Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 136 Temperament and someone's portrait

Chapter 136 Temperament and someone's portrait

"It's getting late, let's go into the house!"

Feng Zhengnian felt a little uncomfortable being watched by Feng Cheng, so he raised his foot and walked towards the ancestral house.

I don't like the old man left in the ancestral house more and more in my heart.

"Yes, yes, it's the old slave who didn't greet well, so the old slave will take the young master and the young master home."

Feng Cheng hurriedly followed Feng Zhengnian and stepped into the Feng family's ancestral house.

The carriage also entered the ancestral house slowly, and the groom who entered last stopped the carriage, then hurried down and closed the gate of the Feng family's ancestral house.

"I didn't expect there to be a Fengzhai here, I didn't know it!"

Feng Jin tiptoed to look at Fengzhai, and then at the direction of Wang Tong's work.

The distance is quite far, about one kilometer. This place is relatively remote, and few people come and go.

"Teacher is very low-key and honest. I'm afraid people here don't know that this is his ancestral house, otherwise the threshold will be broken."

Wang Wu still has an impression of that somewhat strict old man, and was fortunate enough to take a look at it from afar.

At first glance, he looked like the kind of literary old man, the author who wrote silently and recited the full text in the textbook did not run away!
"The wind house..."

Feng Jin scratched her head, the expression on her face became a little weird,
"I heard that when Feng Jiafu was young, he worked as a servant in a rich family in the county seat. Later, when the family moved to the capital, he came out with money and settled down. Could it be this Feng family?"

Feng Jiafu is Feng Minsheng's nominal father, but it doesn't matter now.

"Is that the weird family?"

Wang Wu had heard more or less about the old house of the Feng family, thinking that when he saw the old man on vacation for the first time, he still thought the folk customs here were simple.

Later, I learned intermittently from the process of chatting that my perverted teacher was almost beaten to death.

I think this family is really brave.

Enslaving the teacher was also a matter before, but beating the teacher half to death was a matter after the teacher traveled through time.

Those who dare to offend the teacher can still be alive and kicking, which is considered a skill!
But it won't last long.

His teacher has always been "convincing people with reasoning". The theory is not important, but the word "convincing" is important.

Whether the family members have to jump up or not means that they haven't taken it yet, but they must take it.

Wang Wu was looking forward to it!

I just like to see the way the teacher cleans up other people.

"It's that family. I feel like I'm going crazy. Why do I always feel that the middle-aged man coming out of the carriage looks very similar to Fengmin City, as if he was carved out of the same mold!"

Feng Jin shook her head, thinking that she might be mentally ill from being harassed by Feng's old house.

"I didn't see the face clearly, but the hypocritical temperament exuding from the body is indeed the same. At first glance, the intentions are not righteous, but they like to pretend to be serious."

Wang Wu shook her head.

She has seen many people like this, but they don't have much talent.

Just like those who have been studying hard in the class, no matter how much they study, they can't learn. Only when the teacher is watching, they will study hard.

In fact, they are all scumbags!

"Forget it, leave them alone, but you must be careful recently, who knows if they will use dirty tricks."

Feng Jin reminded.

At the beginning, I only learned about the family's evil intentions from Wang Wu's mouth, but now that I saw it with my own eyes, I became more certain.

"I've already sent secret guards to watch them. I'm not talking nonsense. The secret guards I sent to watch them all have more rooms than they have in this shabby house!"

When Wang Wu said this, she was a little carried away.

This is about her very profitable father.

There is nothing that cannot be solved with money, if there is, then add another wagon of money!
"Then why were you so worried in the first place!"

Seeing Wang Wu's arrogant appearance, the corners of Feng Jin's mouth twitched slightly.

Since they have so much money to support so many hidden guards, why ignore a bunch of hidden guards and rush in and kill them!

As long as you have money, are you afraid that you won't be able to handle it?

Even if the Tai Tuo has a high position and authority, as long as he spends a lot of money, there must be a perfect crime scene.

Feng Jin can't do this kind of thing by himself, but thinks that the ancients should be able to do it.

After all, the ancients had a clear sense of class and didn't value human life very much.

"It's not good to kill too many people. It's not worthwhile to go to hell. It's better to solve it in a civilized way!"

Wang Wu heard Feng Jin's implication, and trembled in her heart.

Has his best friend's heart become dark?
Has the good boy who grew up together in the spring breeze finally been ruined by this feudal system like this?

"Come on! Just be happy, just don't play around!"

Feng Jin shrugged her shoulders, and suddenly remembered that her father will have an exam tomorrow, so she said,

"Let's go, go to the study for a while, and buy some pens and inks, the pens and inks at home are almost gone, I must let my father take the exam steadily!"

Feng Jin felt that she was one step closer to Miss Guan's family.

"Do you still have to buy a new one? I think that even if you don't hold a pen and bite your middle finger to write, you can still get No. 1!"

When Wang Wu told the truth, she didn't feel that she was exaggerating at all.

How can such a rigid and pedantic topic in ancient times be compared with modern astronomy, geography, and various mathematical knowledge!

Not at the same latitude at all.

And Feng Minsheng was the pinnacle academic master of that era, definitely able to stand at the top of the food chain.

In the past, Taifu Feng was a model for scholars. From tomorrow on, Feng Minsheng will be the nightmare of scholars all over the world.

He will let all scholars know how easy and simple it is to take the No.1 exam.

In the future, it will also crush all kinds of children who can study.

Thinking of this, Wang Wu bared her teeth and smiled.

Fortunately, girls don't need to take the scientific examination, and he doesn't need to study hard now, he just needs to inherit the family business.

Thinking of those scholars who were about to be abused by the teacher to the point of scum, Wang Wu became extremely excited, how cool it was!
"Of course, my father is definitely going to take the No.1 exam, and he will win three yuan in a row."

Feng Jin is very confident about this.

"Heh! The tone is not small, do you know what Lianzhong Sanyuan means?"

A cold and familiar voice came from behind the two of them.

Before Feng Jin turned her head to look, she covered her face with her hands.

This world is really small, just now I was still feeling that the temperament of the head of the Feng family is more similar to that of Feng Mincheng.

Fengmin City is coming.

"Of course I know, and I also know that you can't win three yuan in a row!"

Feng Jin wasn't used to Feng Mincheng at all, and even shook his fist at him.

Feng Mincheng took a step back subconsciously, with an unnatural expression on his face.

Thinking of the last time when he was covered in a sack, his body shivered subconsciously.

You may not believe it, but a big man like him is afraid of a little girl.

Until now, my hand is still aching, and I can't use the strength to lift the pen.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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