Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 157, the first strike is stronger

Chapter 157, the first strike is stronger
The place where Wang Wu was detained was on the mountain near Yangliu Village.

When Feng Jin and the others walked out, it was already daylight.

Feng Jin could even hear the villagers get up and go to work.

The mountain road is not easy to walk.

In addition, Fengjin's body was sore everywhere, and with Chen Yu's support, she was able to walk normally.

Wang Tong glanced at the two of them, didn't say anything, but subconsciously slowed down his pace.

Came to the halfway up a mountain range.

There is rich green everywhere, weeds are growing wildly, and various flowers are rushing to open first.

At a glance, it is deserted.

In the distance, a beggar in tattered clothes suddenly came out from nowhere.

On his face, he didn't have the confused eyes of a normal beggar, but with a cold face, he looked like a killer.


The beggar bent slightly towards Wang Tong, looking down at the ground.

There is indescribable respect and admiration in his eyebrows and eyes.

"Well, your mission is over here."

Wang Tong said.

It means that you can beg for food normally.


The beggar in ragged clothes responded, and took out a broken bowl from his treasure bag with a cold face.

The broken bowl is empty inside, which is not very good.

According to the knowledge imparted by the boss, the cold-faced beggar took out two copper plates from his treasure bag and put them into the broken bowl.

There was a tinkling sound.

Crisp and sweet.

He didn't know why, after throwing two copper coins into his broken bowl, others would show more sympathy when begging for food.

There will be more copper coins to discuss!
Hands began to tremble unconsciously.

The copper plates jumped in the broken bowl, and the sound of the collision drew people's attention to it.

The cold-faced beggar had a trace of obscenity on his cold face, which was completely different from the previous appearance.

Feng Jin was amazed by the rapid change of temperament on his body.

The last time I saw a person whose temperament changed so quickly was Wang Tong.

The corner of Feng Jin's mouth twitched violently.

The beggars were all trained by the same person!

Why is it all the same way?
No matter what kind of face you have, you can end up with a wretched temperament.

Suddenly, a broken bowl lay in front of Fengjin.

ding ding dong~
"Well-meaning elder sister, give me something to eat, I haven't eaten for several days!"

I don't know how the cold-faced beggar used his 36-degree mouth to say such absurd words.


Is she that old?

Also, has this guy ever learned to change faces?
If Fengjin hadn't seen the beggar's posture just now with her own eyes, she would have believed that this guy was not a hero, but a beggar.

A beggar with a cold face can no longer be called a beggar with a cold face, it looks like a real beggar.

Feng Jin took out the copper plate in the broken bowl with lightning speed.

"There are less copper plates, remember to put more next time, it's only enough to buy two bunches of candied haws, not enough to eat."

The tinkling sound disappeared instantly.

Accompanied by the sound of something breaking.

It's the beggar's heart that has collapsed.

"Xiao Fang, you didn't start well today, I hope you can make persistent efforts."

Wang Tong patted the beggar on the shoulder with a smile on his face.

Xiao Fang froze in place.

It took a long time to realize that my copper plate was robbed.

The broken bowl in his hand was still shaking with the shaking of his hands, and the amplitude had increased a lot.

There is no more, the crisp sound that makes people feel refreshed.

beep beep

Blue Skinny Mushrooms.

The secret that his boss taught him does not apply to everyone.

You may not believe it when you say it, but as a beggar, he was robbed of copper coins.

He was even disliked for having too few coppers!
His mind exploded.

This eldest sister can take away several hundred taels of silver bills from him, but not his copper coins!
Copper coins are the hardest to earn!

One mouthful of a master, one mouthful of a lady, earned it!

This is probably the meaning of killing people!
Xiao Fang twitched the corner of his mouth, trying to say something nice to Feng Jin, and then called Big Sister twice, at least to get back his copper coins.

If it really doesn't work, you can exchange it with two gold ingots!
But Feng Jin left as soon as he got the copper coin, without giving him a chance to speak at all.

"This routine seems to be taught by you."

Feng Jin said.

"Under my wise and powerful leadership, our income from begging has skyrocketed. If things go on like this, we will definitely make a lot of money!"

Wang Tong made a fist with one hand and made a gesture of cheering.

"you are awesome."

Feng Jin spit out three words silently, and the compliment did not mean appreciation at all.

"The leader of this gang saw you for the first time and didn't recognize your identity, but I can tell that you are a good beggar! If you beg for food, you will definitely make a big fuss!"

As Wang Tong spoke, he glanced at Chen Yu.

He sighed heavily.

What's good about the princess, but she can't beg for food, and she can't go wherever she wants.

It would be great if I were the wife of the leader of the beggar gang.

Wherever he goes, there are subordinates, eyes and ears everywhere.

"I don't know if I'm a good beggar. I only know that if something happens to my sister, I'm a qualified executioner. I will definitely use you as a sacrificial knife."

Feng Jin said sadly.

"It can't just be about me, that guy is much crazier than me, I just imprisoned one person."

Wang Tong didn't say the rest.

That guy killed two organizations.

I don't know how many people died, but anyway, the blood is almost converging into a stream.

Feng Jin looked at Chen Yu.

After searching for a long time, I couldn't find his pair of beautiful eyes.

It was as swollen as a pig's head, and the eyes were barely open.

From a super handsome guy to a frustrated second pillar.

"What's crazy about him? At most, he has small eyes and can't see other people's houses, so he rushes out!"

Feng Jin was still in the mood to tease.

Wang Tong: ...

Although Chen Yu is not human, Xiao Jin does have a bit of a dog.

His eyes are small, didn't you beat him up?

Speechless, but still in a good mood, it would be even better if Xiao Jin could beat Chen Yu every day.

Looking at Wang Tong's appearance, Feng Jin knew that sister Wang Wu was fine, so Wei Wei was relieved a lot.

Although the mouth is teasing, the speed under the feet is not slow.

Under the leadership of Wang Tong, they soon came to a hidden cave.

There were a few beggars hiding at the entrance of the cave, and when they saw Wang Tong coming, they all walked over to salute.

After sending a few beggars to "work", Feng Jin and the others entered the cave.

Feng Jin saw Wang Wu lying on the weeds at a glance.

His fair face became dirty and stained with a lot of dust.

He was still wearing yesterday's clothes, and it seemed that he hadn't gone back for a day and a night.

"elder sister!"

Feng Jin went over and shook Wang Wu.

Wang Wu closed her eyes tightly, her long eyelashes motionless, like a sleeping beauty.

Feng Jin turned her head and glared at Wang Tong.

"It's okay, just smell the antidote and it will be fine!"

Wang Tong laughed, took out a porcelain bottle, and put it under Wang Wu's beautiful nose.

In one breath, Wang Wu woke up leisurely.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Feng Jin.


"Xiao Jin! That toad Wang Tong wants to kill me, you go and kill him quickly, let's strike first!"

Wang Wu let out a groan, and rushed towards Fengjin.

It is obviously a beautiful figure, a charming face, and a sweet voice when speaking.

But the content of the speech, as well as the body language, is like a second arm.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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