Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 160, the day of the announcement

Chapter 160, the day of the announcement
After staying at home for several days, it was finally time to release the list.

Early in the morning, the three of them got up early, sat in the main room and ate breakfast.

Breakfast is simple, millet porridge, fried eggs and buns.

It was Wang Wu's breakfast.

Because last night Feng Jin and Feng Minsheng planned to skip dinner this morning and go directly to the gate of the yamen in the county to see the results.

However, it is impossible not to eat.

Wang Wu insisted on waking up an hour early and made breakfast.

After breakfast, this is the city.

The luxurious carriage walked on the road, unimpeded.

Even though there were many people standing at the gate of the yamen, the carriage could still go inside smoothly.

The main reason is that it looks like a carriage of a wealthy family from the outside, and ordinary people dare not stand in the way.

"It's estimated that there is still an hour. Do you want to go directly to Chengjie?"

Feng Jin asked Feng people's livelihood.

Although the result is already known, after all, I have not seen it with my own eyes.

Lin Chengjie is the county magistrate, the list will pass through his hands, and he will be the first to know the result.

"Don't ask, we'll just wait here."

Feng Minsheng glanced at the sea of ​​people outside the window, and decided not to go through the back door.

It is easy to be slandered by people who eat melons who don't know the truth.

Student Lin Chengjie, it is really not difficult to clean up, but it is difficult to go to the blue sky!
"Success! Just wait!"

Feng Jin took out a writing board from nowhere, and began to write a novel in a hurry.

"What did you write this time?"

Feng Minsheng glanced at it, and saw the words "buying one's body to bury one's father".

A gust of cool wind blew over from nowhere, making my body feel chilly.

"It's a story about a civet cat being exchanged for a prince. The real princess is replaced by a peasant girl, and the fake prince falls in love with the real princess. It's an epic love affair!"

Feng Jin explained while writing.

Inspiration never stops.

Even if the plot of the dog blood is repeated from the last time, it will definitely be very popular.

It was the first time for everyone to see this kind of plot, and no one dared to imitate her style of painting.

The most important point is that after Feng Jin knew that Chen Yu was the prince, and he looked easy to bully.

Decide what you write, and be bolder.

Open to write!

No fear at all!

Even the crown prince will read what she wrote, so why should he have any scruples?

"Well, you go on."

The expression on Feng Minsheng's face was much calmer than before.

Because after many experiments in the past few days, he has successfully produced explosives.

The power is very small, but if the power is increased, it can still achieve the expected purpose.

If you fall out with the prince and your family is ransacked and your family is wiped out, then you can pile up explosives and light it on fire!

Feng Minsheng also has a little self-confidence, and can make everyone in the palace full of acquaintances.

At that time, a normal day starts at 25 degrees Celsius and reaches 2000 degrees Celsius.

"Huh? Isn't that the Phoenix man from the village?"

Wang Wu suddenly saw a figure outside the window.

It was Lizi Village in Yangliu Village.

The person who stood at the highest point of morality and accused Feng Jin of writing a novel that corrupted public morals.

Wang Wu's voice was not loud, but she showed her head without wearing a bamboo hat, and everyone around could see his face.

Everyone gasped, intoxicated by the beauty's appearance.

In such a huge place, the bustling crowd also began to become quiet.

Of course, Li Zicun also heard the abrupt words.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Wang Wu, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, but his face turned cold all of a sudden.

Of course he knows Wang Wu, good-looking is good-looking, but it's useless, like a vase.

At the same time, he also realized that there must be Fengjin and Feng Minsheng sitting in the carriage.

He naturally didn't want to go over to say hello, but the etiquette engraved in his bones told him that he shouldn't do so.

Feng Minsheng lives in it, and he can be regarded as his elder in the village, and he has to say hello when he meets an elder.

Li Zicun tidied up his clothes, and although he was reluctant, he still walked towards the carriage.

"Uncle Feng, my classmate occupies a better position in the front, do you want to go to the list together?"

Li Zicun gave a slight salute to the carriage very respectfully, this is an upbringing engraved in his bones.

Li Zicun was born as a villager, but he studied hard and listened to his master very much. Naturally, the etiquette taught by his master was engraved in his bones.

Every time the list is released, it carries the hope of scholars all over the world, and also carries the hope of the whole family of scholars all over the world.

So the release of the list is not only for choosing to come and see, but also for their families.

Feng Minsheng and the others had come early enough, but the place was still crowded.

It is not so easy to see the list, the place where the list is posted has been crowded and completely invisible.

If you really want to see it, you have to wait for others to read it after the list is released, and squeeze in it yourself.

There are several students in Lizi Village who are very sure to pass the exam, and some who have passed the exam several times, so they wait here before dawn.

Li Zicun had the best knowledge, and his classmates all fawned on him, so they naturally helped him occupy the position.

"No need, there are quite a lot of people ahead, I'll just wait here, and I'll watch after everyone has seen it."

Feng Minsheng spoke lightly.

He had heard Wang Wu talk about the matter in the study a long time ago, and his attitude towards Li Zicun was also indifferent.

It's just a young man who is stupid in reading, so don't worry too much about it, but you can't help but be serious.

Li Zicun heard the coldness in Feng Minsheng's tone, and there was no expression on his face.

Hearing Feng Minsheng's refusal, he turned around and left on his own, walking towards the center of the list.

He believed that he would occupy the top position, and Li Zicun was very confident about it.

But it's a little regrettable. Uncle Feng has been proud of himself recently and made a fortune, but reading is not enough to take part in the scientific examination just by looking at it.

This time I'm afraid it's all about participation.

"Zicun, come here!"

Seeing Li Zicun approaching, a young man in a green shirt waved his hands. Among the crowded crowd, he barely grabbed Li Zicun's sleeve and pulled him in his direction.

There are too many people, and I can't care about being gentle.

"I called you several times just now, but you didn't respond. Who were you talking to just now?"

Li Zicun's classmate is a young man with a fair complexion, his family background is very good, and he wears a good-looking jade pendant around his waist.

"I was talking to an elder in the village. He also took the exam this time and came to see his results."

Li Zicun clenched his fingers slightly, looking at the position where the list was about to be posted, he couldn't help becoming nervous.

Winning three yuan in a row starts today.

His history will also begin today.

"The elders in the village? How about their knowledge? Are they also from our academy?"

The boy asked curiously.

"It's not from our academy, it's just reading books at home for a few days, come here to try your luck."

Lizi Village Road.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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