Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 133 Coincidentally, the surname is also Feng

Chapter 133 Coincidentally, the surname is also Feng

"Cough cough."

Chen Yu coughed lightly, trying to get the attention of the two of them.

To say bad things is to say bad things, can you not say it in front of him?

Is he shameless?
The guards at the door are listening!
"Cough while you go, don't disturb us talking."

Feng Jin waved his hand at Chen Yu, with such a disgusted expression on his face.

Chen Yu: ...

"Leave him alone, let him cough! Let's talk about my business! I'm really bored to death now. It is said that the boy and his father are already on their way here. According to the schedule, that is, today and tomorrow arrive."

Wang Wu scratched her long hair.

The hair is slightly messy, but it is a messy beauty.

Feng Jin couldn't help but take a second look, and even wanted to reach out and touch the fragile skin.

Delicate than a newborn baby.

"Come on! Come on! When the time comes, you should behave a little better and let the father and son back out, for example, pretending to be crazy, isn't that all right?"

Feng Jin thinks it is quite simple to make others hate her.

It's just that you must not follow Xiaofang's path of self-mutilation.

"I'm so beautiful and rich, even if I pretend to be crazy, I won't be dismissed."

When Wang Wu said this, she felt a little hopeless.

This world is really unfair, why make him look so good?

Too cruel!

It would be great if she looks as ordinary as Xiao Jin, she shouldn't be afraid of being missed by others!
"What's wrong with having good looks and money? You have to learn to be content!"

Feng Jin looked at Wang Wu's dejected look, and although he felt that something was wrong, he still spoke to comfort him.

Feng Jin also doesn't know how to read minds, if he knows Wang Wu's inner feelings, he must roll his eyes at Wang Wu and kick him again!

Wang Wu sighed heavily.

She also tried to make herself a little fatter, at least not so eye-catching, but she failed in the end.

The stomach is so small, even if you eat a lot of things, you will not get fat, and your appearance will not decline!

Really annoying!
"What are the father and son doing here? Even if there is a relationship, you shouldn't come directly to see you. It's unreasonable. You can refuse to meet them."

Feng Jin said.

Men and women are different.

What's more, it was Wang Wu who was the only one in the Wang family, and it was really inappropriate to meet them directly.

It's fine if they're just ordinary friends, but it's hard not to let people think too much because of the entanglement of family affairs.

At that time, I'm afraid it will be even more unclear.

Feng Jin had never met Wang Wu's baby relatives, but they appeared when the prince was dissatisfied with the Wang family, so it was hard not to make people think too much.

There is a posture of taking advantage of others, and his conduct is not very good.

"It is said that their ancestral house is here, and their surname is also Feng. Mr. Feng grew up here when he was young, and left here after every step of the way."

Wang Wu was lying on the table in the yard, feeling hopeless.

"What a coincidence, our last name is Feng."

Feng Jin shrugged.

It turns out that the surname Feng was very common in ancient times. There are so many people with the surname Feng!
"Don't be too frustrated, what if they are nice people!"

Wang Wu kept pulling at her hair, looking very manic, Feng Jin pulled a strand of hair out of Wang Wu's hand.

Continue to comfort.

A good sister may not be able to help much, but a word or two of comfort is still possible.

"What a fart! That brat often goes in and out of brothels, and even his father is not doing his job properly. He got a small official position, which was bought with money. He couldn't understand the book, and even became a civilian official."

"The old man of the Feng family is a powerful figure in the literary world. With such a son, such a grandson, he is really useless!"

Wang Wu shook her head as she spoke, with a very disgusted expression towards the two of them in her tone.

"Then there is no other way but to make them hate you."

Feng Jin blinked her eyes, and continued with a clear mind,

"Why don't you try to seduce the dog prince again, it must be much better than that baby kiss!"



Wang Wu and Chen Yu refused at the same time.

There was undisguised disgust on the faces of the two beauties.

"You can't say, what to do?"

Feng Jin was a little surprised by Chen Yu's reaction.

——Could he have fallen in love with Wang Wu?

It's just that this disgusted expression really didn't show any liking.

"It's nothing, I just think His Highness the Crown Prince is wise and mighty, and the Crown Princess chosen must be the best woman in the world, she can't."

Chen Yu glanced at Wang Wu, unabashedly disgusted.

Feng Jin: ...

It turned out that Chen Yu was a fan of the prince.

I didn't expect the prince to be a lunatic, and he would have fans of all brains.

Thinking of this, Feng Jin became more confident that her words would have sold well.

"Wise and powerful, that's a lunatic. Whoever becomes the crown princess will be a bloody bad luck for eight lifetimes!"

Wang Wu didn't have the slightest respect for the royal family, so he almost scolded the dog emperor when he opened his mouth.

"I suggest you not talk nonsense, it is easy to implicate the whole family."

Chen Yu opened his mouth coolly, and the air-conditioning overflowing from his body enveloped the entire courtyard.

Call him crazy, that's fine.

But not the princess.

"whispering sound……"

Seeing Chen Yu's strong reaction, Wang Wu could only curl her lips, not daring to say anything more.

If he was really stabbed in front of the prince, all the Wang family's property would have to be rushed into the treasury, and all the families would be ransacked.

"Then let's stop scolding the dog prince in the future, if the dog prince's people hear it, we will be miserable!"

Wang Wu never said a word about Prince Dog.

"It makes sense."

Feng Jin felt that her thoughts had not kept up with this era, and it was fine to scold in modern times, but here it would be fatal.

"Xiao Jin can scold."

Chen Yu added with a cold face.

Wang Wu rolled her eyes when she heard this.

You can't scold what the co-author just said, just target him!

"Leave him alone, what are you going to do now?"

Feng Jin also rolled her eyes at Chen Yu, and asked Wang Wu.

That family has bad conduct, and they don't know what they will do. If they accidentally step into their trap, they may fall into it for the rest of their lives.

Touch your hands again, even in the era of taboos, you have to be more careful in everything.

"What else can I do, I can only be more careful, or I will move here to live with you! I live alone in the big yard, it's quite dangerous!"

Wang Wu looked at Fengjin pitifully.

She really wanted to move here. Her house in the county had a lot of servants and guards, but they respected her very much.

You can't talk at all, and you can't be friends.

Even Xiaoling, who grew up with the original owner, is still divided into master and servant.

They can't scold the dog prince together at all, they always kneel down at every turn, which is really annoying.

He still feels that staying with Xiao Jin is more harmonious, without any generation gap.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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