Chapter 152 Miss Wang Family?

Feng Jin panicked.

Sensing your own space for the first time.

Fortunately, I can sense the white tiger eating fruit leisurely in the space.

Feng Jin's flustered heart calmed down a bit, but her hands were still shaking.


The sound of the groom parking came from outside the carriage.

The carriage stopped suddenly, and due to inertia, Feng Jin's body slammed into the carriage, making a dull sound.

Feng Jin gritted her teeth in pain, trying not to shout out, the moment the groom lifted the curtain, Feng Jin closed her eyes.

"I haven't woken up yet."

The groom's cold voice sounded.

"Of course I won't wake up. At least I'll have to faint for a few more hours. The medicine powder my grandfather makes never fails!"

If Feng Jin opened his eyes, he would find that the little beggar had already put on clean clothes, and his face became white and clean.

There is no sign of a beggar at all.

"That eldest lady is generous in her actions, even the Hall of Poison Fangs."

Junjun took a look at Fengjin who was sleeping, and at some point in his hand he took a white jade-colored porcelain vase.

Playing back and forth in the hands.

He is the grandson of the Poison King. Although he is young, he has obtained the true biography of the Poison King by using poison, and he is already well-known in the world at a young age.

The groom has an unremarkable face, so he won't stand out among the crowd.

They were members of the second killer organization, Fang Fang Temple, and they were not the only ones who made the move this time.

In the dark, there are at least a few hundred people helping them deal with those difficult hidden guards.

These people dispatched together, but only to deal with Fengjin.

The groom didn't say anything to Lu Junjun, but just glanced at Fengjin indifferently, and then carried Fengjin on his shoulder.

As a killer, talk less and do more.

The employer who spent money asked them to catch Fengjin first and send it to a certain place, and they did so.

Feng Jin felt a whirlwind, and was carried directly on his shoulders.

I have a stomach ache.

It's walking on a mountain road.

Feng Jin quietly opened her eyes a little, only to realize that it was already dark, and there were trees on both sides.

Feng Jin couldn't tell if it was the mountains near the village.

I only know that I am walking into the deep mountains.

Feng Jin regained consciousness, relying on his own space, he is not so scared anymore.

Just be very careful about that little boy named Junjun, for fear that he will suddenly take drugs again.

Let nature take its course and see who wants her life.

Then release the white tiger directly.

Feng Jin still wanted to hear what they were talking about, but only the little boy occasionally said something, and the person carrying her didn't speak.

No clues have been heard about whoever killed her.

I only know that she is a young lady, and I don't know her surname.

Once this mountain road is gone, it takes two hours.

The night was deeper.

Sometimes, Feng Jin could still feel the groom jumping among the rocks on his shoulders, getting deeper and deeper.

woof woof

Feng Jin heard the sound of a dog barking.

Feng Jin was a little surprised, shouldn't it be the sound of wolves howling in the mountains?
Why the sound of a dog barking?
Eyes opened a slit again, and found that his face was facing the ground.

Only then did I realize that although I had been walking on a mountain road, the traces on the ground did not look like a deserted place.

There are people who often go this route.

It is not considered a desolate mountain range, it is inhabited.

"It's just ahead. There are two brothers in that family. They are extremely lazy. So far, they haven't earned any money to buy a wife. This family was chosen by the young lady herself."

Lu Junjun pointed to a dilapidated log cabin with his immature fingers.

The cabin was very quiet, and the sound of a man snoring could still be heard.

Even the door of the cabin was tattered, and it was about to collapse at any moment, and the people inside had to plug it in with a bolt.

This is a small village deep in the mountains.

Very backward.

No girl is willing to marry in. Most of the daughters-in-law here are bought. People in the whole village supervise each other, and there will be no daughter-in-law running out.

There are mountain roads in the deep mountains. If it is not for the people in the village, it is difficult for people who have only come here once to get out.

The task of the grandson of the Poison King and the people in the Palace of Poisonous Fangs is very simple, that is, to throw Fengjin into this family's house.

After three days, Feng Jin was killed.

First, it destroyed the little girl's body and mind, and then killed her.

For the people in the Hall of Poisonous Fangs, this kind of punishment is not considered vicious, and there are many more vicious criminal laws.

That young lady is indeed a little naive.

But for women, this kind of punishment is very vicious. If they are educated and reasonable ladies, they may commit suicide after staying here for a day.

During these three days, Lu Junjun and the so-called groom cannot leave here.

After all, the employer's request is that Feng Jin can't die during these three days, he must stay for three full days before he can!

"That lady is really naive."

The killer, who hadn't spoken for a long time, barely said such a sentence.

When Lu Junjun saw the killer open his mouth, he felt strange, probably because he hadn't spoken for a long time, so he opened his mouth and added,
"People give me a lot of money, so childish is childish. I just didn't expect Miss Wang's family to care so much about a small peasant girl. I'm afraid that Nuoda's family business will not be easy to keep in the future!"

Although Lu Junjun's voice is immature, when he speaks, he is indeed well-founded.

Obviously, this little girl is well protected by Prince Chen Yu, who cares about her very much.

After this action, it will definitely be discovered.

He has nothing to do with the people in the Fang Fang Temple. They are doing this kind of business, and they have offended many people.

Even officials have been killed before.

On the contrary, that eldest lady will definitely be discovered by Chen Yu, and then her family will be ransacked and her family wiped out.

It's just a matter of time, that guy Chen Yu is not easy to mess with.

But this is not something that Lu Junjun and the people in the Fangfang Palace are worried about. They are just collecting money and doing business.

"It's your turn."

The groom didn't express any opinion this time, but just said a word coldly.

Without noticing it at all, Feng Jin, who was carried on his shoulders, stared wide-eyed.

Miss Wang?
I'm afraid it wasn't Wang Wu, right?

But what Feng Jin can be sure of is that Wang Wu will never harm herself, she has ten thousand ways to harm herself.

Who would it be?

Who would harm her under the pretext of Miss Wang's family?

There is absolutely no logic at all!

Even if it hurts herself, why use someone else's name, she is nothing more than a little peasant girl!

What is the person behind the scenes afraid of?
Lu Junjun opened the porcelain bottle in his hand, and walked into the cabin with a dagger in disgust.

"Bang bang bang!"

Lu Junjun knocked on the door vigorously.

"Who! It's the middle of the night and no one is allowed to sleep!"

There were two men cursing and cursing from inside.

Lu Junjun knocked on the door vigorously again.

With a creak, the door opened.

"Give you a daughter-in-law!"

Lu Junjun showed a smile, and sprinkled the powder in his hand on the two lazy men in front of him.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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