Chapter 140, Painting

"Writing this won't kill you?"

When Wang Wu heard Feng Jin's words, the expression on his face was not surprised.

After attacking the prince, he finally attacked the prime minister.

In all the romance novels, the prince, prince, prime minister, and emperor are basically the roles of the male one male and the second male.

All kinds of love and hate.

A woman must be loved by all the high-ranking and powerful men in order to be considered a successful script!

"It's okay! I even wrote the crown prince, and he is still alive and kicking. It seems that the requirements of the dialogue book in this world are not too strict. If you write casually, you should be fine!"

Feng Jin felt that since the study dared to accept this storybook, it meant that he could write it, so he made it up casually!

Wang Wu gave Feng Jin a thumbs up.

This is probably the first one who dared to write a story about the prince and was not beaten to death.

Feng Jin bared her teeth and smiled, holding a pen in one hand and a snack in the other, writing while eating.

Wang Wu was not polite to the dim sum on the table, neither hand was idle, holding one kind in each hand, eating very cheerfully.

Both of them seemed to be relatively thin women, but neither of them had vague appetites.

"Peng Peng Bang!"

There was a knock on the door.

"come in!"

Wang Wu replied while eating, thinking it was the boy who brought the snacks.

As soon as the door opened, two men came in.

A beautifully dressed, handsome face, elegant manners.

One has a tattered body and a little bit of wretchedness on his face.

It was Chen Yu and Wang Tong.

"Xiao Jin, why do you order so many dim sum?"

Wang Tong was one step faster than Chen Yu, and sat beside Feng Jin, staring at the table full of dim sum, in a daze.

How did Xiao Jin know that he and Chen Yu would also come here?

Otherwise, why would you order so many dim sum?

Two people can never finish it.

Even if there are four people, it is a bit reluctant.

"If you don't have enough to eat, order more!"

Feng Jin ate a piece of mung bean cake in one bite, and picked up another piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake, without any image at all.

Wang Tong: ...

"Why did you come here together?" Feng Jin asked.

"I heard those little brothers said that you came here, so I came here. I met this guy on the road."

Wang Tong put aside the empty plate in front of Fengjin, and moved a plate of pastries away from Fengjin.

"Xiao Jin, what are you writing? Isn't the script already finished?"

Chen Yu walked to the other side of Feng Jin, pushed Wang Wu aside, and got very close to Feng Jin.

"I'm writing another book, about the words of the prime minister. I was a little scared when I wrote it. I don't know if it can be done, and whether it will implicate the nine clans."

Feng Jin said so, the pen did not stop at all, writing very fast.

"Of course you can write. You can write whatever you want. No one dares to implicate your nine clans."

When Chen Yu said this, he was very gentle, without any domineering at all.

But what he said was true, with him around, it would be no problem to directly write about the death of the dog emperor.

Why care about a prime minister.

"I can rest assured that."

Feng Jin raised her eyebrows, and wrote in a hurry, and wrote several pieces in a short while.

"Writing all the time is not good for your eyes, why don't you take a break!"

Seeing Feng Jin's cheerful writing, Wang Tong couldn't help reminding her.

There is no ophthalmologist in this world, and there is no place for glasses.

If you are nearsighted, it will be very troublesome.

"It's just writing, and it's not very tiring. When I was learning painting, the longest record took a day and a night."

Feng Jin is also quite talented in painting, and she is also interested in it. If she is willing to spend time doing it, she will not feel tired.

After spending half an hour doing homework, Feng Jin will feel very tired, the kind of life that is worse than death.

"Xiao Jin can still draw?"

Chen Yu looked at Feng Jin, his eyes lit up, and he found another shining point in Xiao Jin.

He thought that the Xiaojin he saw was already excellent, but he didn't expect that there were even better talents, which he hadn't discovered yet.

"Of course, I'm pretty good at drawing, especially the portraits of people. I'm the best!"

When Feng Jin said this, she was quite proud.

"... Draw a picture and give it to me, okay?"

Chen Yu rubbed his fingers, thinking to himself, take it as a token of love.

He gave Xiaojin the jade pendant, and Xiaojin gave himself a portrait. These are the best tokens of love in the world.


Feng Jin didn't think there was anything wrong with it, she just wanted to let these ancient people see who is better than modern sketches and those landscape paintings!
Feng Jin rummaged through the cloth bag she brought over, and there was no white paper for painting except rice paper inside.

The rice paper inside was turned in a mess, and only a charcoal pencil was found.

The charcoal pen is specially made by Feng Minsheng for Feng Jin, and it is wrapped with a layer of cotton cloth so that it will not stain your fingers.

I don't know what was added, but the pictures drawn with this kind of charcoal are not easy to blur or fall off.

"I'll let them get it."

Chen Yu smiled, sorted out the messy rice paper for Feng Jin, and gestured towards the window.

In less than a cup of tea, a thick stack of white paper was placed on the table near the window.

"Sit still and I'll draw you."

After Feng Jin got the white paper specially designed for drawing, her hands immediately itched, and she unconsciously drew an outline with a charcoal pencil.

"Draw me?"

There was a trace of flattery on Chen Yu's always cold face.

The ears are a little red.

For a moment, he didn't notice that Feng Jin was using a black charcoal brush instead of an ordinary brush.

"Well, when I paint, I prefer to draw people."

Feng Jin calmly wiped the saliva that was about to overflow from the corner of her mouth.

I think back when I was learning painting, there were special models in the studio for students to paint.

Some models wear very little clothes...

Cough, if Chen Yu is the same, Feng Jin believes that her painting skills will be improved to a higher level!

Chen Yu froze in place somewhat awkwardly, motionless.

Feng Jin quickly described Chen Yu's breathtakingly beautiful face.

This beautiful brocade cannot be painted one-tenth of it.

But just that little bit of similarity is enough to make this drawing paper worthless.

One of them is painting, the other is being painted, it looks so harmonious.

Wang Tong sat silently beside Feng Jin, staring blankly at Feng Jin's fingers constantly drawing lines.

He used to look in from the window of his studio.

I just feel that those white fingers are very beautiful, and all kinds of beautiful lines are drawn by those hands and become more beautiful paintings.

In order to practice painting, Fengjin once drew the portraits of all the students in the class.

The two cards belonging to Wang Tong and Feng Jin were quietly taken away by Wang Tong.

Has been hidden in the mezzanine of his books.

I don't know if his family put those two paintings into his ashes after he fell asleep and died.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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