedient.

Even His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has to be obedient.

My heart suddenly felt a little empty.

If there is no force behind him, if there is no...

The hidden guards stood in the dark with their knives in their hands, and did not come to escort them. They all supported their bodies with their knives, for fear that they would fall.

Shock them 500 years!
The madness of His Royal Highness was completely cured by the Crown Princess!

Those who don't even respond to slaps in the face will only feel wronged!
They saw with their own eyes that His Royal Highness, the crown prince, was half squatting and carrying the dilapidated gate, and was studying how to install the gate.

The door was so badly damaged that it couldn't be fixed right away.

So, His Highness the Crown Prince fumbled bit by bit, breaking the wooden door with his hands from time to time, trying to straighten the deformed latch.

As for Feng Jin, he stood aside with his hands pinched on his waist, as if he wanted to punch Chen Yubang at any time.

His Royal Highness came over angrily, and did three things - apologize, get beaten, and do coolies!

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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