Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 159, Men and women give and take

Chapter 159, Men and women give and take

Feng Jin and Wang Tong's cheeks began to twitch crazily.

Even if I tried to calm down, I couldn't control myself at all.

"Ahem, do you think there is a big change between the past and the present?"

Feng Jin didn't listen to Wang Wu's explanation at all, and she already believed in her heart that the sister in front of her was her former best friend.

That 200-jin fat man can eat several children's meals in one meal.

――The only one in the class who can rival her in eating.

"It's no big deal. I used to be a girl. I didn't know you. Now I'm a girl too!"

Wang Wu rubbed her hair vigorously, frantically covering it up.

In vain, but still never give up.

"Can you still eat three children's meals in one meal?"

Wang Tong's wariness towards Wang Wu instantly dropped to the lowest level.

I even want to have a good discussion with him about the psychological impact of becoming a girl.

As a brother, the influence is quite big.

In the future, we can no longer fish together in the river shirtless.

"I'm a girl, and girls have bird stomachs. You must not eat three sets of children's meals. You can't finish them in your past and present lives!"

Wang Wu's tears almost burst out.

He looked at Fengjin aggrieved, as if if he dared to continue to expose it, I would cry for you.

"Okay, okay, I guess we've got the wrong person. We've worked hard all day and night, so let's go back and rest!"

Feng Jin saw Wang Wu's pitiful appearance, and thought that it was because of him that he had suffered such an innocent disaster, so he decided to help out.

"Oh, that might be the wrong person."

Wang Tong nodded expressionlessly, but he was still thinking about a certain question in his heart.

——In the future, if you go shirtless in front of this brother to fish in the river, is it considered a hooligan?
"I must have admitted the wrong person!"

Wang Wu tugged on Feng Jin's arm and almost groaned.

Beautiful figure, coquettish figure, beautiful voice.

The classic classical peerless beauty.

It turned out to be their brother, shocking them for 10,000 years!

Feng Jin and Wang Tong looked up at the top of the cave at the same time, feeling very complicated in their hearts.

For a moment, he didn't know whether to envy him for winning the title of the richest lady, or to sympathize with him for turning from a rough old man into a peerless beauty.

"Let's go, go back quickly, Miss Ben is sleepy!"

Seeing that Wang Tong and Feng Jin were lost in thought, Wang Wu decided not to give them a chance to be silent, and led Feng Jin outside.

Hurry back to Yangliu Village!
Pretend his vest hasn't dropped yet.

"Just go, don't just hold other people's hands!"

Wang Tong frowned and slapped away Wang Wu's hand holding Feng Jin.

"Why can't it be pulled?"

Wang Wu stared.

Why did he think this toad was not pleasing to the eye, even in modern times, but he didn't expect to travel to ancient times, and he was still so strong.

I won't even let you pull the handle!
This has not become the wife of the head of the beggar gang. Is a certain beggar a little too sentimental?
"Whether a man or a woman can give or take a kiss!"

Wang Tong rolled his eyes and pulled Feng Jin aside to prevent her from getting too close to Wang Wu.

Forget it in the past, they held hands and called each other sisters.

The identity that is known now has to be suspected.


Wang Wu let out a cold snort from his throat, and his heart became more and more angry.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed Wang Tong's arm vigorously.

Attempt to throw over the shoulder.

However, he overestimated his own strength and could barely move forward a step or two.

"Whether a man or a woman can give or take a kiss!"

Wang Tong rolled his eyes and repeated it again, and slapped Wang Wu's hand off again.

Wang Wu: ...

If you co-author him with anyone, you have to avoid suspicion!

Chen Yu looked at the three people who came out of the cave again, and always felt that something was weird, but he couldn't tell why.

It's just that I always feel that Xiao Jin Wang Tong watches Wang Wu more often.

And Wang Wu kept her head down, looking a little guilty?
Chen Yu frowned. Although the atmosphere of these three people was strange, Chen Yu could clearly feel that the tacit understanding between the three of them was better than before.

Chen Yu's beautiful peach blossom eyes dimmed slightly for a moment.

It seems that there is one more person in that big common secret, and that is Wang Wu.

When will Xiaojin share this secret with herself?
Chen Yu walked beside Feng Jin silently, without saying a word.

"His Royal Highness?"

Wang Wu tentatively greeted Chen Yu, who had a bruised nose and a swollen face.

He also just recognized it.

He is a modern person, but the memory in his mind is from the ancients, and he clearly knows that there is no good end to beating the prince.

So seeing a person with a bruised nose and a swollen face, let alone him, even the old emperor might not dare to admit that this is his son!

Chen Yu glanced at Wang Wu, because his eyes were not very wide open, and he could barely see the figure.

did not speak.

I don't want to talk either.

When Wang Wu saw Chen Yu's virtue, he was immediately happy.

The existence that made his father in the family fear, became this virtue under the "protection" of his sisters.

Schadenfreude, that's for sure.

At the same time, I am completely relieved.

I'm not afraid of madly criticizing the prince for revenge on the Wang family.

Crazy criticizing the prince for robbing the house, he dared to hug Xiaojin's thigh.

Close the door and let Xiaojin go!

"His Royal Highness, may I ask what is your truest feeling now?"

Wang Wu's words were somewhat eccentric.

After all, I lost my vest in such a shame just now, so I must find someone worse than myself to save face.

"I'm thinking about whether to pursue the imperial decree that implicates your nine clans."

Chen Yu spoke calmly.

In fact, it was an imperial decree to copy the house.

What Chen Yu wrote is not called an imperial decree, but the imperial decree is more authoritative, so the normal operation is to borrow the jade seal of the old emperor in the past and stamp it with a seal.

In view of Wang Wu's identity and intentionally getting close to Xiao Jin, ransacking the house was also a countermeasure that Chen Yu thought could solve the problem.

Just after finishing writing and before starting to operate, Xiaojin disappeared.

Now it seems that it is impossible to copy the house.


Lost a lot of money!


Wang Wu howled dryly, and said to Feng Jin,
"Sister, if I become a pauper in the future, I will only be able to eat, live in, and drink from you every day from now on..."

While talking, Wang Wu stopped howling.

Apparently, this could be.

He has known for a long time that a companion is like a tiger, so he has secretly hidden a lot of lewdness and famous calligraphy and paintings, even if his house is ransacked, he can eat and wait to die in the future.

You don't have to be squeezed and jealous every day by the ladies from all walks of life.

The most important thing is that there is a reason to eat and drink for free at Feng's house.

Feng Jin shook her head and looked at Chen Yu.

"I'm just kidding."

Chen Yu touched his nose.

Very good, the imperial decree for confiscating the house will not be issued for the time being, if the imperial decree is to be issued now, the next one is the imperial edict of reward~
For details, please refer to the imperial decree of the county magistrate Lin!

A group of people talked and laughed, and soon arrived at home.

Because of being frightened, Feng Jin, Wang Wu and Feng Minsheng did not leave the house for several days.

Even if it was the pavement that Feng Minsheng bought that day, he was not in the mood to look at it.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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