Chapter 147, already restrained

Wang Wu looked at Feng Minsheng in horror, and subconsciously took a step back.

I couldn't utter a word of surprise.

After a long time, he regained his senses little by little, and carefully glanced in the direction of the kitchen.

After confirming that Fengjin didn't hear the conversation between them, he stammered and lowered his voice,
"Old, teacher, you, how did you guess that!"

He confirmed that he had exposed his identity as a time traveler, but even if his scumbag buddies tried to figure it out, they would never be able to figure out his true identity.

He knows how scary the teacher is, so he basically avoids him when getting along.

Sometimes I even took a detour to avoid talking to him if I could.

Guess that?
Wang Wu felt that she had lost her way on the road of life, and she was too cruel to him!
"Heh! Don't say that you have changed your face, even if it turns into ashes, I know it!"

Feng Minsheng looked up at the sky calmly, with a hint of sadness in his eyes.

As a teacher, seeing that kind of naughty students will change both physically and psychologically.

Just like when he saw Wang Tong on the street back then, his hands were itchy and his head ached.

I also felt this way when I saw Wang Wu for the first time, but I really didn't think about my students.

After all, the only female student in the class who was mischievous was his daughter, and I really couldn't think of other girls who were mischievous.

But later, Wang Wu and Xiao Jin got too close, eating snacks together, gossiping like an old sister-in-law.

This feeling, coupled with Wang Wu's name, made it hard not to make people suspicious.

However, until the moment Feng Minsheng asked the question just now, Feng Minsheng still retained a skeptical attitude, thinking that he had guessed wrong.

But seeing Wang Wu's horrified expression, Feng Minsheng instantly understood.

What is this situation?
Why can't I get rid of these mischievous scumbags even after time-traveling?
To be a teacher, of course, is to care for students.

——I just don’t know if strangling them to death now can send them back to modern society.

"Then, can the teacher not tell them?"

Wang Wu looked at Feng Minsheng anxiously, and even said harsh words,
"If I don't tell them, I'll write the periodic table of elements 100 times, the one with Chinese characters!"

"It doesn't matter whether you talk to them or not, next time you use your sister's head to hook Xiaojin's shoulders, I will break your dog legs!"

Feng Minsheng glanced at Wang Wu's legs coolly, his hands were already about to move.

If it was really a girl, Feng Minsheng would naturally not care about it.

But this guy is a man at heart, so it's fine if he gets close to Xiao Jin every day. If he remembers correctly, this guy wanted to live in Xiao Jin's house at first.

"Got it, got it, I will definitely keep my distance and be Xiaojin's best friend!"

Wang Wu nodded and bowed in agreement.

She is obviously a good beauty, with a family background, appearance, talent and learning, all of which are excellent.

After being dominated by Wang Wu's body, his temperament changed instantly, with a hint of elegance in his wretchedness.

Normal people really can't learn it!
Feng Minsheng shook his head, the more he looked at Wang Wu, the more he felt a headache, he simply waved his hand, ignored him, and walked into the kitchen.

Lighting the fire, killing the fish, cooking the pot, and burning the oil are all done in one go.

Even when holding the knife, she always looked at Wang Wu's legs, which made Wang Wu feel nervous.

several days in a row.

Feng Minsheng always went to the exam during the day, and came back at night to make delicious food for Wang Wu and Xiao Jin to replenish their bodies.

After the last exam, all the students couldn't relax, and they waited anxiously for the Yamen to announce their rankings.

Feng Minsheng was normal, and even went around the mountain behind his house several times to check the saplings he had planted a few days ago.

The fruit seedlings are already growing vigorously. After being irrigated with spiritual spring water, the growth rate is faster than that of ordinary fruit trees.

Fish fry have been placed in the creek, and they seem to be more active.

In another year or two, the place will become full of fruits, the fish will be fat, and some chickens and ducks will be raised here, which is an authentic breeding cycle.

The first day after the exam, early in the morning.

Feng Minsheng and Feng Jin got up early, and after washing up, they went to the county seat with Wang Wu in a luxurious carriage.

On the carriage, Wang Wu, who originally liked to sit next to Xiao Jin, kept a long distance, and looked at Feng Minsheng from time to time.

Seems to say, look, I don't hook my shoulders!

Feng Jin naturally noticed Wang Wu's unnaturalness, and always felt that Wang Wu was a little absent-minded these days.

Without a word all the way, we soon arrived at the county seat.

"I'm going to see the shop, you go to the study!"

Feng Minsheng tidied up his clothes, ready to start the first big step of business empire, owning his own shop.

I have already thought about what to sell, all kinds of junk food.

Burgers, chicken wraps, fried chicken, iced tea, milk tea and more.

The only regret is that Coke Style Minsheng has not yet been blended, but Sprite can already be made from pine needles.

The most important thing in making carbonated drinks is to carbonate the drink, which requires dissolving carbon dioxide in water.

This operation is difficult to achieve under normal air pressure.

Feng Minsheng is trying to figure out a way to make this kind of device. After all, pine needles need a lot of pine needles to make Sprite, and the soda produced is limited.

It can only be sold to rich people at a high price, and the income is not much, but it will also be a good income.

"Okay, Dad, come on!"

Feng Jin patted Feng Minsheng on the shoulder, and made a gesture of cheering.

It's still a few years before my father works hard before I become a young lady!
"I'm definitely working hard, that is, when you write novels, can you restrain yourself a little?"

The corner of Feng Minsheng's mouth twitched undetectably.

The kind of Mary Su novels written by my daughter are very common in modern times. There are all kinds of romance novels in which the domineering president, the prince and the prime minister fall in love with me.

But this is ancient times, it is easy to be beheaded!
"Trust me, I'm already very restrained!"

Feng Jin sighed, a pity flashed across his face.

She actually wanted to intersperse a colorful plot in the middle, but she was afraid of Shentang, so she didn't write it.

If Feng Minsheng knew what Feng Jin was thinking, he would definitely slap her on the back of the head.

Not afraid of even the Nine Clans, but afraid of being sunk in the pond?

Feng Minsheng saw Fengjin's appearance of preparing to continue writing, turned his head and left.

He should work hard to earn money!
Wang Wu kept looking at Feng Minsheng's back, for fear that Feng Minsheng would abduct Wang Tong's workplace.

When the time comes to expose his identity, he will really be ashamed to live!

"What are you looking at?"

Feng Jinshun's Wang Wu's eyes saw the back of his old father.

Looking at Feng Minsheng, then at Wang Wu with a complicated expression, Feng Jin's eyes flickered.

"Tell me the truth, do you want to be my stepmother?"

Feng Jin asked seriously.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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