Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 155, There Are No More Those 2 Organizations

Chapter 155, There Are No More Those Two Organizations


Feng Jin saw the blood on Feng Minsheng's body at a glance, ran over quickly, and looked Feng Minsheng up and down.

Noticed a lot of blood on his sleeve.

Feng Jin thought that his arm was injured, so he pulled his arm to check for a long time.

Not injured.

"It's someone else's."

Feng Minsheng only said this.

Feng Jin was silent for a while.

It means that her father...

"Okay, okay, as long as everyone is fine, although Chen Yu was stabbed several times, he didn't die anyway!"

Wang Tong suddenly came over and put his hand on Fengjin's shoulder,
"Would you like to take a ride? I'll carry you on my back when I go back. The speed is definitely faster than that of a thousand-mile horse!"

"I'll take you back, I... have something to say to you."

The blood on Chen Yu's fingers was finally wiped clean, two slender fingers grabbed Feng Jin's sleeves, his eyes lowered slightly.

There was an air of melancholy about him.

"You're still injured! Bandage it before you go!"

Feng Jin always felt that Chen Yu's face was getting paler and paler.

Thinking that he was also trying to save himself, since everyone is so familiar with him, they can't help but care about his injury.

"It's okay, let's go back and talk!"

Chen Yu exerted a little force on his fingers, Feng Jin staggered, and even the man and the red fox fell into Chen Yu's arms.

Feng Jin exclaimed, before she had time to say anything, the view of the cabin quickly receded.

People are already on the way.

Feng Jin's hands subconsciously covered Chen Yu's wound, "Stop first, bandage it before leaving."

There was a hint of doubt in Feng Jin's tone.

Chen Yu paused and could only stop.

Let Feng Jin toss.

The Jinchuang medicine was taken out of Chen Yu's sleeve pocket, and after pouring it in, the bleeding soon stopped.

Feng Jin thought that her clothes were still clean, so she tore a little of the inner garment. Although her hands were still shaking, she bandaged it neatly.

As soon as it was bandaged, Fengjin crashed into a strong embrace again, and the trees on both sides retreated wildly.

Under the moonlight, the figures of two people are so beautiful.

Feng Jin couldn't help looking at Chen Yu.

There was a touch of coquettishness on the beautiful face with blood on it, and it was shockingly beautiful.

The heart couldn't help beating fast.

Feng Jin couldn't help but look at it again and again, but she always felt that Chen Yu seemed to have something on his mind, and there was a melancholy in his eyes.

Several times, Fengjin wanted to ask, but she didn't want to break the current moment.

Chen Yu's eyes also fell on Feng Jin's body, and he wanted to speak, but he didn't know where to start.

Said that the reason why Feng Jin was arrested by the killer organization was because his identity was very eye-catching in the capital, so he was implicated?
What mood would she be in?
After knowing it, will she still take care of herself?
Chen Yu didn't know how to speak about everything.

His heart seemed to be grasped severely by someone, and the pain was severe, but there was nothing he could do about it, because all of this was indeed his responsibility.

in the cabin.

Wang Tong and Feng Minsheng looked at their backs from a distance.


creak creak...

Feng Minsheng and Wang Tong made teeth grinding sounds at the same time.

After a quarter of an hour.

The two realized that they couldn't spend the night in the wilderness in the middle of the night, and had to go back quickly.

Feng Minsheng realized that he couldn't walk back on his feet, and even if he could walk back, he might not be able to get home until noon the next day.


At this time, it showed how important it is to have a free ride comparable to a Maxima.

Feng Minsheng looked at Wang Tong.

"Teacher, why don't you go back by yourself?"

Wang Tong turned his head to one side, rejecting it in his heart.

"It's fine, don't worry about me if you encounter any beasts on the road, just treat me as dead, and you can still have dinner after you go back. Remember to tell Xiaojin that I'm the one who doesn't want to hitch a ride!"

Feng Minsheng said that the clouds were calm and the wind was light, and he even walked towards the outside of the cabin.

It looks like he really intends to walk back by himself.

The back of the teacher is very tall and straight. He is a man in his 30s, not as thin as Xiaojin.

But going back is still quite a challenge.

"Ah, I forgot to mention that we have a table for eight people. When the time comes, tell Xiaojin that my last words are that I want a table for ten people. I can save a little bit. After all, my family is not rich."

Feng Minsheng waved his hands behind him and continued walking.

Wang Tong: ...

What can he say?

Resigned to his fate, he picked up the teacher on his back and quickly ran in one direction.

"Hehe, it's really fast, much faster than a bicycle!"

Feng Minsheng looked very comfortable looking at the surrounding scenery.

I don't know if it's comfortable or not, but what Wang Tong knows is that it's time for the teacher to lose weight.

"What about those two?"

Feng Minsheng asked Wang Tong.

It refers to the two people in the cabin who were knocked out by Feng Jin.

"My brothers will arrest them first, and after finding the mastermind behind the scenes, return them to her intact."

A flash of hostility flashed in Wang Tong's eyes, and he quickly returned to normal.

"Those two organizations..."

Feng Minsheng frowned, a little worried about the future.

The little boy hasn't been made yet, Feng Minsheng always feels a little uneasy in his heart, and it seems that he has to speed up.

At the very least, let those killers know how terrible modern weapons are.

"There are no more of those two organizations in this world."

Wang Tong raised his eyes and looked forward, but he could no longer see the shadows of those two people, his eyes flickered.

He thought his speed was fast, but he didn't expect Chen Yu to be faster than him.

When he took his own people to the lairs of those two organizations, all he saw were corpses.

There were corpses all over the ground, dripping with blood.

And Chen Yu stood in the middle of the pile of corpses, like a demon god from hell.

In a short period of less than an hour, the second-ranked killer organization and the Valley of the Poison King no longer saw a living person.

At that time, Chen Yu was too terrifying, even worse than the legendary mad critic.

If Feng Minsheng hadn't found out about Fengjin's disappearance later and contacted Chen Yu through the secret guard, he would have followed Red Fox here.

Even Wang Tong himself didn't know how crazy what Chen Yu would do next.

That's why, he couldn't even resist a few men in black just now.

That's because Chen Yu was killing all day and night.

"A prince is a prince, he acts fast and causes more trouble than others!"

After all, Feng Minsheng blamed Chen Yu.

If it wasn't for his identity, his daughter wouldn't be targeted by people from these two organizations.

Originally, he wanted to take the road of making a fortune, but he didn't expect to have an extra Chen Yu out of thin air.

Feng Minsheng hated him as soon as he saw him, and he will definitely be that pig who pushes cabbage in the future.

Feng Minsheng could only curse while studying his own charcoal.

"The teacher is right, what's so good about the prince, take a look on the street, the beggars on the side of the road are better than him!"

Wang Tong hinted frantically.

As long as she has not become a princess, she may become the wife of the head of the beggar gang.

Although, this possibility is negligible because of my identity...

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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