Chapter 134, Never do it
"to make!"

Feng Jin didn't feel that there was anything wrong, so she agreed directly.

Anyway, they are all sisters, and they can be regarded as girlfriends, so there is nothing wrong with living in your own home.

"It's great that you agree, I won't go back today, whoever comes out, go back and tell Xiaoling, let her pack some clothes and bring them here!"

Wang Wu waved his hand in one direction, talking to his hidden guard.

With a smile on her beautiful face, she looks very happy.

"There is an empty room next to my house. I wonder if you can live in it."

Feng Jin knew that Wang Wu must have been spoiled and raised, and she probably won't be used to the dilapidated yard of her house!

"Don't you live with me?"

She rested her chin on her white fingers, and there was something lost on her beautiful face.

"I have to write a storybook at night, and I like to grind my teeth when I sleep. It will definitely disturb you. It's good for us to have a room."

Feng Jin is afraid of exposing her own space.

If two people live in one room, there is no privacy at all, and it is inconvenient to enter the space.

"It's fine, it's the same wherever you sleep."

Wang Wu responded softly, a little unhappy.

Really, they are all sisters, why are you still guarding yourself?
Is he the type to peek?

He is not Wang Tong, so there is nothing to be guarded against!
Wang Wu despised Feng Jin very much in her heart, but she didn't dare to say it out, and she didn't dare to insist on asking for a room.

If my identity is exposed at that time, and I still live in the same room with Feng Jin, I will definitely be beaten by Feng Minsheng and Wang Tong.

The kind that directly kills and maims.

Wang Wu decided to keep her leg.

Hold on tight, don't do it, don't do it!

When Chen Yu heard that Wang Wu could live in, his fingers tightened slightly.

He just gave the Wang family a warning, and he just wanted Wang Wu to restrain himself and not even think about taking the crown princess's place.

Unexpectedly, it was self-defeating.

Let such an unexpected guest come to Xiaojin's house!
"Xiao Jin, didn't you say you wanted to fly a kite? I've made one, why don't you go together?"

As Chen Yu spoke, he unfolded the kite in his hand and placed it in front of Feng Jin.

It was only now that Feng Jin took a look at Chen Yu and saw the kite he had made.

Just now, he was only focused on fighting against the enemy with his sisters, so he really didn't notice what Chen Yu was holding in his hand.

I knew he had been coughing, suspected of pharyngitis.

"I won't go, I have to tidy up Xiaowu's house, and I have to go to the county town to buy some more things."

It is indeed more troublesome for girls to live in the house. Unlike boys, they can sleep wherever they go.

A delicate and beautiful girl like Wang Wu should be pampered and pampered, not casual.

"There's no need to clean up the house. Let Xiaoling and the others clean up when the time comes. Let's go shopping in the town!"

Wang Wu held Feng Jin's arm, and deliberately let Chen Yu see their arms together, and grinned.

Xiao Jin was really lucky in ancient times!

If he had to stand in line, Wang Wu would naturally be on Wang Tong's side.

After all, everyone has something to talk about.

Chen Yu is just an old antique, no matter how good-looking he is, he is still an ancient man of this feudal dynasty.

With modern people like them, there is no way to communicate with each other.

Wang Tong's wretchedness is a little bit wretched, but he is absolutely dedicated.

As a best friend, Wang Wu still thinks that Wang Tong is more suitable for Xiao Jin.

"let's go!"

Feng Jin just wanted to go to the county seat to see how her script was selling. She only heard that it was very good, but she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, let alone heard the evaluation of other people's script.

So Feng Jin and Wang Wu walked directly past Chen Yu, arm in arm.

He didn't intend to let Chen Yu go with him at all.

Naturally, it is impossible for a girl to be called a boy when she goes shopping.


The kite in Chen Yu's hand let out a scream.

Not dead, but nearly disabled.

"Yo, what are you doing standing in the yard alone? Going to fly a kite, let's go together!"

Feng Minsheng held a thick book and looked at the emaciated Chen Yu cheerfully.

It's very easy to talk about.

Chen Yu: ...

Why does he think this father-in-law is not serious?
"Next time! Next time you have time, you must fly a kite with your husband!"

Chen Yu saluted Feng Minsheng very politely, with a faint smile on his face.

Not at all angry at being teased.

Can't get angry at all.

"Go, go, what kind of kite are the two men flying, you should go by yourself!"

Feng Minsheng's skin was aroused by Chen Yu's words, and he went back to the house with the book.

If the daughter is not here, naturally you cannot enter the space, so let's learn a little bit.

If you perform supernormally tomorrow, you can't lose face in front of your daughter, and you absolutely can't come second in the exam.


county seat.

Wang Wu was wearing a bamboo hat with a thin circle of silk on it, barely covering her face.

Only in this way can she walk normally, otherwise she will definitely be watched.

Being beautiful is also troublesome.

The two held two bunches of candied haws in each hand, saying that they were shopping, but they couldn't think of anything to buy except candied haws.

Just walking back and forth on the street like a street skater.

"Get out, get out!"

There was a commotion ahead, and a man's voice sounded, with a hint of impatience in his tone.

Feng Jin and Wang Wu looked up.

It is a very luxurious carriage, and a groom with a whip sits on the carriage.

The groom looked at the people on the street with disdain, and swung his whip back and forth, almost hitting passers-by several times.

On the door curtain of the carriage, there is a small word "wind" embroidered on it.

He is from the Feng family.

"Is it this family?"

"It should be. The one sitting in the carriage is probably that brat Feng Che."

Feng Jin and Wang Wu hid on the side of the road, muttering softly.

Feng Che was the baby girl that Wang Wu was engaged to.

It is said that Mr. Feng and Mr. Wang's family hit it off when they saw each other back then. Both of them hadn't had a good time at that time. Although they were a little older, they still made a baby kiss.

It is said that children born in the Feng family and the Wang family will become sisters if they are all girls, brothers if they are both boys, and husband and wife if they are a boy and a girl.

In the Wang family, there is only one girl, Wang Wu.

And Mr. Feng's son has already been married, so this marriage will naturally fall on the grandson's generation.

Among the grandchildren, Feng Che is the only grandson.

"This is a remote place, what does the Miss Wang family do here? Did my father make a mistake?"

A ruffian man is a little impatient.

Even though he was wearing brocade clothes, he looked like a bum.

"It must be true. You must seize this opportunity. With the name of this ancestor worship, if you can get involved with Miss Wang's family and marry her back, it will be considered your blessing."

A middle-aged man in his 30s was sitting upright, and he seemed to have a trace of elegance on him.

But the eyes are a little dishonest.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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