Chapter 143, Stealing

"What makes sense?"

Feng Jin still doesn't understand.

Why is it reasonable to say that the prince is crazy?
Don't many people know that the prince is crazy?
"You'll understand later."

Wang Tong glanced out of the window meaningfully, but still didn't reveal that Chen Yu was the prince.

Chen Yu didn't say it himself, and Wang Tong didn't want to say it directly.

The more you know, the more you are involved.

It's better not to roll in the little brocade.

"so what?"

Feng Jin didn't understand at all what kind of dumb fan Wang Tong was playing, and he didn't know whether he believed in Sister Wang Wu or not.

"So she must have a purpose, why not find a place where no one is there to bury her?"

When Wang Tong said this, he was serious.

Wang Tong knew that he couldn't win the crown prince, but the first richest person was only silver, so considering his power, he was really not afraid.

"No way! I'm really just a college student who hasn't been to college for a day. I hit it off with you immediately, and I don't mean to frame you at all. Isn't it good to be friends? I have to fight and kill!"

Wang Wu had a look of horror.

This toad's character has become really big.

If I had known that in modern times, stealing more of his snacks would be considered revenge for the present.

"It's really not convincing for you to do this. It's hard not to make people doubt your purpose."

Wang Tong remained unmoved.

Even if Xiao Jin disagreed with killing and burying the corpse, if given the chance, he would not be merciful.

In this world, if you are not careful, you will die, and human life is worthless.

Maybe it's because his original body killed too many people, which made him very courageous now.

"Xiao Jin~"

Seeing the toad's rock-hard heart, Wang Wu decisively turned her head and embraced Fengjin's thigh.

Everyone knows that Wang Tong looks carefree and wretched, but he is very vengeful.

If you provoke him, you will definitely be killed.

The only way to solve the problem is to turn around and hug Fengjin's thigh. As long as Xiaojin is happy, Wang Tong will not hold grudges.

I never get tired of trying a hundred times, and I have tried repeatedly.

Wang Wu often steals snacks from Wang Tong's desk pocket, but every time he shares them with Xiao Jin.

I have never been beaten once, and I even have everything I want to eat.

"You, did you know us before?"

Feng Jin looked at Wang Wu's pear-blossoming appearance, and thought it was beautiful.

But this kind of beauty reveals a trace of sand sculpture.

How could this feeling be a bit like her unscrupulous buddies?
"No, I haven't seen you, I don't know you."

Wang Wu shook her head affirmatively, put on her vest firmly on her body, and pressed it.

"It's not this face, it's this one."

Feng Jin glanced at Wang Tong.

Wang Tong understood and opened a painting, which was the portrait that Xiao Jin had just painted, one was his 18-year-old previous life, and the other was his present.

"I don't know, who is this wretched man?"

Wang Wu pointed at the 18-year-old Wang Tong in his previous life with an innocent face, looking innocent and harmless.

My heart is dark.

"It's your uncle!"

Wang Tong decisively rolled up the painting again, making up his mind to kill Wang Wu.

Simply buried in a beautiful place.

"Three generations of my family passed it down to me. I'm the only girl. I really don't have a grandpa!"

Wang Wu shrugged her shoulders, completely ignoring the seriousness of the matter.

He felt that if he hugged Xiaojin's thigh, he could walk sideways.

"Then do you recognize this?"

Feng Jin pointed to the painting beside Wang Tong.

That is Fengjin's own portrait, which has existed in past and present lives.

"Let me look at this again, maybe I will think of something."

Seeing Wang Tong's unwillingness to open it, Wang Wu deliberately pretended to be deep.

Under Feng Jin's gaze.

Wang Tong silently decided to forget about Wang Wu's violent corpse in the wilderness, and digging a hole was quite tiring.

"You'd better look at the painting, if you can think of something, it will be dangerous if you can't."

Wang Tong took a sad look at Wang Wu, and slowly opened the portrait.

He lowered his head to look at the portrait again, and the gloomy look in his eyes disappeared instantly, with a hint of softness.

The portrait was slowly opened.

What caught my eyes was Chen Yu's handsome face.

Feng Jin: ...

Wang Wu: ...

Wang Tong: ...

Wang Tong's fingers tightened, and he almost couldn't hold back, he wanted to tear up Chen Yu's portrait!

When did this guy switch positions!

If it wasn't for Xiaojin's painting, Wang Tong would have burned the painting before throwing it into the sea, and poured another glass of wine!

"Ahem, I really don't have any malice, I swear to God!"

Wang Wu stretched out three fingers, what she said was sincere.

He really just wanted to hang out with his buddies, because his identity was too embarrassing to admit his identity.

"Don't let me catch you, or you will die ugly."

Wang Tong rolled up the portrait and threw it on the ground.

Feng Jin:? ?

Feng Jin narrowed her eyes and stared at Wang Tong.

This is her masterpiece. How can the works of great painters be thrown on the ground at will?
Wang Tong touched his nose, bent down and picked up the painting again, and wiped away the dust on it with his sleeve.

He threw it heavily on the table.

This was his last bit of stubbornness.

Wang Wu looked at Wang Tong's aggrieved appearance, and all the unhappiness in his heart disappeared.

No matter how awesome, wouldn't she still have to be cleaned up by Xiao Jin?
"Xiao Jin, you have to trust me, I really don't have any malicious intentions."

Wang Wu tugged at Fengjin's sleeve, her face became aggrieved.

Use your beauty to give Fengjin a critical blow.

He knew that Feng Jin was a face control guy.

After staying with your best friend for a long time, you will always know some weaknesses of your best friend.

Looking at those bright eyes with a trace of pitifulness, indeed I feel pity.

"I believe you have no malicious intentions. If you don't want to make it too clear, then don't say it. It will be the same in the future."

Feng Jin said seriously.

In fact, from the time I met Wang Wu to now, nothing bad happened because of her.

The red fox is the most spiritual, and the evil and good of human beings can still be felt a little bit.

But it also often saw Wang Wu, and it didn't show any malice towards her.

The reason why she didn't say that she was a time traveler probably had some hidden secrets!

It's just that Feng Jin doesn't know what this unspeakable secret is.

"I knew it, Xiao Jin is the best!"

Because of Feng Jin's words, Wang Wu went from pretending to be pitiful to actually feeling tears welling up in her eyes.

She almost wanted to tell Xiao Jin her identity.

But held back.

Boom... It's really hard to say!

In the following time, because of the stolen portrait, Wang Tong was a little upset.

Didn't talk about time travel either.

Feng Jin was scribbling and writing about the prime minister being cuckolded, while Wang Wu kept eating snacks from the teahouse.

Two hours later, Chen Yu stepped back.

He said he would go back and rest for two hours, but he really came back in two hours.

The hidden guards were amazed, the prince is crazy, but the princess taught him how to count!
 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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