Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 150, His Royal Highness who wants to show off his wealth

Chapter 150, His Royal Highness who wants to show off his wealth



Feng Jin pointed at herself.

Wang Wu pointed at Feng Jin.

With a calm face, there is no look of half-distracted guilt at all.

Only Chen Yu's expression turned darker.

He already had so much money, why did Xiao Jin tell Miss Wang that he didn't want to work hard anymore?
The wealth of the Wang family is indeed great, but it is not as good as the silver in his private treasury. In addition, he can kill the emperor at any time, and get an ancestral wrapped dragon chair.

Why not tell him?
His complexion was indeed not very good. Under normal circumstances, anyone who saw His Royal Highness's complexion would be frightened and kneel down.

But Feng Jin and Wang Wu didn't have any fear, they didn't have any fear at all.

They are all existences that lack a string in their brains.

The two of them didn't find it strange that Chen Yu came here suddenly.

"Actually, my family has a little more silver than hers."

Chen Yu had never shown off his wealth in his life, although his tone was a little blunt, but those beautiful peach blossom eyes were looking straight at Feng Jin.

Hope to get the desired answer.

"Nonsense, the richest family in Ye Country is my royal family, no one has more money than my family, unless it is His Royal Highness, do you think you are His Royal Highness?"

Wang Wu immediately exposed Chen Yu's words.

This guy wants to seduce his best friend in front of him, this is absolutely unbearable!
Isn't he just a good-looking little boy full of nonsense!
What a treat!
If it doesn't work, he introduces it to Xiaojin.

Even if you introduce a beggar, it's better than this nonsense little boy!
In front of him, he dared to say nonsense that was worth more money than his family.

Dead pig!
"It turns out that my sister's family has the most money! Ahhh, I don't want to work hard anymore!"

When Feng Jin heard Wang Wu's words, his eyes lit up instantly, and he pulled Wang Wu's arm with great emotion.

Why is this guy not a man!
"Hey, keep a low profile!"

Although Wang Wu kept a low profile, she almost looked at Chen Yu with her nostrils.

Chen Yu's face turned darker.

If Xiao Jin likes the Wang family's money, it's not too much to copy the Wang family and give her the money as a betrothal gift, right?
"Xiao Jin, actually I..."

Chen Yu thought about it, but still wanted to confess his identity.

After all, he was afraid that Xiao Jin would be seduced by others.

He even thought about whether he should show Xiaojin his account book, so that she would also feel that she didn't want to work hard and want to marry herself.

When the time comes, I will quickly take the prepared dowry and put it directly at Fengjin's house, perfect!

"It's okay, it's okay! I believe you didn't say that on purpose, but you didn't expect Wang Wu's family to have so much money!"

Feng Jin didn't mind the comparison, who made Chen Yu so handsome!
Even if he squatted on the ground and ate dumplings with garlic, Feng Jin could still tell that he was a handsome man with a temperament.

"No, I want to say, in fact, my identity..."

Chen Yu took a step closer to Feng Jin, and subconsciously wanted to take out his own jade token from his bosom, but then remembered that this identity proof had already been given to Xiao Jin.

Thinking again and again, Xiao Jin didn't remember her identity when she saw the jade plaque.

Silently froze for a bit.

Could it be that the old emperor had to be brought over so that Xiao Jin wouldn't want to work hard?

"What's wrong with your identity! Could it be that you are the son of the old emperor who has been missing for many years?"

Wang Wu was speechless, and even raised her legs.

For Toad, his attitude is considered good.

After all, among the best friends, Xiao Jin is the favorite of the group and must be protected.

"Do you know the crown prince's name!"

Chen Yu stretched out his hand to grab Feng Jin's hand, and pulled Feng Jin's hand away from Wang Wu's, with a slightly cool voice.

"The dog prince called..."

Wang Wu rummaged through the memories in her mind, and after thinking for a long time, she found a name. Just as she was about to say it, she froze suddenly.

The beautiful pupils contracted and looked Chen Yu up and down.

The whole person couldn't help shaking.

This guy is the prince?

Didn't you say the prince is crazy?
Why does it look so normal?
"what is it call?"

Feng Jin blinked her eyes, saw Chen Yu's big hand holding his own, and took it back a little embarrassedly.

But she is not the one who suffers.

Such a beautiful hand, of course he wiped the oil by the way, touched it calmly, and then withdrew his hand.

Chen Yu, who was still full of gloom just now, instantly had a smile on his face.

"When I'm free, just the two of us, I'll tell you."

Chen Yu said softly.

That Wang Wu was really an eyesore. What he meant by saying this was of course that he wanted to get along with Xiao Jin more.

"Sister, what's wrong with you?"

Feng Jin didn't have time to answer Chen Yu's words, looking at Wang Wu who was shaking like chaff, she always felt something strange.

"No, it's nothing, I'm just a little cold all of a sudden!"

Wang Wu silently took a step away from Feng Jinchenyu, took a piece of snack and stuffed it into the corner of his mouth.

Fear is still fearful, this is dominated by the decadent thought of the original owner.

Afraid of the dog prince.

He was able to slow down because he was thinking in his heart, can that toad Wang Tong beat Chen Yu, a pig?

"Miss Xiaojin, the carpenter and blacksmith have arrived."

As soon as shopkeeper Gao came in, he felt that the atmosphere in the room was a bit cold, but he was used to it.

It's no wonder it's not cold where the crown prince is!
He fussed at Chen Yu unobtrusively, and then pretended not to know Chen Yu, talking to Feng Jin.

"Okay, let them come over!"

Feng Jin waved his hand, with a smile on his face.

With movable type printing, I can sell more of my words!
Carpenters and blacksmiths soon came in. Fengjin asked for a piece of paper, and while introducing movable type printing, he drew the original model on the paper.

Chen Yu stood aside and watched curiously, the more he looked, the brighter the light in his eyes.

Xiao Jin brought him more and more surprises.

Chen Yu clearly knows how important movable type printing is to the scholars in Yeguo.

Shopkeeper Gao couldn't help but glanced at Fengjin again, only to think that this female doll is really powerful.

As expected of a woman who can win His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, not only dare to write a book that shocks the world and weep ghosts and gods, but also can make such an exquisite printing technique!
Strange woman too!

An hour later, the carpenter and blacksmith understood Feng Jin's explanation, and went back to make printing tools.

These carpenters and blacksmiths are all subordinates of the prince. They are highly skilled and it is not difficult to make them.

But when I heard it, I was really terrified, after all, the prince was beside me.

"Xiao Jin, I'll go out first, and I'll come to you later."

Chen Yu knew that the printing technique Feng Jin came up with was important, so he had to go to his mansion here to explain.

This will benefit students all over the world.

I also want to go back and look for something, as a gift for Xiao Jin, the gift when he told himself his identity.

"to make!"

Feng Jin nodded.

Anyway, Chen Yu's hidden guards have always followed her and her father, and there are many at home.

Wherever she went, Chen Yu could find herself, so there was no need to say anything.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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