Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 153, the flood of good intentions

Chapter 153, the flood of good intentions

Under the moonlight, two ragged men were covered with powdered medicine.

The irritable expression froze on his face, and he became a little demented.

The dark face also began to turn red visibly with the naked eye, and the red blood in the eyes was also expanding rapidly.

Heavy breathing.

He didn't seem to have any consciousness, and his hands had already started to pull the tattered clothes on his body.

"Okay, let's throw it in!"

Lu Junjun stretched out his hand and pushed the two men into the room, and his immature fingers could push them effortlessly.

A greasy feeling permeates the fingertips.

I don't know how long these two people haven't bathed.

Lu Junjun wiped the clothes on his body in disgust.

I don't know how the employer chose such disgusting two people. It can be seen that it took a lot of thought.

Feng Jin frowned, staring at the ground with her eyes open, she could still see the long knife hanging from the waist of the person carrying her out of the corner of her eye.

For a moment, she wanted to know whether it was her running faster or this guy's knife.

Feng Jin didn't think about it for too long, after a moment of upheaval, Feng Jin was thrown into the cabin.

He fell heavily to the ground.

Feng Jin snorted.

Ignoring the problems those two people discovered, before Feng Jin could stand up, he saw two black shadows rushing towards him.

Feng Jin decisively took out the shovel from the space, and hit the two people's legs neatly.

Feng Jin is still very confident in her own strength.

The two men were staggered by her beating and fell directly to the ground.

But Lu Junjun gave them so heavy a medicine that they didn't even let out a wail. They got up quickly with a suppressed sound in their mouths.

"Yo, wake up!"

Standing at the door, Lu Junjun was the first to notice Feng Jin woke up.

A look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Even if he grew up in various medicinal baths with this medicine powder, he would be unconscious for at least ten hours.

The elder sister in front of him has better physique than him.

Lu Junjun was even a little bit reluctant to kill her. If he brought her back to the Valley of the Poison King, he would definitely play a more important role than the medicine man.

The groom held the long knife motionless, and watched Fengjin fight against the two mountain men with a blank face.

His eyes were fixed on Fengjin's legs, ready to strike at any time.

If you break a leg, you can save time.

"It's a pity, the task is the task."

Lu Junjun showed a look of reluctance on his white and tender face, but he still took out the medicine powder.

It's still the kind of shady medicinal powder that was sprinkled just now, as long as it gets a little bit on, it won't stop for three days.

The task will be completed.

Feng Jin's pupils were wretched, and a sense of oppression rushed over his face.

Facing Lu Junjun's poison and the groom's knife, she has no chance of winning.

Feng Jin held his breath, ready to expose the space at any time, even if he was burned to death as a monster, he couldn't lose here.


Before Lu Junjun had time to sprinkle the powder, a burst of red light suddenly passed by his side.

There was a sharp pain in the arm.

Lu Junjun subconsciously looked at his hand, only to realize that his hand holding the porcelain bottle became empty.

Blood spurted out from the wrist, and at some point, the severed hand holding the porcelain bottle fell to the ground.

Bang bang!

The sound of two heavy objects falling to the ground sounded in the room.

Fighting with Fengjin, the two tireless mountain men were already lying on the ground.

They were hit by red shadows on the back of their heads and fell unconscious.

"Little Su!"

A small figure rushed into Fengjin's arms, and Fengjin subconsciously had a touch of surprise on his face.

At the same time, the sound of fighting came from outside.

Many men in black and beggars in rags came out from nowhere.

The "groomman" who came over with the wind brocade also joined the battle, but there were too many men in black and beggars, and they were quickly captured alive.

But the fight didn't end, one after another, many people came out, their costumes were similar to those of Lu Junjun and the "groom".

Feng Jin subconsciously took a step back.

It was the first time I saw so many people fighting.

Taking advantage of the moonlight, the blood spattered and fell to the ground like a heavy rain.

"Don't be afraid, Xiao Jin, I won't go anywhere, I will protect you!"

The red fox raised its small and cute paws, and gently placed them on Fengjin's arm.

It's actually quite powerful.

"I, I'm not afraid."

Feng Jin poked his neck and refused to admit that he was afraid, and stared outside with wide eyes.

He couldn't tell which of the men in black were his own people, but he knew that those in tattered clothes must be Wang Tong's people.

That guy, when did there have so many powerful beggar boys?
"Xiao Jin!"

An urgent voice came from the front, Feng Jin looked up at the person who called her name.

Before he could see clearly, a black shadow rushed towards him.

He was hugged tightly.

The faint smell of Longyanxiang permeates the tip of the nose.

The fear dissipated, and my heart suddenly became more at ease.

"Xiaojin, are you okay?"

Chen Yu's arm never left Feng Jin's shoulder, looked Feng Jin up and down, but saw the bruise on Feng Jin's face.

The hostility on his body suddenly became more dignified, almost turning into substance.

Mo hair is messy, and there is a trace of vicissitudes on the beautiful face, but the murderous intent emanating from the beautiful peach eyes has almost turned into substance.

"It's okay, luckily I'm lucky!"

Thinking of today's events, Feng Jin felt a little afraid that something was wrong with Chen Yu, but she hadn't given her time to think about it.
"What's going on outside?"

She saw that many of the men in black and the beggars were injured, and the forces from all directions gathered together to kill them in a daze.

This time, I don't know how many people will die.

Feng Jin wanted to push Chen Yu away, it was inappropriate to hold her together now, and it was easy to be strung together into candied haws with a knife.

But as soon as his hand touched Chen Yu, Feng Jin paused subconsciously.

The touch of hot and humid temperatures.

Only then did Feng Jin smell it belatedly, in addition to the smell of Long Yanxiang, there was also a strong smell of blood coming from Chen Yu.

"You are hurt?"

Feng Jin's heart tightened.

"No, it belongs to someone else."

Chen Yu replied in a low voice, her peach blossom eyes were so charming.

Feng Jin's eyes widened suddenly, and a man in black rushed towards the cabin with a knife.

"Be careful behind!"

Chen Yu turned around and drew out the soft sword from his waist neatly, faster than the man in black who rushed over.

A sword slashed over, but it just slashed the long knife.

Chen Yu stretched out his foot and kicked the man in black away.

The dark guard brought by Chen Yu also rushed over, and carried the man in black out of Fengjin's sight.

Then, Feng Jin heard a howl.

It was only at this time that Feng Jin noticed that the corpse lying on the ground just now had disappeared and had been cleared away unconsciously.

The battlefield shifted.

Few people died within Fengjin's sight.

But Feng Jin knew that many people died.

The body trembled subconsciously, this is this era.

Human life is really worthless.

No matter how much Feng Jin pretended to be domineering, she was still frightened by the fight.

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(End of this chapter)

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