Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 139, the mudslide in the chapter book

Chapter 139, The mudslide in the storybook
Feng Jin knew that Wang Wu was the lady of everyone, so she probably didn't know how to cook, but at least the food she cooked should be better than her own.

Unexpectedly, there is more than one good point.

A table of meals, full of color, fragrance and taste.

"All of you ladies, besides learning piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, you also have to learn how to cook?"

Feng Jin instantly felt that the noble ladies in ancient times were much more tragic than herself when she was a child.

If you work hard on your own, at most you will learn arithmetic and Chinese, and learning to draw is just to cultivate your sentiments, without too much pressure.

But for the ancient ladies, it was really difficult!

"I have learned a little bit. After all, I have to honor my parents and take care of my future husband-in-law."

Wang Wu touched her nose, but still didn't dare to reveal her true identity.

What a shame!
It's easy to be laughed to death by others!
"you are great!"

Feng Jin gave a thumbs up, sincerely thinking that Wang Wu is amazing.

Like Feng Jin's classmates of the same age, they are basically students who don't stick to the sun.

Study hard is their only task.

Probably only Wang Wu, the head of the physical education class, who weighs more than 200 catties, can cook some delicious meals.

Purely personal interest.

"Generally average."

Wang Wu quickly lowered her head, not letting Feng Jin see the embarrassment on his face.

The reason why he knows how to cook is because he wants to eat some delicious food anytime and anywhere. His 200-plus catties of fat before are really not for nothing.

It is purely eaten one bite at a time.

"Dad, have you packed everything? Hurry up and go to the exam after dinner!"

Feng Jin looked at Feng Minsheng who was neatly dressed, and quickly pulled him over and pushed him on the chair.

There was no nervous expression on Feng Minsheng's face, it was just an ordinary day.

"Is this your cooking?"

Feng Minsheng looked at Fengjin.

"No, sister Wang Wu helped to do it."

Feng Jin answered very honestly.


Feng Minsheng nodded, then he can eat with confidence!

It's usually okay, eating some meals made by my daughter can be regarded as a taste of the hardships of life when he can't take care of himself when he is old.

Today is quite special, it will open a new era for him to beat all kinds of talents in ancient times.

If I eat the meal cooked by my daughter, I will have diarrhea during the exam.

He didn't dislike the problem with his daughter's cooking, but he felt that it might be a bit embarrassing to have diarrhea while doing the questions.

Feng Minsheng ate some light meals and was [-]% full to avoid sleepiness during the exam.

Wang Wu's luxurious carriage had already been parked outside the door. After eating, the three of them drove towards the county seat in the carriage.

The carriage was very stable, and Feng Minsheng took a nap on the carriage with his eyes closed for a while, showing no sign of nervousness at all.

Feng Jin and Wang Wu had nothing to be nervous about.

Everyone knows how perverted Feng Minsheng is, if he fails the exam, then there is a problem!
Soon they arrived at the gate of the yamen, and County Magistrate Lin stood at the gate of the yamen early, waiting for the students to enter the exam.

The exam is set in the yamen, and it is also to deter those candidates from cheating.

The children's exams in this world are divided into five sessions, one test per day, one day at a time, for five consecutive days.

You can go back to rest at night, which is still humane.

"The teacher is here, please—"

As soon as County Magistrate Lin saw Wang Wu's carriage, he knew that his teacher was coming, so he trotted over quickly.

Say hello cheerfully.

County Magistrate Lin attracted the attention of other students, and everyone looked at Feng Minsheng who had just got off the car.

What is the background of this person?
Even County Magistrate Lin looked respectful and friendly, and vaguely heard the word teacher.

Who is whose teacher?

The one who got off the bus just now looked about the same age as County Magistrate Lin, at most they were classmates, no matter how you calculated it, it was impossible to figure out where the seniority of the teacher came from.

However, if you have a good relationship with Master Lin, you must not be a good bird!
"Master Lin, you have worked hard to welcome us here early in the morning."

Feng Minsheng calmly distanced himself from Magistrate Lin, and like all the students, he cupped his hands.

Pretending not to know magistrate Lin, not familiar with him.

The main reason is that this guy's reputation is too great, and people will stare at him while walking on the road, plus the commendation from the imperial decree...

Feng Minsheng decisively chooses not to recognize himself as a student.

County Magistrate Lin: ...

Is he so ashamed?
He feels quite good about himself. Compared with Wang Tong, he feels that he is the teacher's best student.

At least I didn't go to beg for food, I was still a civil servant, and I was making staff.

Magistrate Lin opened his mouth to say something, but Feng Minsheng had already gone to the examination room, leaving Magistrate Lin with a handsome and tall back.

Magistrate Lin turned his head to complain to Feng Jin, but before he could open his mouth, Feng Jin turned his face away and pretended not to know Magistrate Lin.

"Sister, my father still has one more day, let's find a teahouse to rest!"

"it is good!"

Wang Wu put down the curtain resolutely, blocking the sight of County Magistrate Lin who wanted to talk to them.

The carriage passed by County Magistrate Lin quickly, stirring up some dust.

County Magistrate Lin: ...

He didn't even have time to say hello to Xiao Jin.

The carriage stopped in front of the teahouse closest to the examination room.

As soon as the carriage stopped, a servant came up to greet him.

"I want the best box for you, one kind of dim sum for all of you, and the best tea."

Wang Wu is rich and powerful.

There is too much money in the family, and she has to spend it for that miser father.

In case one day the crazy criticizing prince ransacked his home, it wouldn't be too much of a loss!

"Guest officer, please~"

When the boy heard that he was a big client, he quickly bent over and led the two of them to the second floor.

The best private room in a small county town looks a bit crude, but at least it is an independent space, even if you stay here for a day, you can do it.

It happened to be Feng Minsheng who was waiting for the exam here.

Father is taking an exam, Feng Jin doesn't have much intention to go home, just waits.

Simply put a stack of rice paper in a cloth bag sewn by Feng Minsheng, which can pass the time.

As soon as they arrived at the private room, the servants served a table full of snacks one after another, with dozens of tricks.

It doesn't look delicate, but it's edible.

Feng Jin stacked several plates of snacks together, freed up a small space, and put the pen and paper she had prepared on the table.

"Do you want to write a script here too?"

The corner of Wang Wu's mouth twitched wildly.

Is this coming directly to poison the brains of the ancients?
She also read the scripts written by Xiao Jin, they were the kind of goofy routines that could guess the next plot even with eyes closed.

However, it seems to be selling well here, it's the mudslides in the book of red tape.

It brought a huge sense of impact and psychological satisfaction to those women!

"Well! The last book is finished, this time I'm going to write "Things in the Prime Minister's Backyard"!"

Feng Jin twirled the brush, and the plot in her mind was running wildly.

This is the story of the prime minister's backyard vying for favor, doting on his concubine and destroying his wife, doting on his wife and destroying his concubine, and the cycle repeats itself.

There is even a storyline of the prime minister being cuckolded.

Feng Jin believes that this will be more popular than the domineering prince falling in love with me!

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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