Chapter 129 Are you blind?

"Xiao Jin, can you write me in?"

The white tiger lay on the side and looked at Fengjin eagerly. He obviously had a huge body, but he couldn't lift his head up beside the red fox.

Even if the red fox raises its paw a little, it can scare it half to death.

"Succeed, write them all in for you, and write you into peerless beasts!"

Feng Jin wasn't sleepy at all, and was in an extremely excited state.

In a big breath, I wrote the whole novel.

She did not plagiarize any modern works, but every chapter has the shadow of those novels.

One night passed.

Feng Minsheng yawned, got up from the reclining chair, rubbed his eyes vigorously, and looked at Fengjin who was still writing in disbelief.

It's like not sleeping.

"You wrote all night?"

Feng Minsheng pinched his thigh hard, grinning from the pain.

Still unable to believe what he saw with his own eyes, he kicked the white tiger decisively.

The white tiger's skin is thick and thick, and he is not afraid of pain. He even blinked and showed a humane smile at Feng Minsheng.

The owner's father is still very good, and he plays games with him as soon as he wakes up.

I don't feel that this is beating myself at all, it is obviously a loving touch.

Red fox beating is the real beating, rough skin and thick flesh are hard to bear!
Feng Minsheng saw that the white tiger didn't respond, and felt that he might not have woken up yet.

Anyone in this world may be able to write for a night, but it is impossible for my daughter.

I think when I was in primary school, the teacher didn't know that there were too many homework, and even with Feng Minsheng, I didn't finish it in one night.

"Ang, has it been all night? I don't know, there is no day and night here, so there is no need to sleep at all."

Feng Jin was full of energy and continued to write.

Dozens of chapters have been written, and now the hero and heroine are in a very sweet state of love.

Of course, novels cannot be smooth sailing.

Therefore, Feng Jin decided to add a bit of abuse, such as the heroine discovering that her father's death was related to the prince. Of course, all of this was a misunderstanding.

The two people have various emotions due to misunderstandings, which can grab the audience's appetite.

"What do you have for breakfast? If you are tired, take a rest!"

Feng Minsheng pinched himself again to confirm that he was not dreaming, and he felt infinite emotion in his heart.

For the first time in my life, I saw my daughter working so hard.

It's useless to write this kind of novel that seems to have no influence, but since my daughter seems to be so focused, just write it!

If you implicate the nine clans, you will be implicated by the nine clans!
At worst, reincarnate again, restart life, who knows who will become?
"Two bites are fine. Let's go to the town today. I want to go to the bookstore to test the water first!"

Feng Jin touched the stack of rice paper beside her, and always felt that the stack was a bank note.

There are still a few million words left before becoming the richest man in Ye Country!

Feng Minsheng heard Feng Jin's words, turned around silently, and brought Feng Jin a few buns that existed in space.

After putting it next to the table, I didn't go to rest, but went to study my own drawings.

I hope that things like grenades can be researched as soon as possible, so that I can resist a little when I am punished by the nine clans!
At least the dead are not so ugly!

Feng Jin didn't stop writing while eating the buns, writing with one hand while eating the buns with the other.

She looks like a strong woman.

Inspiration comes and can't stop it.

Half an hour later, Feng Jin rubbed her slightly sore eyes vigorously, and then created space with Feng Min.

Most of the people in the village went to their own mountains, and Feng Minsheng didn't have time to see it, so he accompanied his daughter to the county seat.

When I am writing, I am full of energy, and when I am not writing, I feel drowsy.

There was such a scene on the road, Feng Minsheng held a large stack of papers without any image, Feng Jin followed behind with half-closed eyes, as if lying on the ground and falling asleep at any moment.

In order to take care of Feng Jin who hadn't slept all night, Feng Minsheng walked very slowly on purpose.

Stopping and stopping along the way, it took more than an hour to reach the county seat.

"Xiao Jin!"

Before he reached the place where the story books were sold, a beautiful man in a fancy dress walked towards Feng Minsheng's father and daughter from a distance.

Said to go, the speed is not slow at all.

In the blink of an eye, he was in front of Fengjin.


Feng Jin greeted lazily, unable to get any energy up.

"You look so good today, just as good-looking as you were yesterday."

Chen Yu said seriously.

He knew that he was not good at talking, and it was not easy to please girls. After experiencing the sense of crisis yesterday, he deliberately learned some words that are more popular with girls.

That's a great compliment!
Praising Chen Yu is not very good, but he thinks it is good to speak out what is in his heart. He really thinks that Xiao Jin is very good-looking.

The more you look at it, the better it looks, even better than himself!
"Are you blind?"

Feng Minsheng turned his head and glanced at Feng Jin who was weak and weak.

Dark panda eyes, did not wash up because he did not sleep, there is suspected eye feces in the corners of the eyes, half-closed eyes can fall asleep while walking, looks like sleepwalking.

Even though this is his own daughter, he really can't just say that she is prettier than yesterday!
"Your eyes are beautiful and bright!"

Feng Jin gave Chen Yu a thumbs up, agreeing with his words very much.

He also thinks he looks good.

"You are...?"

Chen Yu was slightly curious when he saw the stack of rice paper in Feng Minsheng's arms.

He has seen Feng Minsheng's handwriting, which is vigorous and powerful, but the handwriting on this rice paper is very similar to Feng Minsheng's, but with a little more childishness.

Was it written by Xiaojin?
I can still vaguely see the word "Prince", and my heart is a little bit straight.

Could it be that his identity was discovered?
If I didn't tell her personally, would she be unhappy?
"This is the script I wrote. I'm going to find a place that sells scripts and try it out. Maybe I can make some money!"

As soon as Feng Jin mentioned this, he immediately felt relieved.

"Your writing must be a hit. There is a study near here. Would you like to try it?"

Chen Yu's beautiful peach blossom eyes were bent, and there were two stars in them.

Xiao Jin is really versatile!

I can also write scripts!

He's looking forward to seeing it.

"Okay! Let's go! Lead the way!"

Feng Jin made a gesture of commanding forward, and raised his eyebrows.

Chen Yu, who was leading the way for the first time, walked ahead with a smile and walked towards the largest study in the county.

This study is Chen Yu's property, so naturally he wants to promote the script written by Xiao Jin with all his strength.

The study is full of scholars who come and go, and the layout is very elegant. Various landscape paintings are hung on the walls, creating a unique scenery.

"My lord, what do you need?"

As soon as the shopkeeper of the study saw Chen Yu approaching, he hurried over and saluted with a very low posture.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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