Chapter 142, it's a little sad
Wang Wu has always shown that she doesn't know the prince Chenyu.

Later, he did not do anything to hurt Xiaojin.

However, Wang Tong never gave up on investigating Wang Wu, and when he confirmed that Wang Wu really did not know Prince Chen Yu, he relaxed his vigilance a little.

But now, what Wang Wu blurted out meant that she was a modern person.

Judging from the fact that she didn't have a special expression when she saw the sketch for the first time, she knew from the beginning that Xiaojin was a modern person.

This has to make people think too much.

What is the purpose of her approaching Xiaojin?
Wang Wu's eyes were good, and he even saw the gleaming dagger in Wang Tong's sleeve.

Almost blinded his 24k dog eyes!
As expected of a toad recognized among his buddies, if it wasn't for Xiao Jin's presence right now, Wang Wu would have no doubt that Wang Tong wanted to stab himself to death with a knife.

Probably suspicious.

After all, he exposed his identity as a modern person and hid himself by Xiaojin's side. He knew their identities, but he didn't treat each other honestly.

Anyone will be wary.

However, Wang Wu still didn't want to reveal her true identity and wanted to hide her vest.

Don't bow your head, the crown will fall, your self-esteem will fall, and you will be laughed to death.

"Well, it's inconvenient to say this, but I have absolutely no malice."

Wang Wu glanced at Chen Yu vigorously, signaling to Feng Jin and Wang Tong not to reveal their identities in front of the ancients.

For the ancients, the time travel was too absurd and uninhibited.

You can also procrastinate for time and think about your own identity.

As long as you don't say that you are Wang Wu, it's not a shame. There are so many female students in the class, just say a name, or a name you don't know.

Probably, maybe, maybe you can fool it!
"It's getting late, do you want to go back to sleep first?"

Feng Jin spoke to Chen Yu directly and bluntly.

He didn't beat around the bush at all, he just wanted to know Wang Wu's identity so that Chen Yu wouldn't hear it.

Chen Yu's beautiful peach blossom eyes dimmed a bit, stained with melancholy,
"Don't go back, can't you?"

Is there anything that needs to be kept from him?
It's fine to keep it from him, why is Wang Tong here.

Wang Tong can listen to it, but can't he listen to it?
There was a hint of hostility exuding from Chen Yu's body, but it didn't erupt for a long time, and was shrouded in a faint sadness.

He also didn't know why this happened.

I just feel that I am a little far away from Xiao Jin.

"No, we have something else to do now, so go back quickly."

Feng Jin really wanted to know Wang Wu's identity too much, and thought that she had a good relationship with Chen Yu, so she stretched out her hand and pushed Chen Yu away.

Feng Jin is like this in modern society, getting along with his buddies.

If you encounter something you don't want them to see, or if you need to drive them away, it's considered polite not to kick them.

Chen Yu pursed his thin lips and did not speak, standing where he was, motionless.

He really wanted to be involved in everything about Xiao Jin, and he couldn't understand why he kept it from himself?
"Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, good boy!"

Feng Jin saw that Chen Yu was standing there, his face was still a little bit bad, it seemed that there was a trace of grievance.

The eyes are melancholy, just like the melancholy prince in the TV series.

Unable to hold back, Feng Jin stood on tiptoe and ruaed Chen Yu's head vigorously.

Chen Yu: ...

Although it is a little sad.

But just now Xiaojin told him to be good!
And patted his head.

The haze on his body was swept away, and he even lowered his head, obviously wanting to be rua again.

"Let's go! We have something to do, you shouldn't be so shameless, listen to our private affairs!"

Wang Tong couldn't stand it anymore, he squeezed directly in front of Feng Jin, and pushed Chen Yu out of the box.

Chen Yu's good mood just now disappeared in an instant, and he let Wang Tong push it out with a cold face.

Standing at the door of the box, not ready to leave.


Feng Jin felt that his attitude just now might not be very good, so when he said goodbye, his voice was very gentle.

He waved his hand, with a bright smile on his face.

If it was against Wang Tong, Feng Jin might get on his feet, after all, he is a best friend who is too familiar, and it was the same way when he was a student.

But Chen Yu was different. Just standing there without talking was enough to keep his eyes open, and it was really hard for people to do anything.

"Well, then I'll go back and sleep for two hours before coming back."

Chen Yu nodded solemnly, absolutely listening to what Feng Jin said just now to let him go back to sleep.

But he must still come.


Feng Jin made an OK gesture.

Chen Yu didn't understand what this gesture meant, but he could see that Feng Jin's eyes were smiling.

Confirmed, smiling at himself.

Thinking of the "good boy" she called him just now, Chen Yu lost his temper.

I just wondered if I would be touched again when I came over two hours later, and would be called good after a while.

Chen Yu pinched the portrait in his hand, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, turned around and left slowly.

Although he was a little bit reluctant, Chen Yu thought to himself, he must be considered obedient!

After Wang Tong confirmed that Chen Yu had left and that all the hidden guards could not hear the words in the box, he closed all the doors and windows.

"Tell me, what's your name, is it from the 21st century, what's the purpose of getting close to Xiaojin!"

Wang Tong seemed to be a different person, the dagger was pulled out from his sleeve and placed on the table.

His eyes were cold, and there was a murderous look on his body.

This is the aura of the leader of the beggar gang, and also the arrogance of the leader of the largest underground organization, Bai Xiaosheng.

"My name is Wang Wu. I am indeed from the 21st century. I am a female college student who has just been admitted to university. Before the start of school, I came to this feudal dynasty when I woke up. I have no special purpose in getting close to Xiaojin. I just feel that We all come from the same world, so we will definitely be able to play together!"

Wang Wu tugged at her vest, still refusing to reveal her true identity.

But it has reached this point, and he can only say that he is a time traveler.

Otherwise, the toad would never believe it.

I don't know what this toad has experienced in this world, and he has become a little more perverted than the teacher!
He was terrified when he saw that dagger!

"The purpose of your coming here is to get close to the prince!"

Wang Tong picked up the dagger and played with it in his hand, whenever he wanted a little Wang Feidao.

"Ah? How do you know? Uh... Actually, that's the purpose, but I'm not going to get close to him. Getting close to the prince is what my father meant, but I don't want to."

Wang Wu knew that Wang Tong would do anything for Xiao Jin, so she could only tell the whole story.

As long as you don't reveal your true identity, even if you hand over the account books of the Wang family, it's fine!
Anyway, it is Wang Tong and Xiao Jin, and there are no outsiders who are cheap!

"Why did you change your mind?" Wang Tong frowned.

This is something he cares more about.

"Because the prince is a pervert! He is a lunatic, and I have no problem with my brain. Why should I approach him?"

Wang Wu spread her hands together, with reasons and evidence.

Wang Tong calmly put down the dagger in his hand, and said to Feng Jin,
"Xiao Jin, what she said makes sense."

That prince is indeed crazy.

Feng Jin:? ? ?
 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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