Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 158, What is an Internet Cafe?

Chapter 158, What is an Internet Cafe?

Wang Wu didn't know what happened.

He knew that after Feng Jin went out, he never came back.

He just ate and waited, eating all kinds of snacks one after another, Fengjin still didn't come back.

Seeing that it was time to have dinner, she thought she had to call Feng Jin home to have dinner together.

As a senior foodie, you must not miss the dinner made by the teacher, otherwise you will regret it for the rest of your life.

Wang Wu wandered around the street, but couldn't find Fengjin.

After thinking about it, I found a random beggar on the street, and I should be able to find out Wang Tong's lair.

It was the little beggar who called Fengjin away.

Probably because he was hanging out with Wang Tong and forgot to go home for dinner.

However, he just found a beggar, and before he could speak, he was knocked out with a stick, and he woke up in this cave.

In the following time, every time I wake up, I will be knocked out.

Before being knocked out, let yourself smell the drug.

The ghost knows that the drug should be used like this!
Wang Wu pinched his fingers and counted, Wang Tong's two stupefied couldn't figure out which muscle was wrong, and wanted to kill himself.

"Ahem, it's okay, it's just a misunderstanding, let's go back!"

Feng Jin coughed lightly, seeing that Wang Wu was not injured, but her face was a bit dirty, so she patted her on the back lightly to comfort her.

"Let me tell you, Wang Tong's two idiots are absolutely not worthy of you, he is an idiot..."

Wang Wu didn't even look to see if there were other people in the cave, so she opened her mouth and complained to Feng Jin.

He even wished that he could say more, so that Feng Jin could see Wang Tong's displeasure, and it would be better to beat him up!
Wang Wu was avenging herself.

"What did you say?"

Wang Tong stared at Wang Wu with a dark face, regretting the decision he made at the beginning.

If I had known earlier, I would have asked my brothers to put her in a sack and throw her down the cliff yesterday.

It is said that she fell off the cliff by herself.

There is no surveillance these days, so it is too easy to kill a person.


Wang Wu blinked her eyes, not at all cowardly, and said confidently,
"Those beggars are really too dark. They are obviously drugged, and they insist on knocking me out. They are depraved, their morals are depraved, and their thoughts are depraved!"

Wang Wu continued to complain!

"It's okay, it's okay! This is all a misunderstanding, after you go back to rest, at worst, go and beat him up!"

Feng Jin continued to comfort Wang Wu.

It was indeed a disaster.

"Of course you have to beat him up! But you have to watch, I'm afraid he will fight back! Huh? What happened to your face? Did you fall while walking? Or was it beaten?"

Wang Wu was attracted by the bruise on Fengjin's face.

Rolling up his sleeves, he stood up with a jerk, as if he was ready to fight at any time.

Feng Jin hurriedly tugged Wang Wu, fearing that she would start a fight with Wang Tong, so she briefly explained the ins and outs.

"What? Pretending to be Lao Tzu's name?"


"If I know who it is, I will definitely screw his head off and use it as a toilet seat!"

"It's a good thing you're lucky!"

"Damn the world!"

"We still used to go to Internet cafes to play games together Chisa!"


Wang Wu cursed for a while, sighed for this world-breaking way for a while, and then began to miss the past again.

Maybe it's because she didn't speak all day and night, but Wang Wu talked a lot this time.

"When did I go to an Internet cafe with you?"

Feng Jin asked suddenly.

She knew that sister Wang Wu was a time traveler, but according to her own statement, the two of them didn't know each other.

When did you go to the Internet cafe together again?
Blurted out in a hurry, it must be true.

But there was one very important thing that made Fengjin deep in thought.

After thinking about it for a long time, she never thought of which female classmate she went to an Internet cafe with.

"We went to the Internet cafe together, except for Xiao Jin, there is no other female classmate!"

Wang Tong frowned, and felt that Wang Wu was strange, and there was no truth in his mouth.

My hands started itching again.

If she is thrown off the cliff now, how likely is Xiaojin to suspect him?
"Uh... that's not the point. The point is when will you beat Wang Tong up? I definitely never hired a killer organization. I was wronged by this guy. You have to redress my grievances!"

Wang Wu shook Fengjin's arm and began to act like a baby.

With a peerless face, acting like a baby is especially easy to use.

To others, he doesn't act like a baby, but Xiao Jin is different, he doesn't feel ashamed.

It's all my family members, my best friends, so I'll lose face together!

Seemingly acting like a baby, I panicked.

"What is an Internet cafe?"

Chen Yu asked Feng Jin curiously.

I always hear some strange words from Mr. Xiaojinhe, and I don’t know where they learned them.

Chen Yu always felt that compared with them, he was like a frog in a well.

"You need to keep silent and act like you can't hear us."

Feng Jin spoke calmly, then pointed to the entrance of the cave.

It meant that this guy had to wait for them at the cave entrance, and even if he heard them talking, he had to pretend he didn't hear them.

Force npc settings.

Chen Yu: ...

Probably because Chen Yu's face was too swollen, Feng Jin couldn't see Chen Yu's expression at all.

Just pretend he has no opinion.

What Feng Jin said was straightforward, and Chen Yu had no choice but to listen to it, so he wouldn't ask if he wasn't allowed to inquire!

Who made him wrong?

It's just that the identity of her prince has been confessed, when will she say some weird things to herself?
Chen Yu knew that Xiao Jin, sir, Wang Tong, and that corrupt official all had the same secret.

But what the secret was, he couldn't guess.

Under Feng Jin's gaze, Chen Yu turned around slowly and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

A clear and pleasant voice came from behind.

"Xiao Jin, who is this pig head?"

Wang Wu looked at it for a long time but didn't recognize the man in Feng Minsheng's clothes.

This face is too swollen too perverted.

"It's not important, what's important is that your name is Wang Wu?"

Feng Jin swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Suddenly, I thought of the PE class representative in the class, that 200-jin fat man.

If I guess correctly, Fengjin is the only female classmate who goes to the Internet cafe.

The rest are only her buddies.

The conclusions reached through various time travels are that although the faces of everyone will change, the names will not be different.

Wang Tong is also called Wang Tong.

Lin Chengjie is also called Lin Chengjie.

Including her and dad's names have not changed.

Wang Wu, Wang Wu.

When Feng Jin spoke out her conjecture, she almost bit her own tongue.

Wang Tong looked at Wang Wu in horror, and subconsciously took a step back.

His face was about to twitch, leaving afterimages!

If this is true, Wang Wu's time travel is comparable to plastic surgery!

Especially the magnificent wave on the chest is really unbelievable!
"No, no, no, no, my name is Wu for dancing, not Wu for martial arts, you guessed wrong, I'm not that fat man!"

When Wang Wu heard Feng Jin's words, she took a step back in fright and waved her hands vigorously.


She even pinched an orchid finger, trying hard to prove that she is a girl.

However, the cover-up in a hurry is more likely to reveal flaws.

For example, his current orchid refers to the movement of catching the ball with one hand.

The signature action of the representative of the physical education class...

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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