Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 135, there is no shadow of the young master

Chapter 135, there is no shadow of the young master
"It's not sure whose blessing it is! She, the daughter of a merchant, can marry me, that's Gao Pan!"

When Feng Che mentioned the merchant's daughter, his expression was very disdainful.

His grandfather was a bachelor, and once taught the prince, he was a grand tutor.

Besides the prime minister, the biggest civil servant was his grandfather.

Even if the Wang family is the richest man, they are just merchants!

"Even if it's Gao Pan, don't say it, so as not to fall into the mouth, after everything is settled, why should you care about these details."

Feng Zhengnian didn't think there was anything wrong with what his son said, and he also felt that Wang Wu was a high-ranking man.

His family is admired by all scholars.

The old man's students are all over the world, and he presided over several exams, many of them are his students.

Although he himself is just an idle civil servant, and his official rank is not high, but the old man is in this world for a day, and their Feng family is a respectable person in the capital.

Once his son was engaged to the merchant's daughter, he was naturally unwilling, so he didn't have much emotion when the engagement was terminated not long after.

But it's true that a sum of money was cheated, don't want it for nothing.

It's just that the old man doesn't know about cheating money.

What the old man cares most about is the word "nobleness", he still knows how to behave in front of the old man.

"Father is right, but the thought of humiliating in front of Miss Wang's family makes me feel so useless. It really can't be done. Let's think of a special way. Anyway, they don't have the right to use medicine..."

When Feng Che said this, he smiled wretchedly.

This is the easiest and fastest way.

Even if Miss Wang's family looked down on him any more, she could only obediently prepare the dowry at home.

"No matter how you say this matter has something to do with the prince, it's better not to go too far and let everything take its course!"

Feng Zhengnian waved his hand, straightened his slightly messy sleeves elegantly, without even lifting his eyelids.

"Father is right, it must have let nature take its course!"

For the following four words, let nature take its course, Feng Che enunciated the words slightly, and his eyes were full of meaning.

What my father meant was that everything should be careful and not be discovered by others.

"Come here and keep a low profile, don't get caught."

Seeing his son smiling so happily, Feng Zhengnian couldn't help reminding him.

Or because he is afraid of the prince, as long as it is related to the prince, he has to be careful.

"Understood, we didn't bring many people with us this time, we just brought a groom, low-key enough!"

Feng Che sighed.

He didn't bring any of the beautiful maids in his house, so how can he live these days!

Feng Zhengnian looked at his son's foolish appearance, and didn't think there was anything wrong.

The family has a big business, and it's okay to like to play.

The same is true for him, but because of the majesty of the old man, he pretends to be very elegant in front of outsiders.

Although he is not very good at studying, the old man does not despise his son.

The old man has very low requirements for his son, as long as he doesn't violate the law and respects his teachers, that's fine.

He just needs to be more refined in front of outsiders, and he can do whatever he wants where the old man can't see it.

The carriage continued on, and finally stopped in front of the wind house.

The two people sitting in the carriage didn't notice at all that there were two tails following the carriage.

The Feng family's ancestral house is in a corner of the county town.

The location is not very good, the yard is a big yard with three entrances and three exits, it looks a bit worn out.

Usually there are only a few servants guarding the old house, and the old man has not come back for so many years.

There is no family member surnamed Feng in the ancestral house. When I went to the capital, I moved from home.

It is true that I miss my hometown a little bit, but the old man who has been promoted step by step in the capital is too busy, so busy that he didn't come back.

"That's... the Feng family's carriage!"

"Is the young master back?"

"Is the young master really back?"

An old man was sweeping the floor at the entrance of Feng's house. When he saw the carriage parked at the door with the logo of Feng's house on it, he burst into tears instantly.

He has no children, so he voluntarily stayed to guard the old house.

One stay is two 30 years.

In addition to him, there are a few old guys, and the rest of the servants have been dismissed, and they are not in contact now.

Under the eyes of the old man, Feng Che and Feng Zhengnian got off the carriage slowly.

"Old slave Fengcheng, pay homage to master!"

Because Feng Cheng didn't know who was coming, he could only call Master.

Tears blurred his eyes, and when he kowtowed on the ground, the old tears dripped on the ground and got wet.

I can still see the Feng family in my lifetime, and I will die without regret.

Feng Che glanced at the old man on the ground with disdain, and silently took a step back, for fear that the old man would rush over to greet him.

"Thank you, old man. The young master you speak of is my father, Feng Nanshu. My name is Feng Zhengnian, and this is my son, Feng Che."

Feng Zhengnian spoke softly, and even bent down to help the old man up from the ground.

"It turned out to be the young master, the young master is now a good-looking talent, the old slave has seen the young master before!"

Feng Cheng wiped away his old tears, and looked at Feng Zhengnian with bright eyes.

Unlike the servants in the capital, he doesn't know the rules, so he knows that he is his master.

It is to protect with life.

It's just that in the eyes of Feng Che and Feng Zhengnian, Feng Cheng's behavior is still a bit out of order. As a servant and servant, you can't look directly at your master. This is the minimum rule.

"Old man, you have worked hard for so many years."

Feng Zhengnian was unhappy, but there was no special expression on his face, and he even asked,
"After so many years, what happened to the old people in the family?"

In fact, I don't care about it, I just want to know how many old people who need to provide for the elderly and are useless!

If there are too many, you still have to clean them up, otherwise you will waste money in vain.

The old man's reputation and prestige are indeed very high, but he is too clean and honest, and things like silver are still in short supply.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be clinging to Miss Wang's family.

"Besides me, there are three other people in the house. The three of them are not in good health, and they are still in the house. After a while, the old slave will ask them to meet the young master!"

The Feng family was actually just a farmer back then, and after two generations of hard work, it was only now that Mr. Feng appeared.

The ancestral house is remote, no one comes and goes, and there are not many people in sight, and when Feng's family comes back, Feng Cheng's chatter is a bit unstoppable,

"The domestic servants who were dismissed by the young master also went to various villages, got married and started businesses. Twenty or thirty years have passed, and they may not even know each other when they meet."

Feng Cheng looked at the refined Feng Zhengnian with a smile.

I want to see the high spirits of the young master from the face of the young master.

Suddenly, the smile on Feng Cheng's face froze, and he scratched his head with his fingers.

Why does the young master not look like the young master at all?

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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