Chapter 137, Peerless Tea

"It's true that I can't even win three yuan, and neither can your father. He doesn't have this fate."

Although Fengmincheng was a little afraid of Fengjin, what he said was the truth from his heart.

Not to mention winning three yuan in a row, even being on the list is unlikely.

"It's such an easy exam. Only people with mental problems have to take the exam many times to become a scholar. It's a shame to waste so many resources!"

Feng Jin didn't give Feng Mincheng any face at all.

To a certain extent, the two sides have nothing to do with each other, even if they fight, it is not considered bullying the elders.

"Heh! If he can be on the list, let alone No.1, he will be the last one. I admit that I have read so many books into the stomach of a dog!"

Feng Mincheng flicked his sleeves, looked at Feng Jin's increasingly gloomy face, and felt a little guilty after talking about it.

Carefully looking around, my heart skipped a beat.

There are too few people around, so it is impossible to guarantee that this crazy girl will suddenly violently beat someone up!

It's not the first time she hit someone. After beating someone, others still believe that she is an introverted little girl, and it's hard to explain why.

Fengmin City is indeed a little scared.

"Whether you read into the dog's stomach or not, you will know for yourself. What I know is that it only takes one step to turn you into a pig's head!"

Feng Jin pressed her fist, and there was a creaking sound.

Dad is about to be named on the gold list, so it should be okay for her to feel the bullying feeling of the official lady in advance.

Before Feng Mincheng could react, Feng Jin came in front of Feng Mincheng.

Feng Jin was thin and small, barely reaching Feng Mincheng's shoulders, but he was aggressive.

Fengmincheng was born tall and tall, but when he saw Fengjin approaching, he was still timid.

He knew that Feng Jin was amazingly strong.

When he was beaten, he also tried to fight back, but it was of no use.


At this time, he only thought of this method.

Regardless of whether others think he is ridiculous, but he knows that if he can't escape Fengjin, he will really turn into a pig's head.

"In broad daylight, the world is bright. It's shameless to moles a woman from a good family to see if I don't beat you to death!"

Feng Jin suddenly said seriously, he had already grabbed Feng Mincheng's sleeve and pulled it hard.

Feng Mincheng staggered and almost fell.

The weight difference is more than double, but Fengjin's strange power is unmatched, Fengmincheng sometimes thinks Fengjin is a monster, because he is too strong!
"You, don't talk nonsense!"

When Feng Mincheng heard Feng Jin say this, his face darkened.

Before being beaten, he put a sack directly.

Now just open your eyes and talk nonsense!
Feng Jin looked at Wang Wu.

Wang Wu: ...

Wang Wu and Feng Jin are too familiar. They have been good friends in the past and present.

Her eyes were wretched and sly.

"Ah - you stinky rascal, you dare to touch my hand, this girl will fight for you!"

Wang Wu groaned, and the voice of embarrassment and anger burst out all at once.

It was as if someone had really teased her.

They even stomped their feet, and the girls' shyness and anger were fully released.

If it is in modern times, it is definitely an actor-level acting skill.

At the same time, Wang Wu quickly took off the bamboo hat on his head, and put it on Feng Mincheng's head.

It's almost like wearing a sack.

Fengmin City was shocked in place.

Before he had time to be shocked for a while, dense fists landed on him.

I didn't stop at all, where does it hurt?Where to call.

Bang bang bang!
Feng Mincheng heard the sound of punches to the flesh, and his whole body was so painful that he couldn't speak.

I stretched out my hand to fight back, but my arm was suddenly hit by something, it hurt and numb, and I lost the strength to move in an instant.

A round stone rolled down at his feet.

Without time to observe these details, Feng Mincheng could only rely on his own experience of being beaten, sitting on the ground, covering his head with his hands to protect his face.

That's all he can do.

It's really ugly for a big man to be beaten up like this by a skinny little girl.

Wang Wuhao's voice attracted many passers-by in a short while.

Everyone was shocked in place.

Not shocking a little girl, being an adult.

Instead, she was shocked that there was such a good-looking woman in this world, staring at that beautiful face obsessively, and even forgot to see the excitement!


Feng Mincheng managed to see a lot of people gathered around him, and spoke two words with difficulty.

Bang bang bang!
Feng Jin continued to greet him with a blank face.

The little girl's fist looked soft, but it hurt extremely when it landed on her body.

"This stinky rascal dares to touch my hand in broad daylight. I'm really scared!"

Wang Wu took out a pink handkerchief from her sleeve, and pressed the corners of her eyes.

Although he used to be a straight man, after being a girl for a long time, he can still comprehend some of the essence of white lotus.

There is no need to teach at all, just use it directly, and you can even do better.

The eyes are so cute and pitiful.

Her body smelled of tea, and her whole body exuded the fragrance of white lotus flowers.

Coupled with this charming face, let alone being a white lotus, even the person stabbed with a knife is covered with blood.

The man who witnessed everything couldn't help but say, "I've been stabbed, what else can I do, just say sorry!"


Feng Mincheng opened his mouth to refute, he didn't even see what the woman's face looked like, how could he touch her hand!
What's more, he has two daughters-in-law, so no matter what he does, he won't damage his image in broad daylight.

"I'll talk nonsense and pretend to be pitiful here, but my sister punched me a few times and squatted on the ground trying to blackmail us."

Wang Wu pointed at Feng Jin delicately, her expression was so rich.

The heart is richer.

He really is up to date.

Only men know what kind of women men are most likely to trust.

With his face, he would definitely beat all the white lotuses.

Xiao Jinjin's pure and harmless appearance to induce others to recognize her is already considered weak!
His kind is truly peerless tea!

"This man is really shameless. The little girl's fists are so soft, and she is still squatting on the ground without getting up. She is simply the scum of scum!"

"Yeah! Look at how cute this little girl is!"

"Tsk! It's just that I ran into a rascal. I advise the two sisters to leave quickly! To save yourself from being blackmailed!"

"Look, that guy is still wearing it, tears are streaming out!"

"Huh—the snot is coming out~"

Hearing the comments from the people around, Feng Mincheng almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Who's fucking cute?

A fist is heavier than a stone mill, is this soft?
The entrance of Fengzhai gradually became lively, and the door creaked and was opened from the inside.

"Cough cough..."

Wang Wu gave Feng Jin a look, and quickly turned her back to the gate of Feng Zhai.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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