Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 127, The domineering prince falls in love with me

Chapter 127, The domineering prince falls in love with me
County magistrate Lin and Wang Tong are Xiaojin's friends, so they are still standing here.

According to the usual practice, the crimes committed by these two people should be implicated in the nine clans.

And because these two are men, and Wang Tong's desire to court cabbage is the biggest, so it is impossible for Chen Yu to have good looks with them like he did with Xiao Jin and Feng Minsheng.

"It's none of your business whether we leave or not? I'm the county magistrate here, so I can leave whenever I want!"

County magistrate Lin pinched his waist with his fingers, and he seemed to have such a dignified body.

He used officials to bully the people with perfect proficiency.

As a buddy, he naturally knew what Wang Tong, a toad, was thinking.

Everyone clearly knew that Wang Tong was a toad, but compared with the pigs in this world, the toad looked a little more delicate.

After all, it's our toad, so it can be considered that the fat and water will not flow into the field of outsiders.

"Brother, keep a low profile."

Although Wang Tong looked at Chen Yu with his chin raised, he still made a little voice through his teeth to remind County Magistrate Lin.

"What are you afraid of! No matter how rich and powerful he is, he can't overwhelm me, a local snake!"

When County Magistrate Lin said this, he was very majestic.

In his memory, since he became the county magistrate here, he has been the boss of this piece of land, and anyone who comes here has to follow his winks.

A corrupt official does not pay attention to etiquette and morality at all.

Even County Magistrate Lin wanted to smash the jar and help us, Toad, to beat up this little boy!
"He is the prince."

Wang Tong spoke calmly.

County Magistrate Lin's hand pinching his waist trembled, his face twitching wildly.

I couldn't hold back a word, I didn't dare to speak at all, and I would kneel when I opened my mouth.

Chill at the back of the head.

If he supports the other side's pig now and beats our side's toad instead, is there still time?
"It's getting dark, let's go back quickly! Walking at night is easy to fall to death."

Chen Yu opened his mouth coolly.

Didn't give the two of them any face at all.

He doesn't need to give face to others, let alone face to his rival.

As a prince, he never pays attention to these things. What he should pay attention to is others. If he is not careful, he will offend him. The price of offending him is something that most people can't afford.

"Cough cough."

County magistrate Lin coughed lightly, but still didn't speak.

Quietly glanced at Wang Tong beside him.

Wang Tong still looked at Chen Yu through his nostrils, with an indifferent expression on his face.

Three points mature, seven points domineering.

It just looks a little underwhelming.

It seems that the toad is going to grab the cabbage from the pig's mouth.

County magistrate Lin nodded his head self-consciously. In this case, he can't lose face too much.

Otherwise, if you are too humble, your friends can't hold their heads up in front of the pigs.

Therefore, County Magistrate Lin took a deep breath, his chest was filled with air, and his voice was deafening.
"Let's go!"

Then, he dragged Wang Tong away.

It was still early in the sky, so he probably wouldn't catch up with the night road and fall to his death.

Chen Yu: ...

"Can't we be tougher?"

Wang Tong was not convinced.

"It's because he saved my face. Besides, toughness or coolness, which one do you choose?"

County magistrate Lin almost rolled his eyes to the sky.

He kept thinking why the prince would save him.

Now I understand that the prince and Xiaojin are related.

County magistrate Lin remembered this kindness on Xiaojin.

Hmph, he seems to have discovered something extraordinary, it turns out that pigs can criticize like crazy!
Also, the prince is a pig!
"Tch, it's not certain who will be cool in the end!"

Wang Tong muttered.

"Do you think anyone can shake this dynasty?"

County Magistrate Lin disagreed when he heard Wang Tong's muttering.

His upline's upline is the prime minister, and it's not a day or two since the prime minister wants to become the throne, and he has ordered several dragon robes.

However, he never dared to take action.

The old emperor's health is not very good now, and he may go west at any time. Logically speaking, it is a good time to rebel.

But the Prime Minister has always had such a wicked heart, but not such a boldness.

That's because the most troublesome one is not the old emperor, but the crown prince.

Behind the prince is not just as simple as countless hidden guards. Behind him is the support of Baiyu Villa.

Even if the emperor dies, as long as the prince is still there, no one will dare to usurp the throne.

"The world is never as simple as what we see."

Wang Tong turned his head and glanced at His Highness the Crown Prince, who was feared by everyone, and shook his head slightly.

There are mountains outside the mountains, and there are people outside the people.

If the prince wants to sit firmly on the throne, it will take a lot of trouble.

"What do you know?"

County magistrate Lin suddenly smelled a bit of mystery, and asked Wang Tong.

"The more you know, the sooner you will die. Are you sure you want to hear it? This is a secret that the prime minister will die if he hears it."

Wang Tong's eyes suddenly revealed a sense of vicissitudes.

When the expression on the face of a wretched person no longer looks wretched, it means that a very important thing is really buried in this person's heart.

"Forget it, I still want to live until all seven daughters are married!"

Magistrate Lin shook his head quickly.

The most important point is that there is still a lot of people's fat and people's ointment hidden at home that have not been spent.

He has so much money, he really doesn't want to die.

Wang Tong sighed imperceptibly, and his face turned into the wretched look before.

Walking, clanging.

It's time to go back to the county.

County magistrate Lin returned to the Yamen and continued to be his corrupt official.

Wang Tong went back to the dilapidated temple that could shelter him from wind and rain, and became his beggar.

in space.

Feng Minsheng walked quickly on the rice paper with a brush, leaving characters one by one on the paper.

I don't know what equation is being calculated again, Fengjin can't understand it.

At this moment, she was also sitting at one end of the table with a brush in her hand.

Although the brush calligraphy is not good-looking, it can barely write on paper in a font that can be understood by people.

The characters in this world are similar to modern simplified characters, some of which are beyond Fengjin's comprehension.

Don't worry about this, the self-taught Feng Minsheng is sitting beside her.

"Daddy, how do you write domineering characters?"

At some point, Fengjin's face had a black ink stain, which happened to be on the tip of his nose, and it looked mischievous and lively.

"what are you writing?"

Feng Minsheng wrote the word "tyrant" in this world on the paper, and glanced at the paper in front of Fengjin by the way.

"I'm writing a novel, and I will become the most famous writer in the world in the future!"

Feng Jin scribbled down a few large characters, then moved to Feng Minsheng's side so that he could see clearly what he wrote.

'The domineering prince falls in love with me'

This is Fengjin's first book to enter this world. Just from the name, it can be seen that this novel is extremely bloody.

Exudes a strong fragrance of Marysu.

A romance novel in which the absolutely brain-damaged, silly and sweet heroine is chased by various princes and princes.

"You don't want to live anymore, do you want to die with me?"

Feng Minsheng's mouth twitched wildly.

Writing this thing will implicate the nine clans!
 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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