Chapter 148, Shameless

"The stepmother is a hammer! What nonsense are you talking about? You can call me fat and ugly, but you can't say I want to be your stepmother!"

When Wang Wu heard Feng Jin's words, he exploded instantly.

Is he pretending to be gold in his buddy's head?
Not to mention that the gender is inappropriate, even if it is, he will not obey it!
Teacher's abnormality is definitely not something that ordinary women can handle!

"Then why do you always look at my father's back? Is there any secret between you?"

Feng Jin looked at Wang Wu's appearance, thought about her family background, and thought that maybe he was overthinking.

But she does feel like there's something going on between the two that she doesn't know about.

And this secret seems to be quite big.

"There are no secrets at all."

Wang Wu tugged on her vest, not letting go.

"No, there must be something I don't know, if you don't tell me it's fine, I'll ask my dad soon!"

Feng Jin picked her nose, looking as if she was about to break the casserole and ask the end.

"...Actually, I think your father is quite handsome. I have always wanted to have a girl like you. Do you think it is feasible?"

Wang Wu went all out.

As long as he doesn't reveal his identity and let his buddies mistakenly think that he has a problem with his eyes and fell in love with the perverted teacher, what's wrong with that?

"I don't think your words are credible."

Feng Jin could tell at a glance that Wang Wu was going to use her face to protect her secret.

Now I am even more curious, what secret can the beautiful sister have?

"I suggest that you don't inquire, it will easily affect the strong sisterhood between us."

Wang Wu said "threatening".

She really didn't lie. If she knew her identity, she would definitely not even have to be a sister.

At that time, the sisters will see a ghost, and they can only be brothers.

"...that's fine!"

Feng Jin saw that Wang Wu's last words didn't seem to be intimidating at all, so he reluctantly nodded.

It's fine if you don't say it, one day she will know.

The carriage slowly stopped at the door of the study.

Wang Wu put on a pink hat, He Fengjin stopped discussing this topic, got off the carriage, and entered the study.

There were obviously more people in the study than when they first came.

But most of the more people are not scholars, but servant girls, or girls' families.

They all came to buy the scriptures written by Fengjin.

Among the series of story books written by Feng Jin, the book The Domineering Prince Falls in Love with Me is the most popular. In the capital, almost everyone has a copy.

While reading the storybook, I fantasized about the crazily criticizing the cold prince who only loves me alone. Just thinking about it makes me so happy that I can't sleep!

"Xiao Jin is here!"

Shopkeeper Gao of the study saw Feng Jin and Wang Wu entering the room at a glance, and quickly trotted to Feng Jin.

He also made a subtle salute.

It is necessary to salute, this is the person identified by the prince.

The reason why the range is not large is to protect Fengjin.

There are many people in the study, since the prince does not want to reveal his identity, he certainly does not want to reveal the identity of the princess.

In order not to bring trouble to the prince and princess, shopkeeper Gao chooses to treat Fengjin the same way he treats a writer.

However, Feng Jin is a qualified writer.

The script she wrote has never been dared to imitate, and it is also a mudslide in the script world, which is very popular with everyone.

Not only the study in this small county is very popular, but the study in various places in the imperial city is also the number one in sales.

Earn a lot of money.

The share given to Fengjin has also changed from a few hundred taels of silver at the beginning to a few thousand taels or even tens of thousands of taels now.

Because this month is not over yet, I can't calculate the specific figures, but I am definitely the writer who will make the most money.

"How's the reaction lately?"

Feng Jin took a look at the handwritten copy of her storybook, which was placed in the most conspicuous position, and she was in a good mood.

"Many people like to read it, and the supply exceeds demand. I have hired many people to copy it, but it is still not enough to sell!"

When shopkeeper Gao said this, the smile on his face didn't stop.

"Just watch it if you like it, this is the finale I just wrote, keep publishing it!"

Feng Jin handed the finale of the words about the Prime Minister to the treasurer Gao.

Shopkeeper Gao's first reaction was to turn the last page.

He also wanted to know how it ended.

Let's not talk about the Prime Minister in the book, and whether there is any connection between the Prime Minister in reality.

Just talking about this plot, even a big man likes to watch it.

In order to win the heart of the prime minister, all kinds of Yingying and Yanyan are intriguing and fighting each other, and they don't see anyone's malicious intentions at all.

Everything you see is a satisfaction, and a sense of superiority arises spontaneously.

It is equivalent to the fact that women have the same mentality when they see all kinds of handsome guys who are jealous and playful because of themselves. .

"Dead, dead?"

Shopkeeper Gao stuttered when he saw the last page.

High, it is high!

Even if this Prime Minister is not the other Prime Minister, you can't write him to death!
The princess is so brave!

Even His Majesty the Emperor would not be so open and aboveboard to write that the Prime Minister is dead.

The Prime Minister covers the sky with one hand, although he is not yet [-] years old, but the power in his hands is comparable to that of His Majesty, even if it is a rebellion, there is probably hope.

Just such an existence, if it is said to be written to death, it will be written to death?
If it wasn't for the authorization of His Royal Highness, he really wouldn't dare to publish these scripts!

"This is the be script, I think everyone will like to read it!"

Feng Jin doesn't care if shopkeeper Gao can understand the meaning of be and he, but she believes that everyone will like to watch it.

Shopkeeper Gao didn't understand, but he could already guess what it meant from the finale.

Shopkeeper Gao wanted to say something more, to persuade Fengjin to write something positive, at least not to write the Prime Minister to death.

But before he could speak, Li Zicun's voice came over.

"You wrote these unsightly scripts?"

Li Zicun glanced at the scripture book in the hands of shopkeeper Gao, and when he looked at Fengjin, he had an incredulous expression on his face.

He has also copied a lot these days, and the plot in it is no longer familiar.

He just felt that the author of this storybook must be a shameless person, otherwise how could he write such a greasy love affair.

Even if Fengjin deliberately didn't write those affectionate words, in the eyes of Li Zicun, it would be shameless to say something like that.

"What is unsightly? Everyone likes what I wrote, so don't everyone like unsightly scripts?"

When Feng Jin heard Li Zicun's words, he laughed angrily.

It's fine for this person to pretend to be noble, why did he come to her and point fingers?
"Zicun, pens, inks, papers and inkstones are all inside. If you still want to copy and earn coins, apologize to Miss Xiaojin immediately!"

Shopkeeper Gao was terrified when he heard what Li Zicun said, and quickly asked him to apologize.

The one in front of her is the princess, if she is scolded in her own shop, she will be implicated to the whole family!
"Copied books to make money?"

Feng Jin snorted coldly, and before Li Zicun could speak, he asked shopkeeper Gao directly,
"Do you know what movable type printing is?"

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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