Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 144, the hard-working old father

Chapter 144, the hard-working old father

Chen Yu looked at the three people in the room,

It is still the appearance of peaceful coexistence.

So he silently sat beside Fengjin.

Nor did they ask what they were discussing.

As a very well-behaved person, if you don't tell yourself, then don't ask nonsense.

From the corner of the eye, he saw the portrait thrown aside, and Chen Yu took the portrait back silently.

"what are you doing!"

When Wang Tong thought of Chen Yu replacing Xiao Jin's portrait with his own portrait, he became very angry.

I can't wait to rise up immediately and seek to usurp the throne.

"My own portrait, is there a problem?"

Chen Yu put the portrait beside him calmly, without any expression on his face, just stating a fact.

"Then return the portrait you took away just now!"

Sure enough, Wang Tong still thinks Xiao Jin's portrait is better.

"I forgot home."

Naturally, Chen Yu wasn't going to pay it back, but was going to take a look at it every day!
"Then why did you take this one away too!"

Wang Tong gritted his teeth.

Why can he only get one painting, but a certain prince can get two!

"My own portrait, why do you keep it?"

Chen Yu raised his eyelids calmly, as if he wasn't the one who secretly changed the painting.

Wang Tong: ...

"Okay, stop arguing, it will affect the speed at which I earn money!"

Feng Jin waved her hand to stop them from talking, and continued to write the picture book.

I'm writing the most exciting scenes.

The prime minister is going to catch his concubine's part of stealing people.

Inspiration of all kinds is endless.

Chen Yu and Wang Tong glared at each other tacitly and fell silent.

During the day, the house was very quiet.

Except for a few words during lunch, there were rustling voices at other times.

Feng Jin stopped writing until the exam time was over, and went to the gate of the yamen with a few people to wait for Feng Minsheng to come out.

Yamen door.

One after another, scholars came out of it. Their expressions ranged from joy to regret, and some even wiped their tears.

It can be seen from their expressions how the result of this test is.

Apart from this one, there were several more. Many people pretended to be calm and prepared to go back, rest well, and face the next day's exam.

Feng Jin also saw Li Zicun from the same village. His expression was very indifferent, but his eyes revealed a kind of confidence and determination to win.

It can be seen that he is very sure of his test results.

The eyes of the two people met in the air, and they both quickly moved away.

Feng Jin thinks that Li Zicun is too pretentious, and always looks high-spirited, and looks down on her.

She was really annoyed at the sight of him.

Li Zicun didn't know why he looked away, and even pretended not to see Fengjin, and left here quickly.

Only with a rock-solid heart can you be ready for the next exam.

After waiting for a long time, until almost everyone came out, Feng Minsheng slowly came out from the back.

Beside him, County Magistrate Lin followed.

Feng Jin understood.

The reason why he came out last was probably because he got too close to the county magistrate and was beaten.

"Xiao Jin! You are here to pick up the teacher!"

County magistrate Lin greeted Feng Jin from a distance, and many people stopped to watch.

"Hush! Be quiet!"

Feng Jin covered her face with one hand, and glared at Magistrate Lin.

County magistrate Lin didn't think there was anything wrong.

"Can you stop calling me teacher?"

Feng Minsheng couldn't help repeating it again.

I have already said several times not to let Lin Chengjie call him a teacher.

Not to mention anything else, just saying that his age is not like his teacher.

"Teacher for one day, father for life, if I don't call you teacher, why don't I call you 'Daddy' like Xiao Jin?"

Magistrate Lin blinked.

He doesn't mind.

The original body was about the same age as the teacher, but he still felt that the teacher was the teacher in his heart, a generation higher than himself.

There's nothing wrong with being called dad, at least you can find someone to hug your thigh when your home is ransacked!
"Call me teacher!"

Feng Minsheng resolutely gave up struggling.

He doesn't want such an unlucky son!
"Okay, but teacher, actually I..."

Lin Chengjie rubbed his eyes vigorously, trying to make his eyes red, pretending to be pitiful, and wanting to recognize his father.

Before he finished speaking, Feng Minsheng strode away, completely ignoring his pitiful appearance.

"Father, you're hungry after taking the exam all day? There's a candied haws shop over there, let's buy some sticks and go home for dinner!"

Feng Jin has long been eyeing the candied haws seller.

"to make!"

Feng Minsheng patted the back of Fengjin's head, and walked up to the candied haws seller.

"How many skewers does Zhuang Yuan want?"

The candied haws seller had a good look, and when he saw Feng Minsheng coming out of the yamen, he called Zhuangyuanlang directly to get a good start.

Feng Minsheng hadn't had time to say anything yet.

With a bang, a group of people behind them moved.

"Thank you, teacher!"

"Thank you, sir!"

"Thank you daddy!"

"Thank you uncle!"

Several people decisively took one each.

No matter the daughter of the richest man, the leader of the beggar gang, the county magistrate, or the prince, they all came here to eat free food.

None of the candied haws passed through Feng Minsheng's hands.

Feng Jin was quick and took three skewers.

Feng Minsheng paid with gritted teeth.

The candied haws seller Le's teeth are all bared out.

"Father, I'll give you a string!"

Feng Jin gave Feng Minsheng a bunch of red candied haws, and handed it to Feng Minsheng.

Only now did Feng Minsheng have a little smile on his face, it was better to be his daughter, knowing that he loved his father.

In the end, before he was happy for a second, he saw that the candied haws in his hand was the smallest among the three bunches that Feng Jin grabbed.

"Teacher, if you don't like it, how about we change it?"

Wang Tong shook the smaller candied haws in his hand, wanting to exchange it with Feng Minsheng for a bigger one.

After all, that string has passed through Fengjin's hands.

At the same time, Wang Tong secretly glanced at Feng Jin, with a casual smile on his face.

This smiling Feng Minsheng could tell what it meant, it was the rhythm of wanting to beat cabbage.


Feng Minsheng slapped Wang Tong angrily, directly on the back of Wang Tong's head.

Needless to say, this taste is quite refreshing!
He wanted to beat up Fengjin's buddies. It's not a day or two. It's impossible to beat students in modern society. Now...

Feng Minsheng looked at his hands and then at the backs of Wang Tong and Lin Chengjie's heads, always feeling itchy.

Wang Tong was slapped without paying attention. Even with internal strength, he was still a little caught off guard.

Tears were almost poured out.

The teacher's attack is a double attack of physics and magic, even without a trace of internal force, it still hurts...

"Ha ha……"

Seeing that she was not the only one being slapped on the back of the head by her father, Feng Jin smiled heartlessly.

"What are you laughing at? Don't your teeth hurt if you eat two strings by yourself? Give me these two strings!"

Feng Minsheng resolutely gave Fengjin the smallest one, and snatched the two larger ones from Fengjin's hand.

Feng Jin: ...

Everyone's face twitched.

Good guy, even snatching my daughter's candied haws.

"In order to prevent my daughter from having a toothache, I can only eat all of these!"

Feng Minsheng was very calm, and took a bite of two candied haws.

"Well, the image of the hard-working old father moved me to tears!"

Wang Tong wiped his tear-filled eyes, but still felt a little pain in the back of his head!

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(End of this chapter)

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