Chapter 126, Crazy Temperament
Wang Wubainen's hand holding the chopsticks was no slower than others.

Crazy cooking.

The white crab meat is dipped in a slightly spicy sauce, and the mouth is full of juice, and the satisfaction of one bite will instantly overwhelm the taste buds.

There is no image to speak of.

No one at the dinner table talked much, just a few people divided three king crabs, and they couldn't grab them in their mouths.

There is still a king crab in the pot, which is reserved for Feng Minsheng.

Wolves have more meat and less meat.

After a while, there were only shells left on the table.

Chen Yu didn't even have time to peel off Feng Jin's leg, and it was gone in the blink of an eye!
"I'm full, who will clean up?"

Wang Tong was sitting on a chair, biting a bamboo stick.

Probably seeing Feng Jin beating Chen Yu, flirting and scolding, he felt unbalanced in his heart.

His tone of voice was a bit strange, and his eyes were still looking at Chen Yu.

The meaning is already obvious, let him clean up.

"You clean up."

Feng Jin raised her hand and pointed at Wang Tong.

Lin Chengjie cooked the rice, she ate the crabs, and of course Wang Tong did the dishes, there's nothing wrong with that!

Wang Tong was somewhat dissatisfied.

"Because your hands are whiter today."

Feng Jin thought for a while, and answered very seriously.

Wang Tong came to eat too many times, but basically he was not allowed to participate in labor.

That's because his image is really hot-eyed, and I don't know why he is so strict when he is a beggar. His hands and face have never been washed.

Today's hands and face are relatively fair, and it is still possible to wash dishes.

Wang Tong rolled his eyes, stood up and began to pack his things.

A word was muttered in his mouth, but no one heard it.

Washing your face and hands today is not just to give away a hairpin that cannot be given away!
After half an hour.

The table was cleaned up, and several people looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

No one said they were leaving.

A little bit awkward.

"Do you want to go to work?"

Feng Jinsu pointed to the mountain.

If you don't go, you won't go, and if you go, you can save dozens of copper coins.

When Chen Yu heard Feng Jin's words, he was the first to respond, and he had already stood up.

He is working in Feng's house now, and he is getting more and more agile.

"to make!"

Wang Tong nodded in agreement directly, and even dragged Lin Chengjie to prevent him from running away, so he had to go to work together.

"Sister, don't go, the sun in the afternoon is relatively strong, it is easy to bask in you, let's play together tomorrow when you have time!"

Seeing that Wang Wu also rolled up his sleeves, Feng Jin hurriedly stopped him as if he was going to work with him.

It's a bit unbearable to let a beauty work and do things.

If Wang Wu appeared on the mountain, let alone the old and young men in the village, even the older girls and the younger daughter-in-law would not be in the mood to work.

Patronize to see her!
Wang Wu opened her mouth to say something more, but Xiao Ling had already tugged on her sleeve to stop her.

The eldest lady has delicate skin and tender flesh, and she will get blisters on the foot of the mountain, so it's better not to suffer from this.

If you want to help, there are other places you can help.

"Okay, then I'll come and play with you tomorrow when I'm free!"

Looking at her white and tender hands, Wang Wu could only give up.

This skin is not born to work!

In the end, Wang Wu went to the county town in the Wang family's carriage. There was a yard in the county town, which Wang Wu had just bought.

Stay there for now.

After meeting Feng Jin and Feng Minsheng, Wang Wu even planned to live there for a long time.

After Wang Wu left, Feng Jin took Chen Yu and the three of them up the mountain.

I really went to work to help.

Wang Tong's beggar hand picked up the hoe and kept digging holes.

The hand of County Magistrate Lin, which was specially used to search for people's fat and people's ointment, kept pulling weeds. The people who pulled out grass were all over their bodies, their hair was messy, and they had no image at all.

From time to time, I have to accept everyone's scrutiny.

Chen Yu worked harder and followed Feng Minsheng, and he went over to help Feng Minsheng whatever Feng Minsheng was doing.

That's a sharp eye!

At the end of the day, these three people are worth six strong laborers, and they have saved 120 Wen.

Feng Minsheng is quite happy without having to pay wages.

It would be happier if there were no pigs staring at the cabbage.

Night fell quietly, and the villagers worked hard for a day, but it was not without harvest.

Village head Yang guarded them at the foot of the mountain, handing out copper coins one by one.

The copper plates were exchanged at the bank in the county, and they were distributed once a day.

The villagers happily received the copper coins, and they looked at Feng Minsheng differently.

I used to think that Feng Minsheng only had one daughter, and she was an extinct family.

Now I feel that if he is capable, and now he has contracted a mountain, he will definitely marry a wife in the future. Since he will marry a wife, he will have a son, so naturally he is not considered an extinct family.

He even wondered if there was any suitable woman among his relatives to continue Feng Minsheng.

If it succeeds, everyone will be happy.

Many people have already made up their minds, and when they want to go back, they tell their mother-in-law that they can make a pair if they can!
After all, today the county magistrate is helping with work on the mountain. Who can say what will happen in the future?
Feng Minsheng is about to reach the sky in one step!

Feng Minsheng also ignored the person who secretly told him to introduce his wife to him. At this moment, he looked at Chen Yu and the three of them with resentful eyes.

These three people are lining up behind the villagers, ready to receive 20 copper coins each.

Forget about Wang Tong, he is dressed in sloppy clothes and looks like he has no money.

But Chen Yu and Lin Chengjie looked more like dogs than the other, and they were wearing brocade clothes.

There are still faces queuing up there to receive copper coins!
Really... quite stingy!

Village head Yang was really surprised to see these three people, didn't they come here for free to help?

Also, the county magistrate also lacks this little copper coin?

Finally, under the gaze of Feng Minsheng, Village Chief Yang counted each of them 20 Wen coins very rigorously.

Lin Chengjie put it into his sleeves with a smile.

Don't do it for nothing, as a corrupt official, he will never let go of any chance to search for money.

Although it is only a copper plate, it is his teacher's copper plate, which is very rare.

The same is true of Wang Tong.

He felt that putting this copper plate on his body could ward off evil spirits!
In the future, begging will definitely make a lot of money every day!
Only Chen Yu didn't put away the copper plate, and silently handed the copper plate he received in line to Feng Jin.

The male lead is outside, the female lead is inside, and the money is given to Xiaojin, that's right.

For a moment, Feng Minsheng, Wang Tong and Lin Chengjie were all silent.

This man is too doggy!
It seems that everyone is very incapable of being a human being!
Feng Jin was also a little surprised, but the copper plate was handed to him, so he naturally wanted to accept it.

Chen Yu watched Feng Jin accept it, and his beautiful peach blossom eyes couldn't help but bend.

By the way, shouldn't the accounts in his house be sorted out, and I will give them to Xiaojin then!
She will absolutely love it!
"Let's go! Hurry up and go home!"

Feng Minsheng decisively urges Fengjin to go home.

If you don't go home again, you will be abducted by wolves soon!


Feng Jin blinked in confusion, waved goodbye to Chen Yu, and was taken home by Feng Minsheng's arm.

Chen Yu stood there watching Feng Jin's back gradually disappear, his face changed from a silly smile to an indifferent state.

"You guys, are you still leaving?"

Chen Yu looked at Wang Tong and Lin Chengjie coolly, completely without the silly look just now.

The crazy temperament returned to his body, and the air-conditioning was overflowing.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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