Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 145, Empty hands for food?

Chapter 145, Empty hands for food?
"Xiao Jin, I can exchange mine with you."

Chen Yu suddenly leaned in front of Feng Jin and made Feng Jin take a look at the candied haws in his hand.

Feng Jin looked at the bunch of candied haws in Chen Yu's hand, which was smaller than her, and rolled her eyes.

"No need."

Feng Jin felt that if he changed the candied haws, he would be at a disadvantage.

"Then I'll give you this, you eat first, I'll hold this skewer for you."

Chen Yu spoke calmly.

"it is good!"

Feng Jin's eyes lit up in an instant, and she felt that Chen Yu was getting more and more handsome.

Wang Tong bit the candied haws and glared at Chen Yu.

This toad really knows how to flatter!
"I'll keep this string for you too!"

Wang Tong forcefully squeezed the candied haws out of his mouth.

"It's not necessary."

Feng Jin shook his head resolutely, and said that Chen Yu was still more handsome.

After all, this guy's candied haws has no living water.

Wang Tong: ...

Does Xiaojin despise him?

A group of people were walking on the street, handsome men and beautiful women, beggars and corrupt officials.

Everyone held a bunch of candied haws in their hands, walking on the street, someone made way for them far away.

It looks like a street skater.

Wang Tong, County Magistrate Lin, and Wang Wu had an illusion at the same time—the teacher led them to wander the streets in ancient times.

I couldn't even imagine this kind of behavior before. After all, Feng Minsheng seemed too serious, how could he be sneaking in the street!
Now: Eating candied haws, walking on the street swaggeringly.

It's not a street sneaker, what is it?
"Wait, what are you all doing?"

Suddenly, Feng Minsheng realized something, stopped decisively, and looked at the people behind him.

He is ready to go home for dinner after the exam!

These people followed, they must want to eat at his house!
It's fine to eat a meal, but these people followed empty-handed, which is too much!

It's the rhythm of rushing to destroy his family!

This is absolutely unbearable!
"Of course I sent the teacher and Xiaojin home, and celebrated the end of the first exam by the way."

County magistrate Lin took a bite of the candied haws and said as a matter of course,
"Everyone has such a good relationship. It's not too much to have another meal by the way, right?"

The food cooked by the teacher is the best, better than that cooked by the ancient cooks.

The corrupt official Lin County Magistrate said that after eating, he wanted to take some back for his daughters at home.

Give them a taste of what modern junk food is like.

"I eat very little, and I can even eat a little less."

Wang Tong opened his eyes and spoke nonsense.

He even thought about what to eat for lunch tomorrow, that is, what the teacher does today, he will eat tomorrow.

It's not too much to eat and take!
"What about you?"

Feng Minsheng looked at Chen Yu who was silent at the side, and rolled his eyes vigorously.

Among so many people, Feng Minsheng only saw that Chen Yu was unhappy. There was no reason, but he simply felt unhappy.

Maybe it's because this guy has a higher probability of beating cabbage, or maybe he looks the most like a toad.

"I'm going to help you cook. It must be very troublesome to prepare meals for so many people. If you are tired, go and rest for a while."

When Chen Yu spoke, there was a little bit of human touch.

Both Wang Tong and County Magistrate Lin were stunned.

When did this guy become so talkative?
They are also in the past to rub a meal, it seems that they are not good at life!
"You don't need your help, it's getting late, you all go back quickly!"

Feng Minsheng began to push people away.

It's not easy to say anything, after all, everyone is preparing his family's Cengfan with empty hands.

This made Feng Minsheng want to drive them away and kick them.

After thinking about it, forget it.

Next time!
Kicking people on the street is detrimental to the image.

Wang Tong and the others looked at Feng Jin in unison, and their eyes instantly became aggrieved.

Can't eat food, it's too bad.

The corner of Feng Jin's mouth twitched, "It's getting late, why don't you go back first?"

With so many people eating together, can she still have enough to eat?

"Yes, yes, you go back first! You don't have to worry about the safety of Mr. and Xiaojin, we will go back together."

Wang Wu was very happy at this time, pointing to her luxurious carriage, indicating that she could take them home.

And live in Xiaojin's house together.

Seeing that Wang Tong and County Magistrate Lin can only eat a bunch of candied haws, while he can go to Xiaojin's house to eat and drink casually, he feels happy for a while.

Even wanted to laugh at them loudly.

But when he thought of his identity, he quietly kept a low profile.

Let him use his beauty to quietly be a beautiful girl.

Wang Tong: ...

County Magistrate Lin: ...

Chen Yu: ...

Anyway, after talking for a long time, the three of them were not allowed to go back to eat.

In the end, Feng Minsheng and Feng Jinwangwu returned to Yangliu Village in a luxurious carriage.

And the three people who wanted to eat a meal went back to their respective homes.

When we returned to the village, the sun had just started to set. At this time, the people in the village had just returned from working in the fields, and some people gathered by the roadside, chatting lively.

As soon as the luxurious carriage entered the village, it was spotted by some people.

"Hey, isn't this the carriage of the nobleman who lives in Minsheng's house?"

"Did they just go to the county seat? Why didn't they come back until now?"

"You don't know yet, do you? Today is the exam day, and the people's livelihood exam has just come back!"

A few gossiping women regained their spirits in an instant and stared at the groom intently.

The groom thought he was someone who had seen big scenes, but being stared at by so many women made his scalp tingle.

Bite the bullet and smiled at them, drove the carriage quickly, and continued towards Feng Minsheng's house.

Feng Minsheng and Feng Jin naturally did not get off the carriage, if they got off the carriage halfway, Wang Wu would inevitably be seen by others.

This would cause a commotion in this small village.

At that time, there will definitely be no quiet days at home.

So he decided not to get out of the carriage, and the carriage drove directly into the house.

"This is money, even the folks look down on it!"

A talkative woman curled her lips with extremely disdainful eyes.

So what if there is money?
It's not that there is no son, only a daughter, even if you are old in the future, money is just a cheap outsider.

"I dare not say that. Although Minsheng has made a fortune, isn't he helping us?"

An aunt immediately refuted the young daughter-in-law's words.

Not to mention anything else, just talk about working on the mountain, and every family has earned a lot of copper coins.

It won't be too sad this winter.

You can buy a few catties of cotton to make warm clothes for the children and the elderly at home.

"Yes, yes! Asheng's daughter-in-law is indeed a bit too far!"

"20 copper coins a day, even if you carry sacks, you can't earn that much!"

Several people chattered in a hurry, and what they said meant to protect the people's livelihood.

After all, everyone has really benefited.

The little daughter-in-law's face was bluish and bluish, and she didn't dare to say anything more.

Even in the past, we all shared the wind and the people's livelihood together like this.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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