Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 138, the family used to work in the house

Chapter 138, the family used to work in the house
"Hmph! You are an adult, even the two of us sisters can't beat you, so this time we will take advantage of you! Sister, let's go!"

Feng Jin resolutely stopped, and pointed at Fengmin City with a sad face, as if he had been wronged so much.

When leaving, he was quick and quick, and now he still doesn't forget to take the bamboo hat off Feng Mincheng's head.

"Let's go! Beep..."

Crying, Wang Wu put on the bamboo hat again, and He Fengjin left in a "worse" way.

At first glance, it was taken advantage of by others, and there was no way to take revenge, so he could only leave quickly to preserve his image of reputation.

The people around just looked at it, and they were full of anger.

This man is too shameless!
Seeing that the girl is beautiful, she takes advantage of her, and even wants to blackmail her!
It's also fortunate that people left early, otherwise there would be no one watching, and I don't know how this scum will bully others!

People around pointed at Fengmin City, and there was a buzzing sound, all of which were bad words.

Feng Mincheng covered his face and wanted to stand up, but his legs hurt badly, and Feng Jin kicked him several times at some point.

It's like the bones are about to break.

"Who is making loud noises at the gate of Fengzhai!"

Feng Che and Feng Zhengnian walked out, Feng Che raised his chin arrogantly, he looked down on the people at the door.

He was born and raised in the capital city, and all of them were country bumpkins who had never seen the world.

Being used to living in the capital, Feng Che and his son only felt that there was too much dust in the ancestral house, and they couldn't get their feet anywhere.

Wanting to come out to relax, I heard the bustling voices outside.

As soon as he came out, he saw a man who was pointed at by others.

Don't mention how embarrassing it is!

"...Is the master of Fengzhai back?"

Feng Mincheng heard a voice behind him, turned around quickly, and saw two people in brocade clothes at a glance.

One can tell at a glance that their identities are extraordinary, they are noble people from the capital.

Who in Fengmin City knew that his father had been a servant in this house when he was young.

It is said that he went to the capital to be a high official. After all these years, Fengmincheng really hoped that the young master in Fengzhai would come back.

In this way, you can more or less gain a little relationship, and maybe you will be able to rise to the top in the future.

"Father, does he look so similar to you?"

As soon as Feng Mincheng turned his face away, Feng Che froze in place.

This man was the same as his father, tall and tall, but he looked very refined and gentle.

Although he was beaten and sat on the ground with a bruised nose and a swollen face, his eyes looked very much like his father's.

Even the speaking voices are five points alike.

Between words and deeds, more like.

His grandfather only had one son, his father, and he almost wondered if his grandfather had an illegitimate child when he was young?

"There are many similar people in the world, nothing surprising, not to mention, I am not like him."

Feng Zhengnian glanced at Feng Che, his eyes were a little cold.

He is the son of the Taifu, how can he be like a countryman?

They are not people of the same level at all, the difference between cloud and mud.

"I made a slip of the tongue. I'm afraid I misread it. He really doesn't look like his father."

Feng Che saw his father's displeasure, and quickly changed his words.

But I still couldn't help but take another look at Fengmin City, the more I looked at it, the more it seemed like it.

"Excuse me, is the young master from Fengzhai back?"

Feng Mincheng slowed down for a while, and finally stood up with a bowed body. Seeing that the father and son in front of him ignored him, he asked again.

"Go back! You don't need to be friends with such a person, will you lose your identity?"

Feng Zhengnian ignored Feng Mincheng, turned around and entered the yard.

Feng Che rolled his eyes, but opened his mouth to answer,
"My grandfather used to be the young master of this house. Did your family ever work here?"

The eyes are a little frivolous.

I'm afraid this guy's grandma used to work as a maid in the yard, and then found an honest person to take over the job!
"Yes, yes, my family used to work here, and they were taken care of by the young master here, and they even said they wanted to see the young master again!"

When Feng Mincheng heard the nobleman in front of him say this, his eyes lit up, and he didn't care about his embarrassment at the moment, so he hurriedly stepped forward to make connections.

If the hands of the nobles are slightly exposed, to him, it is regarded as overwhelming wealth.

Although I don't know what level of official position the former young master has achieved, but I know from Mr. Feng that when he left here for the capital, he was rewarded by the emperor himself.

It is conceivable that their current status in the capital must not be low.

"Then what kind of work did your mother do in the house? Is it the embroiderer or the maid?"

The contempt in Feng Che's eyes grew even stronger.

It seems to have guessed a certain possibility.

If this guy is really the old man's impulsiveness back then, then he has to greet the person in front of him properly.

However, to a certain extent, if this person really shares a certain kind of blood with him, it would be good to keep him by his side and be a servant who is free to be beaten and scolded.

I can better understand the feeling of being a master.

There is a nameless pleasure in enslaving what may be his uncle.

There was an evil smile on the corner of Feng Che's mouth, almost looking at Feng Mincheng through his nostrils.

"My mother is a country woman who never worked in a rich family. My father was physically strong when he was young, and he lived a good life with the young master for a while."

Feng Mincheng didn't know what Feng Che was thinking, but just told the truth.

When Feng Che heard Feng Mincheng's answer, his evil smile froze on his face.

It was originally meant to tease others, but I didn't expect to be generalized!

"Go, go! It's okay, don't stand at the gate of my house, get out!"

Feng Che flicked his sleeves, ignored Fengmin City, and walked towards Fengzhai.

And slammed the door shut.

Feng Mincheng didn't understand how Feng Che's attitude had changed so drastically before and after, but he clearly knew that this was an opportunity.

Fengmin City didn't knock on the door again, but limped towards home.

He had to go back and tell Mr. Feng about this. There are still old people in this old house, and they will have an impression of his father no matter what.

Even if it's just a little bit of a relationship, even a little bit, it's enough for him to live comfortably in this life!

Even the feeling of being beaten to death by Feng Jin was thrown away by him.

I just want to build a relationship.

The next day, early in the morning.

The sun is just right.

The village is still as usual, people who get up early go to work in the fields, and smoke is rising from every house.

After all, Wang Wu still lives in the room next to Fengjin. The room is decorated in pink and luxurious, which is a hundred times more valuable than this house.

Before dawn, Wang Wu was dragged up by Feng Jin to cook.

Feng Jin himself is not very good at cooking, and he is afraid that Feng Minsheng will have diarrhea if he eats it raw, which will affect his performance.

He pulled Wang Wu up and asked Wang Wu to do it.

Feng Jin never thought about whether Wang Wu, a lady of great family, could cook.

It's true that Wang Wu can't cook, but Wang Wu, a fat man weighing more than 200 kilograms, can.

In a short time, a hearty breakfast was prepared.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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