Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 156, falling while walking

Chapter 156, falling while walking

Feng Minsheng rolled his eyes when he heard Wang Tong's words.
"So you mean...?"

His daughter's peach blossoms are full of exotic flowers, can't they attract a normal farmer?
The kind of crops that help grow space together.

The family has dozens of acres of land and dozens of acres of houses, the kind of unpretentious farmers whose parents have died.

"What I mean is, Xiao Jin is very talented at begging. If you follow me in the future, you will have a safe life, and you will eat well and drink hot food."

A wretched smile appeared on Wang Tong's face, and he spoke half-truths and half-false words.

"Unless I die, let her beg for food."

Feng Minsheng's mouth twitched.

Suddenly I remembered that the little peasant girl who sold her body to bury her father in her daughter's storybook was almost a beggar.

Wang Tong blinked, and continued to walk forward.

So... when will he be able to eat?
He wants to sit at a table with the kids then!
Speechless all the way.

When Wang Tong and Feng Minsheng arrived at the dilapidated courtyard.

Feng Jin and Chen Yu were already eating sweet and sour fish in the main room.

Chen Yu even changed into Feng Minsheng's clothes.

There are several sweet and sour fish on the table, which have been placed for a long time, but it does not affect the appetite.

Neither Feng Jin nor Chen Yu said a word, they kept their heads down and cooked like crazy.

It was true that they hadn't eaten all the time, and Fengjin had been in a coma, so those killers naturally wouldn't give her food.

After Fengjin was lost, not only did Chen Yu not eat, but he also wiped out two organizations within a day, making him even more hungry.

Without further ado, Wang Tong sat beside Feng Jin, took a fish and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Teacher, hurry up and eat something, or it will be too late!"

When Wang Tong spoke, he couldn't speak clearly, and he clearly knew the qualifications of the cook.

"You don't need to tell me, I'm already eating!"

Feng Minsheng didn't waste any time, he took a fish and started to eat it.

They were all cooked in one pot, and Feng Minsheng always felt restless when Fengjin didn't come back.

After learning from the secret guard that Xiao Jin was lost, Feng Minsheng panicked for a while.

The first time I made a lot of sweet and sour fish that Fengjin likes to eat.

Unexpectedly, after waiting for a long time, Chen Yu did not bring Xiao Jin back.

I couldn't sit still at all, so I had to do it myself.

Although the whole process was very bumpy and few people were killed, only when I was on the road could I feel better.

"Is there any paper? A handkerchief is fine too!"

Feng Jin quickly finished a sweet and sour fish, and quickly took the last sweet and sour fish in front of him.

The sweet and sour juice is all over the mouth and face, and it has become a little tabby cat.

"There are handkerchiefs."

Chen Yu raised his head from the plate, and handed Feng Jin a clean white handkerchief.

Feng Jin was not polite either, he wiped his mouth indiscriminately, and continued to bury his head in eating.

Dad's cooking is always the best.

"Hey! Why are you really a pig's head?"

When Wang Tong heard Feng Jin's words, he looked up and saw Chen Yu's face at a glance.

It's not that handsome little white face at all, it's bruised and purple, and it's swollen.

On the right side, there is a clear palm print.

The hair is a bit messy, especially at the back of the head, showing signs of being hammered again.

Wang Tong is too familiar with this state, someone must have beaten him.

Wang Tong's bluffing voice also caught Feng Minsheng's attention, and when he looked up, he was also taken aback by Chen Yu's appearance.

I hurriedly buried my head and continued to eat fish.

Hot eyes, don't look at it.

After a while, I have to wash my eyes. I didn't expect that Chen Yu, who looks like a tree facing the wind, can scare people to death one day!

"I accidentally fell while walking."

Chen Yu continued to eat calmly, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

He finally opened his mouth and told Xiaojin about his identity.

Xiao Jin didn't mean to despise herself at all.

To be honest, my face hurts a bit, and the back of my head also hurts. I almost faint now, but it's worth it!

"Why didn't you fall to your death?"

Wang Tong snorted coldly, and didn't believe the punctuation marks in Chen Yu's words.

If he hadn't been beaten by Feng, he would have eaten all the fish bones!

Chen Yu didn't care about Wang Tong's cold snort.

Xiaojin is by his side, which is more important than anything else.

"Why didn't I see Sister Wang Wu, is she sleeping?"

Feng Jin ate two fish and was barely full. After wiping off the juice on his face, he finally remembered Wang Wu.

She was still called Sister Wang Wu, so she said that she didn't believe that it was the killer she hired to kill herself.

Combined with Chen Yu's status as a dog prince, Feng Jin quickly figured it out.

It is estimated that some noble lady in the capital wanted to kill herself with a strategy of killing two birds with one stone, and dragged Wang Wu into the water by the way.

"She is being entertained by my little brother now, and she may never come back in the future."

Wang Tong replied slowly.

Later, it was indeed discovered that Wang Wu was not that employer.

But what does it matter?

Grab it and catch it!
If Xiao Jin can't remember, he will be killed.

"She's not that employer, let her go quickly, don't scare my sister!"

When Feng Jin thought of Wang Wu's trembling appearance, she felt a little distressed.

I see pity, probably that's what it means.

"This matter has nothing to do with her. After all, it's using her name. It's not good to just let her go. Even if she can't be hurt, she will have to be locked up and starved for two days."

Wang Tong wasn't going to let the disaster go now.

"She doesn't know about it, and it's not her fault that her name is borrowed. Where is she being locked up now? Take me there!"

Feng Jin had been in a coma for more than a day, but now she is not sleepy at all and is full of energy.

"Whether it's her fault or not, she has to pay for it."

Wang Tong muttered, his eyes fell on Feng Jin's face again.

The bruising on his face was still obvious.

Again frightened.

Apart from bruises, his face was terrifyingly pale.

If something happened to Xiao Jin today, let alone him, even the crown prince would not let the Wang family go.

"Hurry up and take me there!"

Feng Jin patted the table and stood up.

When Wang Tong heard the sound of slapping the table, he subconsciously trembled.

Before Xiao Jin raised his hand, the back of his head began to ache.

Not only Wang Tong, but even the dog prince Chen Yu, who had wiped out two organizations in one day, trembled when he heard the sound of slapping the table.

Even the chopsticks were placed on the plate, and they stood silently aside.

It looks like it's called a well-behaved.

"Just go! I didn't say I won't let you pass, and I didn't say I won't let you go. Don't be so fierce!"

Wang Tong wiped his mouth, put down his chopsticks decisively, and walked outside without daring to delay.

Feng Jin and Chen Yu followed closely behind.

Only Feng Minsheng and Red Fox were left in the room, eating sweet and sour fish.

"These two unlucky bastards!"

Feng Minsheng gloated a little.

Fortunately, he is Lao Tzu, otherwise he would have been beaten by his daughter!
 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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