Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 131, Something Is Really Different

Chapter 131, Something Is Really Different

Shopkeeper Gao silently took a step back when he heard Fengjin's voice.

Even the legs trembled when I stepped back.

I felt a little regretful, why didn't I write a will when I came out?

I'm afraid I won't be able to go back this time!

It is worth it to be able to read His Royal Highness's scriptures in one's lifetime!

If you go down, you can brag with your ancestors for decades!
"It's well written and will definitely sell well!"

Chen Yu looked up from the rice paper, a bright smile suddenly appeared on his face, his beautiful eyes were bright and dazzling.

Really want to keep reading.

They are really beautiful in the story, so he couldn't help but bring himself into it.

Xiao Jin must have thought so too.

They are two-way love.

Pink bubbles almost appeared on Chen Yu's body. If Feng Minsheng wasn't here, he would definitely be unable to resist hugging Feng Jin.

What a wonderful encounter, even if you sell your body to bury your father, you can still leave a beautiful encounter.

Not bad, not bad, His Royal Highness looks beautiful.

"That's right, it doesn't matter who wrote it!"

Feng Jin grinned and continued to read the contract.

Shopkeeper Gao's eyes widened, he looked at Feng Jin, then at Chen Yu.

Make sure you heard correctly.

There is still a smile on the face of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, it seems that he really thinks that the Crown Prince's writing is good!
Shopkeeper Gao's face twitched wildly, when did His Royal Highness' bottom line become so low?
"Your Highness, is this written a bit different from the actual situation?"

Shopkeeper Gao lowered his voice, but still couldn't help asking Chen Yu.

It's better to confirm again and again. After the script is spread, everyone's image of the prince will definitely change because of this script.

High coldness and dog legs, both ends and their differentiation, is this really all right?
"It's definitely different."

When Chen Yu heard the words of shopkeeper Gao, his slender fingers paused slightly, pointed at the rice paper, and said in a low voice with a serious face,
"She didn't write that she beat me!"

Shopkeeper Gao:? ? ?

What happened to His Royal Highness?
How dare the Crown Princess beat His Highness the Crown Prince?

Is the prince really a prince?

How much merit does it take to be alive and kicking after being beaten, and not implicate the whole family?

Also, why does His Highness the Crown Prince say this with such a happy expression?

Shopkeeper Gao is in a mess.

The world view collapsed into pieces, and it was impossible to put them together!
Feng Jin and Feng Minsheng didn't hear their whispers. After confirming that there was no problem with the contract, Feng Jin signed his pen name and real name.

Feng Jin's pseudonym is Bai Yan.

Until Fengjin and the others disappeared, shopkeeper Gao didn't recover from his senses, only felt his hands and feet were cold and his scalp was numb.

An hour later, shopkeeper Gao leaned against the wall and asked someone who specialized in transcribing scripts to help transcribe.

The people who copied the story books were basically scholars from poor families. They came here to help copy and earn a little copper.

"Zicun is here, just in time. I just received a book of Chinese scriptures recently. Your handwriting is good and fast. Please help me to copy some books!"

Shopkeeper Gao saw Li Zicun who had just entered the door at a glance.

This young man often came to engrave books. His family didn't seem to be short of money, but he copied no less than others.

"Okay, I just have a rest this afternoon, so I can write two more books."

Li Zicun smiled slightly, and followed shopkeeper Gao to the innermost room.

There are many desks in the room, and there are already five or six scholars who are writing and transcribing scripts.

Everyone's handwriting is very neat. After copying, it will be bound into a book and then sold.

The efficiency is very low, but books are very expensive in this era, and they are also profitable.

Li Zicun sat at a table in the farthest corner, which was where he often stayed.

He is indeed not short of money. Although he is a native of the countryside, his family's conditions are quite good, and his parents have never let him suffer.

But he likes to write, and copying scripts can be regarded as a kind of experience.

The exam is about to come, and his psychological pressure is not small. Every time he can't stand the depression, he will calm himself down by copying the script here.

"This is this one. This is the first volume. Copy as many copies as you can. Give me the first copy. I'm looking for someone else to continue copying."

As he said that, shopkeeper Gao placed the original manuscript written by Feng Jin in front of Li Zicun.

Li Zicun was slightly taken aback.

Is this book so fancy to Shopkeeper Gao?
Li Zicun saw the handwriting on the rice paper at first sight.

"The font is not bad."

It is rare for Lizicun to praise people.

Most of the people who wrote the original manuscripts of the storybook were scholars who gave up the scientific examination.

It also brought troubles to those who transcribed books.

It's the first time I've seen such neat words.

Just after boasting, Li Zicun saw the content of the first picture.

"Treasurer Gao, can this really be sold?"

Li Zicun picked up the brush, but didn't even finish writing the first word, so he froze in place.

What kind of person is the person who wrote this story?

How dare you blaspheme the prince and write so many insulting sentences!

"Copy it! Don't make a single mistake, and present the best story to everyone completely!"

Shopkeeper Gao felt a little better when he saw Li Zicun's shocked appearance.

It seems that it's not that he can't bear it in his heart, but that the shock brought by this script is too strong.

Li Zicun pursed his thin lips. For some reason, he suddenly remembered a pair of dark eyes.

The owner of those eyes can't manage his own eyes well, and sometimes they will stick to her body, just like the person who wrote the storybook, it's degrading.

It's just... the last two times when I saw her, she became more restrained, and it seemed that everything before was his own illusion.

Was it really just his wishful thinking?

No, no, in the past, he could really feel Fengjin's admiration for him, which made him very disgusted with Fengjin's eyes.

But when those eyes no longer fell on him, another unknown feeling surged in Li Zicun's heart.

An indescribable strange emotion.

After a long time, Li Zicun shook his head and continued to copy the paper full of absurd words.

It is a thick pile, divided into three volumes so far, and the story has not been finished yet.

Li Zicun and several scholars copied for an afternoon, but they only copied a few copies.

None of these copies were sold, but were sent to various places non-stop. Specialized copyists in studies in various places frantically flicked their pens and copied over and over again.

It is predictable that within a few days, the script of The Domineering Prince Falling in Love with Me will be mass-produced and placed in every corner of the study around the world.

A fast horse galloped past the door of a certain study room, and the person sitting on the horse was holding a pile of storybooks in his hand.

It was the script written by Feng Jin.

The fast horse galloped past on the street, and the direction of progress was the imperial palace.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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