Chapter 151, Arrested

"Bang bang bang!"

Feng Jin and Wang Wu had just eaten their fill of pastries in the house when there was a knock on the door outside.

Then, the door was pushed open by shopkeeper Gao.

"Miss Xiaojin, there is a child outside who says he is looking for you."

Shopkeeper Gao spoke respectfully.

He could see clearly the attitude of His Highness the Crown Prince just now, and he naturally treated Feng Jin as the real Crown Princess.

Feng Jin didn't notice Shopkeeper Gao's attitude, but asked casually, "What kind of child?"

She only knew the children in the village, but not very well, and it was unlikely that they would come here to find her.

"It's a little beggar, looks thin and small."

Shopkeeper Gao answered truthfully.

"Oh, I see."

Feng Jin nodded, subconsciously thinking of Wang Tong.

This guy is the leader of the beggar gang. He probably has something to do with him.

"Sister, are you going with me, or waiting here?"

Feng Jin turned to ask Wang Wu.

Wang Wu and Feng Jin have been hanging out for a long time, and they also know that Wang Tong, a toad, traveled here and became a beggar.

Most likely it was Wang Tong who came to find Xiaojin.

It's not suitable for her to talk about love or something, and she may be cheated.

Wang Tong looks carefree, but he holds grudges very much. In fact, he is also a scheming person.

He can always figure out a way to get along with Xiao Jin alone.

In his previous life, he was lured away with various snacks.

"I won't go, the sun outside is too strong, it will affect my white and tender skin!"

Wang Wu made a charming pose, looking unparalleled in beauty.

The shopkeeper Gao on the side was stunned.

It was the first time I saw such a beautiful woman.

"Success! Then I'll go by myself and I'll come back to you later!"

Feng Jin left a word, left the box, and soon arrived at the door of the study.

Sure enough, there was a little beggar at the door of the study, about five or six years old, with a layer of gray dirt on his immature face, his clothes were torn, and he stepped on the ground with his bare feet.

At just one glance, Fengjin reminds me of the flowers of the motherland in the modern day when I study in bright classrooms.

Two eras, two lives.

Not only children, adults too.

"Sister, is your name Xiaojin?"

The little boy looked at Fengjin timidly, his voice was very low, and he dared not speak loudly.

"Well, my name is Feng Jin, what do you want from me?"

Feng Jin showed a gentle face, trying to soften his voice as much as possible.

At the same time, he handed the pastry he had just brought out of the box to the little boy.

The little boy took it carefully, and did not stuff the pastry into his mouth immediately, but raised his head and continued,

"Sister, big brother asked me to call you, he is waiting for you over there!"

When the little boy spoke, he pointed in the direction of Wang Tong's ruined temple.

"Okay, I'll go right now!"

Feng Jin raised her eyebrows, complaining about Wang Tong in her heart, asking how she could pay back the child labor.

It was really the first time I saw such a small child begging in the town.

Feng Jin knew where Wang Tong's ruined temple was, so he walked in that direction on his own.

But the little boy ran over in two or three steps, and said, "Sister, it's not this way, it's this way!"

The little boy still pointed in the direction of the ruined temple, but it pointed to a small alley. If you go here, you will take a detour.

Feng Jin followed the little boy's hand and continued to look at him calmly. This time, Feng Jin found something.

The little boy was indeed dirty, but a little bit of white skin was exposed above his ankles.

Not white and tender, but not like dirt that hasn't been bathed for a long time.

The dirt on the exposed skin seemed to be deliberately camouflaged.

"Oh, you can go here, what does that big brother look like?"

As Feng Jin walked, his eyes fell on the street.

In the past, there would be one or two beggars on every street, both of whom were Wang Tong's younger brothers.

Now, not a single one is seen.

Even Feng Jin always felt that the street was a bit too quiet.

Feng Jin looked into the dark, but couldn't see anything.

I don't know if the secret guards sent by Chen Yu followed her.

"It's a good-looking big brother, wearing white clothes."

The little boy's voice was crisp, and he still looked terrified.

The inferiority complex in the beggar's bones.

But he didn't eat the pastry he held in his hand, he just held it in his hand, and some crumbs fell off from the top of the pastry, so he didn't care.

Feng Jin frowned, this is Chen Yu, right?
Feng Jin subconsciously thought of Immortal Dance.

What kind of trouble did this guy cause?
"I remembered that I have other things to do, so I won't go."

Of course Feng Jin was not going to go with the little boy, she stopped abruptly, turned around and was about to walk towards the study.

"Sister, my brother is not far away, I will take my sister there."

The little boy suddenly grabbed Fengjin's hand.

A strange fragrance filled the tip of her nose, Feng Jin subconsciously held her breath, but it was already too late.

The body suddenly froze in place uncontrollably, the little beggar showed an evil smile, and pulled Fengjin towards the alley.

Feng Jin wanted to call for someone, and the shopkeeper Gao who was not far from the entrance of the study should be able to hear it.

But his throat seemed to be grabbed by someone, and he was obviously resisting consciously, but he could only let the little beggar drag him away.

Soon, Feng Jin and the little beggar walked into an empty alley.

Feng Jin exhausted all her strength, but she could barely move her fingers.

Suddenly, a drop of warm liquid splashed on Fengjin's forehead.

It's raining?
not at all.

Feng Jin could still see a ray of sunlight falling on the ground.

A faint smell of blood filled the tip of his nose, and the sound of cold weapons colliding could be vaguely heard.

It was the hidden guards who made the move.

"Sister, go with Junjun obediently, or you will die a miserable death!"

The little beggar glanced at the pastry in his hand in disgust, and threw it on the ground.

There was no timid look on his face at the beginning, and he became expressionless.

The voice is still a child, but without the innocence of a child.

Feng Jin tried her best, but barely moved her fingers.

"Someone paid a high price to buy your life, and even made a small request."

The little boy opened his mouth coldly, then took out a silver needle, and stabbed Fengjin's fingertip.

Feng Jin couldn't dodge it, like a fish on a chopping board.

I just vaguely saw a man in black falling behind the little boy.

The masked man in black had blood all over his body, and the blood splattered all over the place.

Feng Jin couldn't even see that face, so he knew he was dead.

Maybe it's Chen Yu's person.

Maybe it's that unknown enemy.

It was too late to think about anything.

As soon as his eyes went dark, Feng Jin didn't know anything.

When Fengjin regained consciousness, he found himself in a carriage.

Feng Jin moved her sore body, and found that she was tied up, and her mouth was still stuffed with a large piece of cotton cloth.

The carriage was running fast, and Feng Jin was shaking back and forth in the carriage.

From time to time, my body would bump into something in the compartment, causing bursts of pain.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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