Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 125, which palace to start with?

Chapter 125, which palace to start with?

Peng Peng bang!
The dilapidated door was banging again.

It's just that this time the voice was weak, and it wasn't formed by malicious violence.

"Okay, okay."

Chen Yu stood up silently, sweat was already oozing from his forehead.

His fingers trembled a little.

The door is easy to remove, but a little difficult to install.

Especially when he installed it alone, and someone supervised it.

"Well, don't kick it next time, or I will tear down your house!"

Feng Jin said "threat".


Chen Yu blinked, and there was a little expectation in his eyes.

It would be fun for Xiao Jin to tear down the palace.

Which palace to start with?

Imperial Dining Room or Imperial Study Room?

Let's start from the old emperor's bedroom!

"What happened to you just now?"

At this time, Feng Jin remembered Chen Yu's angry look when he entered the door.

It was very angry at first glance.

Treat your own door as an object to vent your anger on.

Hearing Feng Jin's question, Chen Yu's calm face became a little stiff again.

"Have you received anything from others?"

Chen Yu didn't say anything, just asked this question.

What an irresponsible little liar.

They are already in the same room with him alone, so they should be responsible to him, why are they so close to that beggar?

It doesn't matter if the distance is close, they are all friends, something that cannot be avoided, after all, he hasn't killed Wang Tong yet.

But he got the news that the hairpin given by Wang Tong was obtained after exhausting the entire Bai Xiaosheng organization.

The mutton fat jade, which looks warm and moist like jade, is indeed priceless, but its origin is even more amazing.

There is also an unknown and coveted treasure secret above.

It is said that it is an accessory of the most favored princess of the previous dynasty, Chaolu, and was given to her by her son-in-law. It represents the friendship between the two and is also the key to unlock the treasure of the previous dynasty.

Even the old emperor is chasing the whereabouts of the hairpin.

"who's stuff?"

Feng Jin didn't react for a moment.

After all, Chen Yu wasn't here when Wang Tong was talking to her, so he shouldn't have known.

"That guy, the hairpin for you."

With a serious face, Chen Yu's beautiful peach eyes suddenly glanced vigorously in the direction of the kitchen, and his voice was deliberately lowered a lot.

Want to get angry but dare not.

I didn't even dare to shout loudly.

It can only look serious, but in fact it is relatively weak when speaking.

"No, I returned it to him." Feng Jin shook his head, then suddenly remembered something, "How do you know he gave me something?"

Feng Jin thought of the hidden guards around that Honghu said, good guy, he is being watched.

The anger that had just subsided gradually increased.

The hand has been raised, and it will fall on Chen Yu's dog's head at any time.

I'm afraid this guy is spying on himself!

Chen Yu raised his arms subconsciously, and weakly protected his head, feeling unreasonable and angry.

Although the posture is timid, the corners of the mouth are raised.

I didn't accept it!

The significance of the hairpin given by a man to a woman is extraordinary. If Xiao Jin didn't accept it, it meant that she had to be herself!

Thinking of this, Chen Yu instantly felt a lot better!

"Just this time, they didn't spread information randomly, and it won't happen in the future."

When Chen Yu answered the second half of Feng Jin's sentence, he was a little timid.

Xiaojin's beating is actually very painful, he must not fight back, he can only bear it silently.

The prince, who usually had a straight back, bent his waist slightly at this time, with his arms blocking the front of his head.

There was an aura of wretchedness exuding all over his body.

Facing Feng Jin who is much shorter than him, he has no strength at all.

No matter how you look at it, how useless.

The surrounding guards looked at the "useless" prince, and instantly felt that this world was a bit mysterious!

Is Jiangshan dying?

In addition to the extremely messy emotions, most of the hidden guards still have a little bit of... carelessness in their hearts.

As expected of a princess!

Dedicated to conquering the prince!Ke's dead!
His Royal Highness the Crown Prince they met had always been aloof, unyielding, and resolute.

Wicked people have their own grind, this sentence makes sense after careful taste.

"I advise you to let them retreat a little bit, if you secretly watch my family's life again, I—"

When Feng Jin said the second half of the sentence, he punched Chen Yu with Bangbang.

It hit Chen Yu firmly on the arm protecting his head.

Chen Yu's handsome face froze for a moment, and silently let out a smile that he thought was pretty.

"I was wrong."

In this case, an apology is fine, and don't talk nonsense, it is easy to be beaten to death.

For details, refer to Fengmin City and Mrs. Feng, the time when Xiaojin wrapped him in a sack, the beating was not ordinary.

Feng Jin saw that Chen Yu didn't refute at all, he was so useless that he was going to die, and he was too embarrassed to get angry again.

She wanted the red fox to pay more attention to the hidden guards around her, and if those hidden guards were too close to her house, she would - catch the thief first and catch the king first.

Beat up Chen Yu first!
"Xiao Jin, it's time to eat."

Wang Tong did not know when he was standing at the door of the kitchen, seeing Feng Jin and Chen Yu's "flirtatious" appearance, he felt a little sour.

"Hey, here we come!"

As soon as Feng Jin heard that it was time to eat, she thought of the four alive and kicking king crabs, and poked Chen Yu's arm with her finger as a warning.

Then bounced to the kitchen.

Chen Yu looked at Feng Jin's back, and slowly lowered the arm that was protecting his head.

His arm is still numb, it's not that he's being hypocritical, it's a bit strenuous to lift his arm now.

He, the princess, is really strong!
It seems that in the future, you still have to behave a little better, or you will be beaten to death.

Chen Yu tidied up his clothes that had become a little messy due to the installation of the gate, and his useless temperament changed instantly, and he was a nobleman again.

Slowly walking, peerless elegance.

The people in the house have already eaten.

Several large king crabs have been dismembered, Feng Jin is holding a leg and cutting it with scissors.

"If you like to eat, I'll bring you some later."

Chen Yu suddenly remembered that this thing is also available in the palace, and every year there will be tribute from small coastal countries. He doesn't care much about it, and he doesn't like appetite too much.

If the princess likes it, she can ask those countries to give more.

"Tch! It's no exaggeration to say that apart from my place, only the palace has this thing, and it may not be the size of the palace. My side is big!"

County magistrate Lin learned from Wang Tong that it was the prince who saved him, but he still didn't know that Chen Yu was the prince.

I am very proud when I say this.

Don't think that the squires in small counties don't have too much oil and water on them, and there are twists and turns inside!
The mountain is high and the emperor is far away, the farther it is, the darker it is.

These king crabs were picked from the tribute, and the big ones were picked!
Although the Prime Minister who is the backstage of County Magistrate Lin no longer pays attention to him, his existence is equivalent to white gloves. He looks like a ninth-rank sesame official. In fact, the crime of being punished by the nine clans is still a little lighter.

When Chen Yu heard what Magistrate Lin said, his expression was quite calm.

Oh, he almost forgot.

It is a miracle that the guy in front of him can survive until now, his hands are not clean.

What's even more amazing is that he thinks it's possible for this guy to be alive.

Anyway, the people's fat and people's cream are also cheaper for Xiao Jin.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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