Chapter 132, Play hard to get

For more than ten days in a row, the mountains near Fengjin's house were bustling with activity.

The villagers are very active. Before dawn, they can't wait to go to the mountains to work.

The village chief held the silver, so naturally he didn't owe the copper coins. Every day when the sun went down, it was time to pay the wages.

The attitude of the people in the village towards Feng Minsheng is getting better and better, and they don't even scold the family behind their backs.

In addition, County Magistrate Lin and Chen Yu often come to Fengjin's house for dinner. Everyone really knows that Fengmin's livelihood is different from before, and there are noble people to help.

The once chaotic mountain has become orderly, and all kinds of fruit trees have been planted on the mountain.

A small number of fruit tree saplings were secretly obtained by Fengjin from the space, and even a lot of spiritual spring water was obtained from the creek on the mountain.

It's still early to raise chickens and ducks, and the fruit trees haven't grown up yet, so it's more suitable to raise chickens and ducks in the coming year.

The exam is getting closer and closer, and there is still one day left.

In the space, Feng Minsheng was still watering the herbs planted.

The herbs planted in the space are some precious herbs, and Ganoderma lucidum and ginseng are the most grown.

"Father, are you sure you don't want to review it?"

When Feng Jin was talking, the brush in his hand didn't stop at all.

In the past half a month, the storybook has sold quite well.

There are six volumes in total, and Feng Jin is writing the last volume.

The finale is coming soon.

Feng Jin is struggling, whether to write the princess to death or write the prince to death!
Anyway, one has to die, so as to arouse everyone's emotions.

"No, it's just filling in the blanks in simple classical Chinese. Reviewing for one more minute is the biggest insult to my IQ."

Feng Minsheng rolled up his sleeves and pulled out the mixed weeds in the herbs.

The herbs grow vigorously, and after more than a month in the space, there are almost several years of herbs grown outside.

According to this situation, his daughter will soon become a little rich woman, and she will really win.


Feng Jin is not worried that her father will fail the exam. If her father can't get the first place, it means there is something wrong with the exam!
"Xiao Jin, are you home?"

Feng Jin in the space suddenly heard someone calling him outside.

Hefeng Minsheng glanced at each other, and the two quickly left the space.

Feng Jin walked out of the house first, and went to open the door.

Feng Minsheng simply cleaned up the dirt on his hands and shoes, and picked up a book to read.

Pretend to be working hard.

Outside the door is Wang Wu.

Wang Wu can't wait to come to Fengjin's house every day. After getting along for such a long time, the relationship is quite good, and she looks like a real sister.

Feng Jin discovered that although Wang Wu was a real lady of the family, she didn't have the kind of decadent thoughts taught by the female ring.

Wang Wu changed from her previous sweet smile, but now the expression on her face was not very good.

When he saw Feng Jin, he forced a smile. Although it was beautiful, it was still a bit far-fetched.

"Sister, what happened today? Is there anything unhappy?"

Feng Jin asked curiously.

Wang Wu doesn't have the twitchy look of a lady at all, and she usually speaks carelessly, even if she accidentally says the wrong thing to her, she won't get angry.

Such an unhappy expression is rare.

Probably the beauty is born like this, when the beauty is unhappy, Fengjin feels that even the sky is much darker.

"Hey! It's not my old immortal father! It's okay to earn so much money every day that he can't spend it all, and now he is shaking and saying that he ordered me a baby kiss!"

Wang Wu was furious when she said this.

He didn't have this marriage in his head at all, and he almost wiped out the memory of the original owner, and he never heard anyone mention it.

Some time ago, his rich father asked him to seduce the prince.

Why did a doll kiss appear out of nowhere!
To his horror, he searched for several days before he found any information.


Feng Jin was very surprised by what Wang Wu said, but not surprised.

Parents' orders and matchmaker's words are normal in this era.

Doll pro is also normal.

There is even the absurd custom of waiting for a girl in some places.

Wang Wu is the daughter of a wealthy family in the capital, so the marriage is naturally beyond her control.

"This marriage has long been out of the question. It may be that the father accidentally offended the crown prince. Now that it happened, I have to quickly find someone to marry!"

Wang Wu was about to explode with anger, and her steps were heavy when she walked towards the yard.

It would be even better if he still had the same figure of more than 200 kilograms as before, and he would definitely sit down and die the instigator of this incident.

"What does this have to do with the prince?"

Feng Jin didn't understand.

After getting along for so many days, Wang Wu didn't hide her identity. She knew the status of this rich man, but why did she somehow offend the prince?
"Who knows! Maybe my father's little thoughts were discovered, so he brought up this past incident."

Wang Wu rolled her eyes and continued,

"It is said that we made a baby kiss when we were young, but when the kid was three years old, he liked to bully children, and his attitude was very bad. You can see in his bones that he is not a good person when he grows up."

"My father is a genius in business, and he is also very accurate in judging people, so he resigned immediately, and was even cheated of a large sum of money as a hush money."

"That's the end of the matter, but I didn't expect that the boy's grandfather is very good at studying, and his status is getting higher and higher."

"The son's father saw that our family had money, so he brought up the past again, because I was suspected of seducing the prince, and the shop at home was repaired by the prince's people, so my father was intimidated. In a short time, this marriage I’m afraid I can only admit it, let’s avoid the limelight first!”

Wang Wu really regarded Feng Jin as her own, and said everything outside.

From Wang Wu's point of view, Feng Jin is really his own.

After all, they have been friends in past and present lives, and they know the temper of their buddies well, so there is nothing they cannot say.

"You still seduced the prince?"

Feng Jin didn't pay much attention to other things, but the words "seduce the prince" caught her attention.

Art comes from life.

She is writing a story about the prince, and it would be even better if she could hear the live version!
As soon as Chen Yu pushed open the gate of the courtyard, he heard Feng Jin's words.

Faintly heard the words seduce the prince.

Chen Yu's eyes deepened, and he subconsciously slowed down.

If..., does he need to be reserved?
"Heaven and earth conscience, I haven't even seen the dog prince's face, how can I seduce him, he has a good idea!"

Wang Wu pointed at the sky angrily, almost swearing.

"Maybe it's because you are so good-looking, but the dog prince actually took a fancy to you, so he came to this play of playing hard to get!"

Feng Jin's mind was wide open.

"Then don't! My old lady, I am very charming, and a dog prince is not good enough for me!"

Wang Wu felt good about himself, with such good looks, he would be moved even when he looked in the mirror!
"It's not impossible. It's not that the dog prince is crazy. I think you'd better be careful."

Feng Jin expressed great sympathy for Wang Wu's situation.

Chen Yu: ...

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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