Chapter 141, this is the sketch
Feng Jin draws very fast, the box is quiet, only the rustling sound of charcoal pen falling on the paper.

Knowing that Xiao Jin didn't like to be disturbed while painting, both Wang Tong and Wang Wu chose to remain silent and didn't make any sound.

A quarter of an hour passed quickly.

"Okay! See if it looks like it!"

Feng Jin looked at the more and more beautiful man on the paper, and nodded in satisfaction.

Although the black charcoal pencil has only one color, in Fengjin's hands, it becomes layered, just like a black and white photo taken by a camera.

In the lower right corner of the photo, Fengjin habitually signed his own emblem, a word brocade.

"It's quite similar."

There was no surprised expression on Wang Wu's face. He had long known Fengjin's painting skills and the magic of sketching.

"Xiao Jin has always drawn so well."

Wang Tong was a little sour when he spoke.

Why did you look a little wretched when you painted him, and made Chen Yu such a good-looking guy?
The sketch unfolded, Feng Jin held the painting, and let Chen Yu look at himself.

Chen Yu only took one look, his pupils dilated, and there was a hint of disbelief in Taohua's eyes.

so similar!
It's so realistic that it's like looking in a mirror.

"Xiao Jin, you, how did you draw it?"

This is really the first time Chen Yu has seen such a special painting technique, which is more realistic than any landscape painting.

"Drawn in charcoal, this is it."

Feng Jin took out the charcoal pencil Feng Minsheng made for her so that Chen Yu could see it.

Chen Yu picked up the charcoal pencil in Feng Jin's hand and looked at it again, then reached out and touched the portrait, amazed.

"Xiao Jin, do you look like everyone in your paintings? Can you draw a picture and let me see how you draw it?"

Chen Yu put the charcoal pen back into Feng Jin's hand, with a look of anticipation in his eyes.


Feng Jin felt no pressure, but just painting.

"Come on, draw me this time!"

Wang Tong saw through Chen Yu's thoughts, and sat carelessly across from Feng Jin, pointing to his wretched face and said,
"My face is well-structured, it is easy to impress people, and it must be challenging for you to draw."

"Xiao Jin, should I still draw you?"

Chen Yu still wanted Xiao Jin's portrait, so he pulled the chair where Wang Tong was sitting with his fingers.

With little effort, he pulled Wang Tong and the chair aside.

Experience the feeling of ice skating for free.

"There's no arguing about it. I'll draw one for each, and I'll draw one for Sister Wang Wu too!"

After speaking, Feng Jin's fingers moved.

The first one I painted was Wang Wu. She is so beautiful, I wanted to copy that beauty.

It is pleasing to the eye.

Chen Yu stared at Fengjin's fingers intently, and as the fingers turned, a vivid portrait appeared on the white rice paper.

One after another.

The last picture is of Fengjin herself.

Feng Jin has seen her current appearance in the bronze mirror, and the picture she drew is also a thin and small image.

However, when she painted, she deliberately made her image smaller, and then painted her 18-year-old appearance in the other half.

One big and one small, the two portraits suddenly looked different, one was thin and the other was confident, but after looking at it for a long time, you can see that the eyes of the two are exactly the same.

One is a budding stamen, and the other is the beauty of a hundred flowers blooming.

After finishing the painting, Feng Jin added a small head on top of Wang Tong's portrait.

It looks like Wang Tong.

Compared with Fengjin's portrait, it is a child and a grown-up.

But when Wang Tong was a child, he is now 25 years old.

"Is this what you imagined when you grew up?"

Chen Yu looked at Fengjin's 18-year-old portrait with great interest for a long time.

The facial features are different from the current facial features. I don't know why they are drawn in this way.

But it looks cute, and it's engraved in my mind just by looking at it.

"It's not the future appearance in my imagination, but the future appearance in my dream. Who knows what I will look like when I am 18 years old now?"

Feng Jin shrugged his shoulders, and took another look at his 18-year-old appearance.

At that time, she was in her prime and was about to start her university life, but she fell asleep and died, not to mention how useless she was!

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Chen Yu always felt that when Feng Jin said this, his eyes seemed to be recalling something.

Chen Yu took another careful look at the 18-year-old Feng Jin's portrait. He only felt that this face was very attractive, but he couldn't see any other problems.

Except for those eyes, there is really no similarity with the current Fengjin.

I don't know why, but I can't help but want to look more.

Wang Tong looked at his previous appearance, and then at his current sloppy appearance, and there was no special expression on his face.

Just silently rolled up the portrait.

"The painting is quite good, I will put it away and hang it in the room!"

Wang Wu saw the 18-year-old appearance belonging to Wang Tong and Feng Jin, which was the image of his friends who hung out together in his previous life.

Thinking of myself again, I decisively put away the painting.

The contrast between the portraits of the two of them in the past and the present is not particularly strong. If you draw a portrait of yourself in the past, it will be designated to shock them for 100 years!

"What is this technique of painting called? This is the first time I have seen it."

Relying on his long arms, Chen Yu rolled up Feng Jin's portrait with a big hand and put it beside him.

Since it was a token of love, of course he had to keep it himself.

When the time comes, hang it in the place where you sleep, and you can see it every day.

"Stupid, this is a sketch!"

Wang Wu blurted out, and added in his heart that the ancients were really ignorant, not even sketching.

"How do you know it's called a sketch?"

Feng Jin suddenly looked at Wang Wu.

Wang Wu has been with her for a while, but during this period of time, Feng Jin didn't draw with charcoal.

I have been writing all the time, and Ben has never told her that he can draw with charcoal.

Not to mention the word sketch.

There is no such word in ancient times, only modern people know what sketch is.

Wang Tong and County Magistrate Lin rarely communicate with Wang Wu, let alone talk to her about sketching.

Coupled with so many days of getting along, Feng Jin found that although Wang Wu was a lady of everyone, she didn't have that old thinking at all.

Does it represent a possibility?
This beautiful and flowery sister Wang Wu also came through time?
"This, you told me this word! I, I, I didn't know it before!"

Wang Wu suddenly realized that she had slipped her mouth, and quickly threw the blame on Feng Jin.

"Impossible, I haven't told you, I'm very sure!"

Feng Jin shook his head.

"Who are you and what is your name!"

Wang Tong raised his head and looked at Wang Wu with a sharp look in his eyes.

It seemed that he wanted to see through the true face of the woman in front of him.

She was too close to Xiao Jin, and Wang Tong had been wary of her from the very beginning, after all, Miss Wang's target was the prince.

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(End of this chapter)

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