Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 128, the beginning of the story is wonderful

Chapter 128, the beginning of the story is wonderful
"It shouldn't be so! I see that the picture books of this world still have the entanglement of poor scholars and various official ladies and ladies!"

Feng Jin feels that this world should not be particularly strict with scripts.

Besides, after she writes it, she can go to the bookstore to test the water first. If people dare not accept it, then she will not write novels about the royal family.

It's also good to rewrite the first richest man, or the number one scholar.

All in all, all the men love the heroine, and the heroine is pampered lawlessly.

It will definitely become a clean stream in this world.

After all, most of the current scripts are written by poor scholars, which are more in line with men's reading tastes, and they are all poor scholars who are favored by rich ladies.

And her target is those rich wives and rich ladies.

I believe you can earn a lot of money.

"I think the name alone is not enough to cut off the heads of the two of us. Even if we are divorced, we have to add those heads from the old house of the Feng family."

Feng Minsheng gave a pertinent evaluation.

"That's great, I've decided to write this novel! It will definitely sell well!"

Feng Jin seemed to have seen the white silver, and waved at her.

It is no exaggeration to say that every moment when she became a scumbag was inseparable from various Marysu novels.

The more you read, the more you will naturally write.

And it can look even more bloody.

Absolutely straight to those oppressed female hearts!
When they are swayed by patriarchal thoughts every day, and suddenly see such a cool article, they will definitely fall in love with the storybook!

"Success, just write if you want!"

Feng Minsheng rubbed the twitching corner of his mouth vigorously, looking forward to what kind of expression Chen Yu would have if he read this script.

Before watching the plot, or even listening to Xiao Jin's outline of her conception, I have already thought of what kind of role this prince will play in it.

Probably the scene of a large-scale social death!

"By the way, what is the character of the prince inside?"

Feng Minsheng was more curious about this.

He knew Chen Yu's character. According to the legend, he was a madman, like a manic mental patient, who killed people like hemp.

If you get close to him, Feng Minsheng will think that this is a cunning fox who wants to steal meat.

"Overbearing, rich, powerful, and single-minded."

Feng Jin directly stated the four elements of a male protagonist in Mary Su's novels.

"Let's add another crazy batch of characters!"

Feng Minsheng spoke calmly.

It is estimated that it will make everyone feel more involved.

"No, no, the hero is not crazy, add a gentle and considerate character!"

When Feng Jin spoke, he had already written the pen, and Chapter 1 was very exciting.

The little peasant girl sells herself to bury her father, and is favored by the gentle prince, who spends a lot of money...

Kacha Kacha~
Feng Minsheng's brush for writing chemical equations suddenly broke, and his eyes fell on the words "sold one's body to bury one's father".

"Can you change the scene? Do you have to sell yourself to bury your father?"

Feng Minsheng had a strong sense of experience, feeling like he was already lying on the ground with a layer of straw mats on his body.

It was dark, and the crying of the daughter could still be heard in my ears.

It's strange.

"Why do you want to change it? Isn't it like this in ancient times? You can't bring yourself into it, right?"

Seeing Feng Minsheng's awkward expression, Feng Jin wanted to laugh.

The content in the storybook is of course fictitious.

The little peasant girl can be anyone.

The prince is talking about the prince in the script, not the real prince.

Even if he was talking about the real His Royal Highness, the old man would not bring himself into it.

After all, they didn't know the prince.

At most, he knew Chen Yu, a pretty boy from the capital.

Cough cough, Feng Jin thinks this guy is pretty good-looking, and can't help thinking of him as a prince.

"I didn't bring myself in, I just felt a little unlucky!"

Feng Minsheng silently threw the brush in his hand aside, and replaced it with a new one.

Probably because Feng Minsheng knew that Chen Yu was the prince, and when he saw his daughter writing the script, he remembered that he was lying on the ground in Chapter 1.

It also promotes the plot of the story and makes everyone want to watch it.

This is the legendary Chapter 2 of the novel!

"Oh, don't be so stingy! Anyway, it's not about you, Daddy will definitely live a long life!"

When Feng Jin comforted him, he didn't even look at Feng Minsheng. The plot of Chapter 1 was very wonderful.

Even a few holes in the straw mat are clearly described.

The comfort was not distracted at all, and there was a bit of excitement in his eyes.

Not convincing at all.

"Write it, as long as you are happy!"

Feng Minsheng felt chilly all over his body, and silently tugged his clothes.

Is winter coming soon, why do you feel your scalp is numb?
For two hours in a row, except for stopping several times in the middle of Fengjin to ask how to write the rare character Feng Minsheng, everything else was in a highly concentrated state.

My heartache has already covered a thick layer of rice paper, and the propaganda is densely packed with words.

Feng Jin has a relatively good talent for painting, and the characters written with a brush are ugly at first, but the writing already has the shadow of Feng Minsheng's handwriting.

Looks pretty good.

The handwriting is vigorous and powerful, and the content of the writing is... a bit unsightly for those literati.

However, this is definitely a blockbuster that will open the hearts of thousands of women.

"It's almost time, let's write tomorrow!"

Feng Minsheng yawned, and put aside the materials he had written, unable to hold on any longer.

When his daughter took the college entrance examination back then, if her study energy had been half of what she is now, she wouldn't have made him worry so much!

"You go first! I will write a small part today, and I will go to the bookstore to test the water at dawn. If the response is good, continue to write!"

Feng Jin was not in the mood to sleep at all.

Immerse yourself in your creation.

His Royal Highness is written as an idiot who only knows that he likes the heroine, and all kinds of other males, two males and three are also loyal to the heroine.

In short, the more you write, the better.

Simply can not stop.

"Success, you continue to write, I'll go to rest for a while."

Feng Minsheng waved his hand, thinking of Chapter 1, he was lying on the ground, and he resolutely lay down on the reclining chair in the space.

Close your eyes and feel the atmosphere of lying dead in advance.

The red fox was lying on a corner of the table, watching the writing brush write one word after another on the rice paper with bright eyes.

The dark eyeballs are not distracted at all, and I am addicted to watching.

"Do you like it? If I change the name, I will write a fantasy cultivating immortals, and the main character will be a little fox. It must be more immersive!"

Feng Jin smiled and said, people in this world probably don't know how rich and colorful the words about cultivating immortals are.

Add in the love-hate relationship between the hero and the heroine, and write down any one of them to death at that time, and torture the audience to death.

Tsk tsk tsk, isn't the money thrown at her in vain?

"I like it! Xiaojin write it quickly, I want to read the storybook where I was the protagonist, and then write it as a nine-tailed fox for me, it will look even more powerful!"

The red fox spoke immediately.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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